Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: 10.1 to 10.2
AIX5L Based Systems (64-bit)
STATUS of HACMP 5.3 & 5.4 Certification with Oracle Clusterware 10g (R1 & R2)
What is being announced?
STATUS of IBM HACMP 5.3, 5.4 Certification with Oracle RAC 10g
IBM and Oracle have developed a joint plan to enhance the 10gR2 RAC and HACMP 5.3 & 5.4, RSCT and AIX 5L 5.3 offerings so this certification can complete. The HACMP 5.3 certification is projected complete by end of September 2007, the HACMP 5.4 certification is projected to complete by the end of 2007.
In the 10g product range, IBM and Oracle plan to certify only 10gR2 RAC with HACMP 5.3 & 5.4, and this certified combination will require updated versions AIX 5L 5.3 and RSCT. Consistent with life cycle service planning, IBM and Oracle will not certify any new combinations of the following:
· 10gR1 with any new versions of HACMP or AIX 5L
· 10gR2 on AIX 5L 5.2 with HACMP 5.3 or 5.4
Customers must develop upgrade plans consistent with documented life cycle plans for the currently supported versions of these older combinations. The required enhancements will be distributed through each company’s service process. Installation of the service from both IBM and Oracle will be required for use of 10gR2 RAC with HACMP 5.3 and 5.4 deployments. IBM is providing special support terms for customers that must remain on HACMP 5.2 during the completion of this certification, details are provided below.
When the certifications are complete, the enhancements will continue to provide Oracle RAC customers with a capability that is optimized to provide the highly dependable deployments they require.
What do you need to do?
Review the complete list of currently certified combinations. Please consult Oracle’s Certify web site – General notes for RAC for UNIX on IBM AIX based systems. Insure their current deployment is consistent with currently certified combinations of software.
Confirm that their cluster is implemented in a manner consistent with HACMP best practices. A particular focus on redundancy for the networks and adapters which provide the routes by which HACMP transfers heart beats between nodes is important. This is an area where more is better; the most reliable clusters have three or more networks to ensure that no simple combinations of hardware or software failures prevent heart beats from flowing. The full text of the HACMP best practices document can be found at:
Prepare for upgrades to 10g R2, AIX 5L 5.3, RSCT and HACMP 5.3.
Those using 9i R2 RAC may continue to use HACMP 5.2 or 5.3; no changes are required for this version of Oracle. Those planning to upgrade to 10g should review recommendations for those versions, and plan to move to 10gR2.
Those using 10g R1 RAC and HACMP should remain on HACMP 5.2, and establish plans to upgrade to 10gR2 RAC and AIX 5L 5.3, which will be requirements for a supported deployment with HACMP 5.3 and above. Suggested planning horizon for these upgrades is 3 to 9 months.
Those using 10gR2 RAC with HACMP should remain on HACMP 5.2 for now, which is currently certified for use on AIX 5.2 and 5.3. Plans should be made to upgrade to AIX 5L 5.3, which will be a required for this certified deployment. Suggested planning horizon for upgrades to AIX 5L 5.3 are 3 to 9 months, to HACMP 5.3 are 6 to 12 months.
Continue to monitor this Metalink note for updates on delivery and certification of the enhanced versions of 10gR2, AIX 5L 5.3, RSCT and HACMP 5.4.
Contact IBM to confirm your need for continued HACMP 5.2 support.
For further details on HACMP use customers should contact their IBM sales representative, or for technical question email .
Configuring HACMP 5.3, 10gR2 with Multi-Node Disk Heartbeat (MNDHB)
This section documents the required software levels and new configuration requirements for using Oracle 10g RAC Database with HACMP on AIX 5L. In order to ensure high availability and data integrity in the event of system failures the proper levels of Oracle 10g RAC Clusterware, AIX and HACMP software must be installed and the system must be properly configured, including the new HACMP 5.3 capability for Multi-Node Disk Heartbeat (MNDHB). The certified solution requires one MNDHB network to be defined for each RAC Voting Disk. Each MNDHB and Voting Disk pair must be collocated on a single hdisk, separate from the other pairs. Users must also configure MNDHB so that the node is halted if access is lost to a quorum of the MNDHB networks in the enhanced concurrent volume group. The following provides general guidance on how to do this.
The changes for Multi-Node Disk Heartbeat for use with HACMP v5.3 may be obtained from APAR IZ01809, which delivers the support in ifix format which can be applied to a system with HACMP v5.3 and PTF5 (IY94307). Future service updates will contain the same support in PTF format.
The MNDHB network works in conjunction with Oracle CSS changes in patch Bug 5497221, to maintain database integrity in the event of a cluster partition. The MNDHB network must be configuredBug 5497221, to maintain database integrity in the event of a cluster partition. The MNDHB network must be configured and collocated on hdisks with the Oracle voting disks, to properly fence partitioned nodes. Previous recommendations for configuring multiple HACMP heartbeat paths over both IP and non-IP networks still apply.
The intent of this paper is to document the configuration of the new MNDHB network required to use Oracle 10gR2 RAC. Please refer to section 4 for additional cluster configuration documentation. The HACMP APAR IZ01809 also contains a README document with extensive planning, configuration and usage information.
2) Software Requirements
AIX 5.3 TL06 or newer (specifically bos.rte.lvm must be at least
HACMP V5.3 with PTF5 (APAR: IY94307) and installed
RSCT (component of AIX):
RSCT (rsct.basic.rte) version
Oracle 10gR2:
Oracle 10gR2 patchset plus patch for Bug 5497221
2.1) Obtaining the required IBM software
Obtain the latest IBM software at “Quick links for AIX fixes”:
If the required APAR is not available on the website, contact IBM support for the interim fix (ifix).
2.2) Obtaining the required Oracle software
The required Oracle patch can be downloaded from , under "Patches & Updates” search for patch Bug 5497221 for AIX 5L platform.
2.3) Planning
When upgrading an existing Oracle RAC cluster downtime must be taken into account. Installation of the AIX and Oracle patch sets will require shutting down all nodes in an existing cluster, and rebooting each node several times. A rolling upgrade is not possible with this patch set.
3) Configuration
In order to reduce the likelihood of a cluster partition, HACMP recommends multiple IP networks and at least one non-IP network. The non-IP networks can be implemented using RS232 or disk heart beating. For systems using Oracle RAC 10g and HACMP enhanced concurrent resources (enhanced concurrent logical volumes) for database storage, Multi-node Disk Heartbeat (MNDHB) networks must be configured.
3.1) Configuring HACMP and MNDHB networks for u with RAC 10g
Install, configure and have HACMP running prior to installing RAC. For an Oracle database 10g RAC configuration do not use HACMP for IP failovers on the RAC network interfaces (public, VIP or private). These network interfaces should not be configured to use HACMP IP failover. VIP failovers are managed by RAC CRS. The RAC network interfaces are bound to individual nodes and RAC instances. Problems can occur with the CRS if HACMP reconfigures IP addresses over different interfaces or fails over addresses across nodes. You can use HACMP for fail over of IP address on the RAC node if these addresses are not used by RAC.
3.2) Sample configuration steps
Prior to beginning the configuration steps please make sure the HACMP clcomdES daemon is running.
# lssrc -s clcomdES
If the daemon is not active start it:
# startsrc –s clcomdES
Also setup the following configuration file:
· /usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/rhosts
Add the HACMP cluster node IP names to this file. In HACMP release 5.1 and higher, the Cluster Communications daemon uses the trusted /usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/rhosts file, and removes reliance on an /.rhosts file. In HACMP 5.2 and up, the daemon provides support for message authentication and encryption.
Follow these steps to create the HACMP cluster:
Create HACMP cluster and add RAC nodes
# smitty cm_add_change_show_an_hacmp_cluster.dialog
* Cluster Name []
Create HACMP cluster nodes; repeat for each RAC node.
# smitty cm_add_a_node_to_the_hacmp_cluster_dialog
* Node Name []
Communication Path to Node []
Create HACMP ethernet heartbeat networks. The HACMP configuration requires network definitions, however we will select NO for the IP address takeover for these networks, since they are used by RAC. Create at least TWO network definitions, one for the Oracle public interface and a second one for the Oracle private (cluster interconnect) network. Additional ethernet heartbeat networks can be added if desired.
# smitty cm_add_a_network_to_the_hacmp_cluster_select
- select ether network
* Network Name []
* Network Type ether
* Netmask []
* Enable IP Address Takeover via IP Aliases [No]
IP Address Offset for Heart beating over IP Aliases []
For each of the networks added in step 3, define all of the IP names for each RAC node associated with that network. For example, for the Oracle private network, define the Oracle private IP name for each RAC node.
# smitty
- select: Add Pre-defined Communication Interfaces and Devices / Communication Interfaces / desired network
* IP Label/Address []
* Network Type ether
* Network Name some_network_name
* Node Name []
Network Interface []
Create an HACMP resource group for the enhanced concurrent volume group resource with the following options.
# smitty config_resource_group.dialog.custom
* Resource Group Name []
* Participating Nodes (Default Node Priority) [Startup Policy Online On All Available Nodes
Fallover Policy Bring Offline (On Error Node Only)
Fallback Policy Never Fallback
Create an AIX enhanced concurrent volume group (Big VG, or Scalable VG) from ‘smitty mkvg’ or command line. The VG must contain at least one hdisk for each voting disk (three voting disks are recommended).
# smitty _mksvg
Force the creation of a volume group? no
Activate volume group AUTOMATICALLY no at system restart?
Volume Group MAJOR NUMBER []
Create VG Concurrent Capable? enhanced concurrent
Max PPs per VG in kilobytes
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