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2011-01-06 11:16:06

机房里有数台dell工作站,其中A机(假如IP地址为:有Landmark工区,可从其它数台机器同时登录到A机启动LM工作。(昨天机房有几台机器出现xhost问题,即从客户机登录到远程机后,启动LM时,总是将显示输出到远程机,后来在terminal窗口上看了man xhost以及上网找到了一篇文章,在远程机上用“xhost - 客户机IP”解决了问题。下面的几步也算是对以往登录操作的简化:
1. 在A机以LM用户(ow2003)登录系统,新开一个terminal窗口(默认即LM用户家目录),或从任意一个terminal窗口上输入cd后回车,即可回到LM用户家目录下,然后分别以各个客户机名(这里仅以客户机B为例,假如它的IP地址为10.52.19.188,就以188为名)创建文件:
touch 188
vi 188
#! /bin/csh
setenv DISPLAY
然后,chmod 555 188
2. 同样,在客户机B以LM用户(ow2003)登录系统,新开一个terminal窗口,创建文件:
touch 200
vi 200
xhost +
rlogin -l ow2003
然后,chmod 555 200
注意:从B机往A机登录前,要退出B机上的Landmark command menu(如果有的话);另外,从任一terminal窗口,进入超级用户,输入gdmsetup 回车,打开 Security标签,查看一下 Allow running XDMCP chooser from the login screen 前面的勾是否勾选了,如果没勾选,将其选上;一定不要勾选 Always disallow TCP connections to X server(disables all remote connections),然后再打开XDMCP标签,保证Enable XDMCP和Honour indirect requests前面的勾为选中状态(在A机和B机都要检查一下)。

# gdmsetup

 Remote Login disable---改为Same as Local

 Security 取消Deny TCP connection to Xserver前面的勾

 # gdm-restart


Landmark用的是csh,所以上面用的是#! /bin/csh(用命令:which csh 可以查看当前用户所使用的csh路径)。在终端用命令 echo $shell 可以查看当前用户的默认shell。如果是unix系统(如solaris8)下的LM,通常是:
#! /usr/bin/csh
setenv DISPLAY IP:0.0

(值得一提的是:由于安装系统时没有选上相应的组件,在A机上没有rlogin服务,即在/etc/xinetd.d下没有rlogin文件。于是,把linux系统安装盘放入光驱,点开System Settings--Add/Remove Applications--Add or Remove Packages,找到相应组件,安装即可。

1、关闭B机上的LM command menu(如果有的话);
4、输入188,回车,即可打开LM command menu,开始工作了。


Linux/Unix Command: xhost
"Networking" on Linux

In contrast to the typical use of traditional "personal" computers, in Linux/Unix environments, working "on the network" has always been the norm, which explains the powerful networking features of Unix and Linux operating systems. You can easily connect to other computers and run graphical user interfaces over the network. In this article we describe a simple method to do your work on any computer on the network without leaving your seat.
The key command is: xhost - the server access control program for X. The xhost program is used to add and delete host (computer) names or user names to the list of machines and users that are allowed to make connections to the X server. This provides a rudimentary form of privacy control and security.

Overview: Let's call the computer you are sitting at the "local host" and the computer you want to connect to the "remote host". You first use xhost to specify which computer(s) you want to give permission to connect to (the X-server of) the local host. Then you connect to the remote host using telnet. Next you set the DISPLAY variable on the remote host. You want to set this DISPLAY variable to the local host. Now when you start up a program on the remote host, its GUI will show up on the local host (not on the remote host).

Example of a Typical Use

Assume the IP address of the local host is and the IP address of the remote host is Depending on the network you are on, you may also be able to use the computer names (domain names) instead of the IP addresses.

Step 1. On the local host

Type the following at the command line:

% xhost +
< press return >

Step 2. Log on to the remote host

% telnet

Step 3. On the remote host (through the telnet connection)

Instruct the remote host to display windows on the local host by typing:

% setenv DISPLAY

at the command line. (Instead of setenv you may have to use export on certain shells.)
< press return >

Step 4. Now you can run software from the remote host.

E.g.: when you type % xterm on the remote host, you should see an xterm window on the local host.

Step 5. After You Finish

You should remove the remote host from your access control list as follows. On the local host type:

% xhost -
< press return >

Quick Reference - xhost

◆ xhost + hostname: Adds hostname to X server access control list.

xhost - hostname: Removes hostname from X server access control list.

xhost + : Turns off acccess control (all remote hosts will have access to X server)

xhost - : Turns access control back on.

Important: Use the man command (% man) to see how a command is used on your particular computer.


If you always plan to display everything back to one host, you can set the DISPLAY variable in your .cshrc file on all the remote hosts you plan on logging.

setenv DISPLAY localhost:0.0

You can set up aliases in your .cshrc file for all the potential machines you plan on displaying X applications back from. Then no matter which hosts you might be logged in to, you will always be able to set the display.

alias setrocket      'setenv DISPLAY rocket:0.0'
alias setmoon        'setenv DISPLAY moon:0.0'
alias setpluto       'setenv DISPLAY pluto:0.0'

Execute a remote shell that displays back an xterm window. When any applications within that window are executed, it automatically displays back on the local host.

% rsh remotehost -n /usr/bin/X11/xterm -display $DISPLAY


% ssh remotehost -n /usr/bin/X11/xterm -display $DISPLAY


(另见, [求助] 工作站之间登录时,如何自动设置terminal type 为 vt100    )--问题已解决。



即,编辑$OWHOME目录下的.lgctermlogin文件,找到并注释掉set INKEY=($<)的行,然后在其下面添加一行set INKEY=v保存退出。如:

#  set INKEY=($<)
#  set INKEY=($<)
   set INKEY=v

这时,运行 source .lgctermlogin,即可看见效果了,如:

wx02{owr5000}% source .lgctermlogin

Terminal type  (v)  VT100, ie. Wyse 85
               (b)  vt100 (BS erase)
Enter terminal type: 
** TERM set to vt100 **


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2011-08-21 20:41:26


山定子2011-01-18 15:22:45

i4knowledge: 山定子老师你好,看了你的这个从工作站远程登录另一个工作站,感觉很受启发,但是还有点不大明白,你touch 的那个 188 ,还有200 ,应该放在哪个路径下?能不能.....

i4knowledge2011-01-18 13:25:33

山定子老师你好,看了你的这个从工作站远程登录另一个工作站,感觉很受启发,但是还有点不大明白,你touch 的那个 188 ,还有200 ,应该放在哪个路径下?能不能再把这个程序代码写详细些~谢谢~