Such as s3c44b0 . You can refer to its Hardware reference manual. In the manual, there is a chapter to describe the memory map of s3c44b0.For address space is 0xc000 0000 -- 0xd000 0000. SDRAM address space is 0xd000 0000 -- 0xe000 0000.So we can write skyeye.conf as the following:
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0xd0000000, size=0x10000000
mem_bank: map=I, type=RW, addr=0xc0000000, size=0x10000000
map=I present this mem_bank is io address present this mem_bank is memory address space.And if type=RW in mem_bank line present it is sdram or if type=R in mem_bank line present it is rom.
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