#include #include #include #include #include
// DEFINES #define MAXNEURONS 64 #define MAXPATTERNS 10 #define MAXITER 600000 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 //#undef SIDESHOW #define SIDESHOW //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FUNCTION PROTOTYPES
// network fns void InitNetRand(void); // Scramble net state void LoadTrainingSet(char *Fname); // Get training set from file void TrainNet(); // Train net to recognize patterns void RunNet(void); // Update net til convergance or MAXITER int UpdateNeuron(int j); // Udate jTH neuron. // Return True if state changed void LoadUserPattern(char *Fname); int QueryAllClean(void); // Return TRUE if all neurons were visited void SetAllToDirty(void); // Set all neurons to NOT visited // utility fns void Initialize(int cnt, char *Name); // housekeeping void DisplayPatVect(int V[MAXNEURONS]); // show Net/Pattern (human-eye view) void SavePatVect(int V[MAXNEURONS], // store Net/Pattern (human-eye view) char *txt, int i); // to the archive file void DisplayWeights(void); // show the weight matrix void DisplayPatterns(void); // Display all trained patterns int QueryUserInt(char *msg); void KeyWait(void); void KeyWait2(char *txt); int random(int N); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GLOBALS int PatVec[MAXNEURONS]; // Pattern Vector int PatMatrix[MAXPATTERNS][MAXNEURONS]; // Pattern Vector int NEURON[MAXNEURONS]; // Network int T[MAXNEURONS][MAXNEURONS]; // Weight matrix int NumNeurons; // Actual size of net int NumPatterns; // Actual number of patterns int PatternX; // X-dimension for human viewing int PatternY; // Y-dimension for human viewing int Dirty[MAXNEURONS]; // TRUE if neuron has not been updated // FALSE otherwise
int random(int N){ int x; x=N*rand(); return (x/RAND_MAX); }
void DisplayPatVect(int V[MAXNEURONS]){ int x,y,indx; indx=0; for (y=0; y for (x=0; x if (V[indx]==1) { printf("X"); } else { printf("."); } /* endif */ indx++; } /* endfor */ printf("\n"); } /* endfor */ printf("\n"); }
void SavePatVect(int V[MAXNEURONS], char *txt, int i) { int x,y,indx; indx=0; fprintf(ARCHIVE,"\n"); for (y=0; y for (x=0; x if (V[indx]==1) { fprintf(ARCHIVE,"X"); } else { fprintf(ARCHIVE,"."); } /* endif */ indx++; } /* endfor */ fprintf(ARCHIVE,"\n"); } /* endfor */ fprintf(ARCHIVE,"\n%s ",txt); if (i>=0) fprintf(ARCHIVE,"%d ",i); fprintf(ARCHIVE,"\n\n "); }
void DisplayWeights(){ int i,j; fprintf(ARCHIVE,"WEIGHTS:\n"); for (i=0; i fprintf(ARCHIVE,"["); for (j=0; j fprintf(ARCHIVE, " %d",T[j][i]); } /* endfor */ fprintf(ARCHIVE,"]\n"); } /* endfor */ }
void DisplayPatterns() { int i,p; for (p=0; p for (i=0; i PatVec[i] =PatMatrix[p][i]; } /* endfor */ DisplayPatVect(PatVec); // show 1st training pattern SavePatVect(PatVec, "Training Pattern", p+1); printf("\n\nTraining Pattern %d of %d\n\n",p+1,NumPatterns); KeyWait(); } /* endfor */ }
int QueryUserInt(char *msg){ int rv; printf("Enter %s ==> ",msg); scanf("%d",&rv); return rv; }
void KeyWait(void){ printf("Press any key to continue.\n"); while (!kbhit()) { } /* endwhile */ getch(); system("cls"); }
void KeyWait2(char *txt){ printf("\n\n%s\n",txt); KeyWait(); }
void InitNetRand() { int i,r;
fprintf(ARCHIVE,"Creating test pattern\n"); srand(5);
for (i=0; i r=random(100); if (r >= 50) { NEURON[i]=0; } else { NEURON[i]=1; } /* endif */ } /* endfor */
void LoadTrainingSet(char *Fname) { int pat,j, InVal; FILE *PATTERNFILE;
printf("Loading training set from file: %s\n",Fname); fprintf(ARCHIVE,"Loading training set from file: %s\n",Fname); PATTERNFILE = fopen(Fname,"r"); if (PATTERNFILE==NULL){ printf("Unable to open training Set file: %s",Fname); exit(0); }
fscanf(PATTERNFILE,"%d",&NumNeurons); // Get number of neurons fscanf(PATTERNFILE,"%d",&NumPatterns); // Get number of patterns fscanf(PATTERNFILE,"%d",&PatternX); // X-dimension for human viewing fscanf(PATTERNFILE,"%d",&PatternY); // Y-dimension for human viewing printf("%d Patterns Loaded\n",NumPatterns); fprintf(ARCHIVE,"%d Patterns Loaded\n",NumPatterns); for (pat=0; pat for (j=0; j fscanf(PATTERNFILE,"%d",&InVal); PatMatrix[pat][j] =InVal; } // endfor } // endfor fclose(PATTERNFILE); }
void LoadUserPattern(char *Fname) { int j, InVal; FILE *PATTERNFILE;
printf("Loading pattern from file: %s\n", Fname); fprintf(ARCHIVE,"Loading pattern from file: %s\n", Fname); PATTERNFILE = fopen(Fname,"r"); if (PATTERNFILE==NULL){ printf("Unable to open file: %s",Fname); exit(0); }
printf("\n"); for (j=0; j fscanf(PATTERNFILE,"%d",&InVal); NEURON[j] =InVal; } // endfor fclose(PATTERNFILE); }
void TrainNet(){ int i,j,pat; int Sum; for (i=0; i for (j=0; j Sum=0; for (pat=0; pat Sum += (2*PatMatrix[pat][i]-1) * (2*PatMatrix[pat][j]-1); } /* endfor */ T[j][i] = T[i][j] = Sum; } /* endfor */ } /* endfor */ for (i=0; i T[i][i]=0; // ...so it doesn't cause trouble later } /* endfor */ }
int QueryAllClean() { int i; for (i=0; i if (Dirty[i]==TRUE) return FALSE; } // endfor return TRUE; }
void SetAllToDirty() { int i; for (i=0; i Dirty[i]=TRUE; } // endfor }
int UpdateNeuron(int j) { int i; int Sum = 0; int OldState = NEURON[j]; for (i=0; i Sum += T[j][i] * NEURON[i]; // remember we set diagnal of matrix T to 0 .. // .. so no need to test for i==j } /* endfor */
if (Sum < 0) { NEURON[j] = 0; } else { if (Sum>0) NEURON[j] = 1; } /* endif */
if (NEURON[j] == OldState) { return 0; } else { return 1; } /* endif */ }
void RunNet(void) { int j; int Converged = FALSE; int ChngCount = 0; unsigned long int IterCount = 0; int ArchCnt=0; SetAllToDirty(); while ( (!Converged) && (IterCount < MAXITER) ) { j = random(NumNeurons); ChngCount += UpdateNeuron(j); // increment if neuron changed state DisplayPatVect(NEURON); printf("RUNNING... Iteration=%d \n",IterCount); if (ArchCnt>=9) { SavePatVect(NEURON, "Net output at iteration =", IterCount+1); ArchCnt=0; } else { ArchCnt++; } /* endif */ Dirty[j] = FALSE; // Record that we've covered this neuron
if (QueryAllClean()) { // Check if we hit all neurons at least once // here if we have hit all at least once if (ChngCount == 0) { // Check if any neurons changed this pass // if we're here then weve converged Converged = TRUE; printf("\nCONVERGED"); SavePatVect(NEURON, "Net after converance at iteration=", IterCount); } else { // if here then NOT converged so reinit for another pass SetAllToDirty(); ChngCount=0; } /* endif */ } /* endif */ IterCount++; // Increment iteration counter } /* endwhile */ }
void Initialize(char *Name1, char *Name2) { // housekeeping char TrnName[50]; char TstName[50];
ARCHIVE = fopen("ARCHIVE.LST","w"); if (ARCHIVE==NULL){ printf("Unable to open default archive file: ARCHIVE.LST"); exit(0); } strcpy(TrnName,Name1); strcpy(TstName,Name2); LoadTrainingSet(TrnName); if (strcmpi("RANDOM",TstName) ) LoadUserPattern(TstName); else InitNetRand(); // randomize pattern on user request
KeyWait(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i;
if (argc<3) { printf("usage: hopnet TrainingFile [PatternFile]"); return 1; } /* endif */
Initialize(argv[1], argv[2]); DisplayPatVect(NEURON); // show net is set to test pattern SavePatVect(NEURON, "Test Pattern", -1); KeyWait2("TEST PATTERN"); DisplayPatterns(); TrainNet(); DisplayWeights(); RunNet(); fclose(ARCHIVE); return 0; }