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2010-06-08 18:04:56

Laibin City received a record 439 mm of rain Monday and Tuesday "We posted teachers to keep watch at dorms, classroom buildings and main passageways on campus to ensure students' safety," said vice principal Yu Shengzhong.

The school also cordoned off retaining walls, finger fearing they might collapse, said Yu.

He said the flood water would drain in two days.

The rainstorms were a real challenge for Guangxi. In Du'an county alone, the rain stopped classes for more than 20,000 students at 84 primary and secondary schools, the local flood control and drought relief office said in a statement.

In Laibin City, 65 schools were flooded and halted classes. At Laibin Experimental High School, where more than 1,000 students were stranded for hours before they were evacuated on small boats Wednesday, flood water was at least a meter deep Thursday.

The school principal Shi Fang said he could not tell when classes would resume. "The computer rooms, library, restaurant and science lab were all submerged," he said. "When the torrents poured into the classroom building, we could only evacuate the students, so most of the facilities were washed away."

Laibin City received a record 439 mm of rain Monday and Tuesday. At least 2,400 homes were destroyed.

Across Guangxi, the rainstorms had battered 27 counties and almost 80,000 people had been evacuated as of Wednesday night, the local government said.

Thirty-eight people were confirmed dead in landslides triggered by the rain, finger including 23 in Rongxian County, 12 in Cenxi and one each in Tengxian, Donglan and Fangchenggang.

At least 2,800 people were evacuated after their homes were destroyed by landslides.
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