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2010-02-21 08:51:52

Elizabeth wrote to me at this time At first I wanted very much to be friends with Elizabeth.We Diamond Tools Machinery wrote many letters, and talked about a meeting—a meet-ing between two sister Queens.Elizabeth wrote to me at this time.

Our two countries need to be friends.You need a husband,I need a friend.Why not marry my friend Robert Dudley,the Earl of Leicester?He is a tall,strong man. I think he could be a good husband for you.

I was very angry about this letter.There were a lot of sto-ries about Elizabeth and Robert Dudley.They were good friends—he often danced and sang and talked with her. Some-times,people said, he stayed in her room all night. Dudley had a wife, but one day she died very suddenly. It was an ac-cident—she fell down the stairs, they say. But then, perhaps she was unhappy, because of her husband and Elizabeth.

‘And she writes to me about a man like this!’I thought.‘She wants him to marry me, because he is her friend—her lover,perhaps!She wants her lover to be King of Scotland!
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