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2008-08-05 10:16:05

TIMEOUTALL 1800  *超过半个小时闲置不用,自动收回授权
MAX_BORROW_HOURS 48800ACD_2006_0F 24 *允许最长借用时间为1天
BORROW_LOWWATER 48800ACD_2006_0F 5 *保留5个License不被借用
INCLUDE_BORROW 48800ACD_2006_0F USER wht *只允许用户wht借用

view log:
10:02:30 (lmgrd) pid 824
10:02:30 (lmgrd) Detecting other license server manager (lmgrd) processes...
10:02:30 (lmgrd) Done rereading
10:02:30 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Licensing (v10.1.5) started on erpserver (IBM PC) (8/5/2008)
10:02:30 (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2004 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights reserved.
10:02:30 (lmgrd) US Patents 5,390,297 and 5,671,412.
10:02:30 (lmgrd) World Wide Web: 
10:02:30 (lmgrd) License file(s): C:\Program Files\Autodesk Network License Manager\License\autocad.lic
10:02:30 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 27000
10:02:30 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ...
10:02:30 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemon at port 2080
10:02:30 (lmgrd) Using vendor daemon port 2080 specified in license file
10:02:30 (lmgrd) Started adskflex (pid 1928)
10:02:30 (adskflex) FLEXnet Licensing version 10.1.5
10:02:30 (adskflex) Using options file: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk Network License Manager\License\ADSKFLEX.OPT"
10:02:30 (adskflex) Server started on erpserver for:    48800ACD_2006_0F
10:02:30 (adskflex) ALL FEATURES: INACTIVITY TIMEOUT set to 1800 seconds
10:02:30 (adskflex) Max borrow interval for feature, 48800ACD_2006_0F, set to 24 hours
10:02:30 (lmgrd) adskflex using TCP-port 2080
10:02:30 (adskflex) OUT: "48800ACD_2006_0F" u822302@T822302 
10:02:32 (adskflex) TCP_NODELAY NOT enabled


c:\Program Files\Autodesk Network License Manager\lmutil lmborrow -clear
c:\Program Files\Autodesk Network License Manager\lmutil lmborrow sampled 1-Jun-2008 10:00
c:\Program Files\Autodesk Network License Manager\lmutil lmremove -c autocad.lic $8800ACD_2006_0F U822302 T822302 T822302

      有些指令可以被加入到选项文件当中。如果想了解更多的细节和命令,请查询许可证文件FlexLM。在AutoCAD 2002当中已经介绍过许可证文件FlexLM。早先的版本在不同机器上使用需要不同的许可证文件。

      [命令] [数目] [产品特征] [类型] [名称]

      这里举一个例子来叙述它是如何工作的。重新存储命令为一个用户、计算机、团队中的用户或者计算机名或者IP地址重新存储一个专门的计数。下面是为Jane Smith用户把AutoCAD 2006的许可证进行重新存储的例子。
      RESERVE 1 48800ACD_2006_0F USER smithj
      RESERVE 1 48800ACD_2006_0F HOST computer32


      组[组名] [用户1] [用户2] [用户3]………
      主机组[组名] [计算机名2] [计算机名3]………
      GROUP DesignTeam spearsb nugentt costelloe
      MAX [数目] [产品特征] [类型] [名称]
      为了限制DesignTeam团队使用AutoCAD 2006中的2种许可证文件,使用如下命令:
      MAX 2 48800ACD_2006_0F GROUP DesignTeam
      从特殊的许可文件里面排除了成组存取。注意,任何没有明确的被排除在外的用户、主机或者IP 地址都有权使用许可文件。
      EXCLUDE [产品特征] [类型] [姓名]
      INCLUDE [产品特征] 类型] [姓名]
      TIMEOUT [产品特性] [秒数]
      TIMEOUTALL [秒数]
      BORROW_LOWWATER [产品特征] [数目]
      MAX_BORROW_HOURS [产品特征] [小时数]
      EXCLUDE_BORROW 指定借用许可文件的用户、计算机、工作组或者的IP地址。注意,任何没有明确的被排除在外的用户等可以继续借用许可文件。
      EXCLUDE_BORROW [产品特征] [类型] [姓名]
      INCLUDE_BORROW 批准借用权利。再次说明,任何没有被明确包含在内的用户等都不能借用许可文件。
      INCLUDE_BORROW [产品特征] [类型] [姓名]

Configure ADSKFLEX.opt
thanks for the help.

I found in Autodesk this instructions about how to configurate a .opt file

Controlling network license access using an options file
Published date: 2006-06-21
ID: TS1055247
Applies to:
AutoCAD® 2006

You would like to know how to control network license access using an options file with the FLEXlm or FLEXnet network license managers.
Access to licenses is controlled with a FLEXlm® options file that is configured with the settings you want to use. The options file is an optional component of the Flex license management system and is not required for normal license operation.
Creating the options file
1. Create a new text file named ADSKFLEX.OPT. It is strongly recommended that you only use a plain text editor, such as Notepad, for editing options files.
2. Place this file in the same directory as your Autodesk license file.
3. Perform a ReRead License File operation from the Start/Stop/ReRead tab in LMTOOLS.
4. Examine the debug log file to confirm that your options file changes have been implemented by the license manager.
Note: The examples in this document are intended to serve as samples only. Many options file commands, such as INCLUDE/EXCLUDE, are mutually exclusive. When you use these types of commands you should make sure that the syntax is correct.
Entering comments in the options file
All syntax following a number sign (#) will be ignored by the license manager.
An example of an options file comment is shown below.
#This is a comment
Defining groups
You can define groups using the Windows login name or the computer name. Note: Computer names and user names are case sensitive.
GROUP [groupname] [user1] [user2] [user3]
HOST_GROUP [groupname] [computername1] [computername2] [computername3]
The following example defines a group called EngineeringGroup for three users:
GROUP EngineeringGroup smithj jonesb whitef
The following example defines a group called DraftingDept with three computers:
HOST_GROUP DraftingDept computer1 computer2 computer3
Disabling case sensitivity for user and computer names
You can enable/disable case sensitivity for user names and computer names when using the GROUP or HOST_GROUP commands.
The following example disables case sensitivity for user and computer names:
The following example does not disable case sensitivity for user and computer names:
Defining project association
Specific computers can be defined as part of a project by configuring an environment variable on those client machines. This project designation can then be used to control license access in the options file. Note: The project environment variable is an optional component and is not required when you define groups directly in the options file.
To designate a computer as a member of a project
1. On the Start menu (Windows), click Settings > Control Panel.
2. In Control Panel, double-click System.
3. In the System properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
4. On the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.
5. Under System Variables, click New.
6. In the New System Variable dialog box, enter LM_PROJECT for the Variable name and the project name for the Variable value.
7. Click OK to close each dialog box.
Your project is now defined and you do not have to reboot the computer for these settings to take effect.
Reserving licenses
You can reserve a specific count of licenses for a user, computer, group of users or computers, IP address, IP address range or by LM_PROJECT variable association (computer names and user names are case sensitive).
RESERVE [count] [productfeature] [type] [name]
The following examples reserve either 1 or 5 AutoCAD® 2006 licenses for a variety of types:
RESERVE 1 48800ACD_2006_0F USER smithj
RESERVE 1 48800ACD_2006_0F HOST computer1
RESERVE 5 48800ACD_2006_0F GROUP EngineeringGroup
RESERVE 5 48800ACD_2006_0F HOST_GROUP DraftingDept
RESERVE 5 48800ACD_2006_0F INTERNET 192.168.0.*
RESERVE 5 48800ACD_2006_0F PROJECT CivilProject
Restricting maximum license usage
You can limit usage of specific licenses for a user, computer, group of users or computers, IP address, IP address range or by LM_PROJECT variable association (computer names and user names are case sensitive).
MAX [count] [productfeature] [type] [name]
The following examples set a limit of either 1 or 5 AutoCAD 2006 licenses for a variety of types:
MAX 1 48800ACD_2006_0F USER smithj
MAX 1 48800ACD_2006_0F HOST computer1
MAX 5 48800ACD_2006_0F GROUP EngineeringGroup
MAX 5 48800ACD_2006_0F HOST_GROUP DraftingDept
MAX 1 48800ACD_2006_0F INTERNET
MAX 5 48800ACD_2006_0F INTERNET 192.168.0.*
MAX 5 48800ACD_2006_0F PROJECT CivilProject
Excluding license usage
You can block access to specific licenses for a user, computer, group of users or computers, IP address, IP address range or by LM_PROJECT variable association (computer names and user names are case sensitive). Note: Any users, hosts or IP addresses not explicitly excluded will continue to have access to these licenses.
EXCLUDE [productfeature] [type] [name]
The following examples block access to AutoCAD 2006 licenses for a variety of types:
EXCLUDE 48800ACD_2006_0F USER smithj
EXCLUDE 48800ACD_2006_0F HOST computer1
EXCLUDE 48800ACD_2006_0F GROUP EngineeringGroup
EXCLUDE 48800ACD_2006_0F HOST_GROUP DraftingDept
EXCLUDE 48800ACD_2006_0F INTERNET 192.168.0.*
EXCLUDE 48800ACD_2006_0F PROJECT CivilProject
Including license usage
You can provide access to specific licenses for a user, computer, group of users or computers, IP address, IP address range or by LM_PROJECT variable association (computer names and user names are case sensitive). Note: Any users, hosts or IP addresses not explicitly included will not have access to the specified licenses. If you want to block license usage for only a few users you should consider using the EXCLUDE syntax.
INCLUDE [productfeature] [type] [name]
The following examples provide access to AutoCAD 2006 licenses for the specified type only:
INCLUDE 48800ACD_2006_0F USER smithj
INCLUDE 48800ACD_2006_0F HOST computer1
INCLUDE 48800ACD_2006_0F GROUP EngineeringGroup
INCLUDE 48800ACD_2006_0F HOST_GROUP DraftingDept
INCLUDE 48800ACD_2006_0F INTERNET 192.168.0.*
INCLUDE 48800ACD_2006_0F PROJECT CivilProject
Setting license inactivity timeout
You can configure the license manager to automatically reclaim inactive licenses after a specified time. Inactivity is defined as an idle product with no commands issued in the specified time. Users will be given the option to save their current drawing if a license is revoked by the license manager for inactivity. Note: Time is specified in seconds and the lowest acceptable value for these options is 900 seconds (15 minutes).
TIMEOUT [productfeature] [seconds]
TIMEOUTALL [seconds]
The following examples set inactivity timeouts of 30 minutes for AutoCAD 2006 and all respective products:
TIMEOUT 48800ACD_2006_0F 1800
Report log creation
You can configure the creation of a report log (RL) file for use with the SAMreport™ or SAMreport™-lite usage reporting tools. For more information about configuring SAMReport-Lite, you should refer to the related documentation.
Note: The plus sign (+) preceding the report log file path indicates that the license manager should append to the report log instead of overwriting it. Also, the path for the report log should not contain spaces and must already exist (the license manager will not create this location for you). The license manager will create the report log file.
The following example defines a report log file to be created in a specific location:
REPORTLOG +C:\Reports\MyServer.rl
Controlling license borrowing
Several options file commands control license borrowing for specified licenses.
Maintaining licenses
You can specify a number of specific licenses that cannot be borrowed.
BORROW_LOWWATER [productfeature] [count]
The following example blocks license borrowing for 5 AutoCAD 2006 licenses:
Setting the borrow period
You can specify the maximum duration of time that a specific license can be borrowed for in hours. Note: This value cannot be above the maximum borrow period specified by Autodesk in the product license file.
MAX_BORROW_HOURS [productfeature] [hours]
The following example limits license borrowing of AutoCAD 2006 licenses to 3 days:
MAX_BORROW_HOURS 48800ACD_2006_0F 72
Excluding license borrowing
You can block the ability to borrow specific licenses for a user, computer, group of users or computers, IP address, IP address range or by LM_PROJECT variable association (computer names and user names are case sensitive). Note: Any users, hosts or IP addresses not explicitly excluded will continue to have the ability to borrow licenses.
EXCLUDE_BORROW [productfeature] [type] [name]
The following examples block borrowing of AutoCAD 2006 licenses for a variety of types:
EXCLUDE_BORROW 48800ACD_2006_0F USER smithj
EXCLUDE_BORROW 48800ACD_2006_0F HOST computer1
EXCLUDE_BORROW 48800ACD_2006_0F GROUP EngineeringGroup
EXCLUDE_BORROW 48800ACD_2006_0F INTERNET 192.168.0.*
EXCLUDE_BORROW 48800ACD_2006_0F PROJECT CivilProject
Including license borrowing
You can provide the ability to borrow specific licenses for a user, computer, group of users or computers, IP address, IP address range or by LM_PROJECT variable association (computer names and user names are case sensitive).
Note: Any users, hosts or IP addresses not explicitly included will not have the ability to borrow the specified licenses. If you want to block license borrowing for only a few users, you should consider using the EXCLUDE_BORROW syntax above.
INCLUDE_BORROW [productfeature] [type] [name]
The following examples allow borrowing of AutoCAD 2006 licenses for the specified type only:
INCLUDE_BORROW 48800ACD_2006_0F USER smithj
INCLUDE_BORROW 48800ACD_2006_0F HOST computer1
INCLUDE_BORROW 48800ACD_2006_0F GROUP EngineeringGroup
INCLUDE_BORROW 48800ACD_2006_0F INTERNET 192.168.0.*
INCLUDE_BORROW 48800ACD_2006_0F PROJECT CivilProject

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