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2010-09-06 14:43:24

Chile miners' families mark first month since cave-in Relatives of 33 miners trapped underground in Chile have held a ceremony to mark one month since the mineshaft collapsed.They sounded horns and whistles as a flag for each miner was planted in the ground at the estimated time the cave-in happened on 5 August.

The miners names were read out to loud shouts of "Viva!" from the crowd.Engineers were about to start drilling a second rescue tunnel to increase their chances of reaching the miners.

It is not known which rescue shaft will reach the miners first, but the work is expected to take between two and four months.The first drill has so far penetrated only 50m (164ft) of the 700m (2,300ft) of rock separating the men from the surface.

On Saturday, relatives were able to speak to the miners via video link for the first time.Each miner spoke for a minute with their families thanks to a fibre optic cable.The families could see and hear the miners, but the miners could only hear them.

Omar Reygadas, whose father is trapped in the mine, told the BBC the contact had raised spirits."He told us he was very well. He had shaved and cut his hair. It was beautiful," he said.
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