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2009-05-13 12:46:47




数据库服务器:Sun V490 2

机器名称:sundata01 sundata02

网卡:ce0 ce1


交换机:switch1    switch2










  bash-2.05#vi /etc/hosts       localhost    sundata01       loghost    sundata12    sundata02    sundata14      xt-1      xt-2




  bash-2.05#vi /etc/hosts       localhost    sundata02       loghost    sundata14    sundata01    sundata12      xt-1      xt-2

  说明:  sundata01网卡ce0ip地址    sundata01网卡ce1的心跳地址  sundata02网卡ce0ip地址    sundata02网卡ce1的心跳地址  sundata01sundata02对外的服务地址  sundata01sundata02对外的服务地址




    bash-2.05#vi .rhosts





    bash-2.05#vi .rhosts



7、测试下信任关系是否建立成功。通过rsh hostname不输入密码直接能登陆到对方的机器说明就可以了。



Veritas Cluster Server4.1安装



   bash-2.05# ./installer
         VERITAS Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions 4.1        

         VERITAS Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions 4.1        

VERITAS Product                             Version Installed   Licensed
Cluster Server                                    no              yes
File System                                       no              no
Volume Manager                                    no              no
Volume Replicator                                 no              no
Storage Foundation                                no              no
Storage Foundation for Oracle                     no              no
Storage Foundation for DB2                        no              no
Storage Foundation for Sybase                     no              no
Storage Foundation Cluster File System            no              no
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC                 no              no

Selection Menu:

    I) Install/Upgrade a Product    C) Configure an Installed Product
    L) License a Product            P) Perform a Preinstallation Check
    U) Uninstall a Product          D) View a Product Description
    Q) Quit                         ?) Help

Enter a Selection: [I,C,L,P,U,D,Q,?] i  

     1)  VERITAS Cluster Server
     2)  VERITAS File System
     3)  VERITAS Volume Manager
     4)  VERITAS Volume Replicator
     5)  VERITAS Storage Foundation, Storage Foundation for Oracle, Storage
                 Foundation for DB2, and Storage Foundation for Sybase
     6)  VERITAS Storage Foundation Cluster File System
     7)  VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC
     B)    Back to previous menu

Select a product to install: [1-7,b,q] 1
Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to install VCS: sundata02 sundata01

Checking system communication:检测系统,如果没有设置/.rhosts,此处将不能成功检测

    Checking OS version on sundata02 ............................ SunOS 5.9
    Checking VRTSvcs package ................................ not installed
    Verifying communication with sundata01 ................ ping successful
    Attempting rsh with sundata01 .......................... rsh successful
    Attempting rcp with sundata01 .......................... rcp successful
    Checking OS version on sundata01 ............................ SunOS 5.9
    Checking VRTSvcs package ................................ not installed
    Creating log directory on sundata01 .............................. Done

Logs for installer are being created in /var/tmp/installer1019162248.

Using /usr/bin/rsh and /usr/bin/rcp to communicate with remote systems.

Initial system check completed successfully.

Press [Return] to continue:
VERITAS Infrastructure package installation:

Installing VERITAS Infrastructure packages on sundata02:

    Checking VRTScpi package ................... version installed
    Checking VRTSvlic package ................. version 3.02.005k installed

Installing VERITAS Infrastructure packages on sundata01:

    Checking VRTScpi package
................... version installed
    Checking VRTSvlic package ................. version 3.02.005k installed

VERITAS Infrastructure packages installed successfully.

Press [Return] to continue:
Each system requires a VCS product license before installation.  License
keys for additional product features should also be added at this time.

Some license keys are node locked and are unique per system.  Other license
keys, such as demo keys and site license keys, are registered on all systems
and must be entered on the first system.

VCS Licensing Verification:

Checking VCS license key on sundata02 .................... not licensed
Enter a VCS license key for sundata02: [?] WZZG-RPNR-CR6G-2TVZ-P6OR-VA(
Registering VERITAS Cluster Server PERMANENT key on sundata02
Do you want to enter another license key for sundata02? [y,n,q,?] (n) n

 Checking VCS license key on sundata01 .................... not licensed
Enter a VCS license key for sundata01: [?] WZZG-RPNR-CR6G-2TVZ-P6OR-VA(
Registering VERITAS Cluster Server PERMANENT key on sundata01
Do you want to enter another license key for sundata01? [y,n,q,?] (n) n

VCS licensing verified successfully.

Press [Return] to continue:
installer can install the following optional VCS packages:

VRTSvxfen    VERITAS I/O Fencing
VRTSvcsmn    VERITAS Cluster Server Man Pages
VRTSvcsdc    VERITAS Cluster Server Documentation
VRTScscm     VERITAS Cluster Server Cluster Manager
VRTScssim    VERITAS Cluster Server Simulator

     1)  Install all of the optional packages
     2)  Install none of the optional packages
     3)  View package descriptions and select optional packages

Select the optional packages to be installed on all systems? [1-3,q,?] (1) 1  (选择安装的软件包)
installer will install the following VCS packages:
VRTSperl     VERITAS Perl 5.8.0 Redistribution
VRTSat       VERITAS Authentication Service
VRTSllt      VERITAS Low Latency Transport
VRTSgab      VERITAS Group Membership and Atomic Broadcast
VRTSvxfen    VERITAS I/O Fencing
VRTSvcs      VERITAS Cluster Server
VRTSvcsmg    VERITAS Cluster Server Message Catalogs
VRTSvcsag    VERITAS Cluster Server Bundled Agents
VRTSvcsmn    VERITAS Cluster Server Man Pages
VRTSvcsdc    VERITAS Cluster Server Documentation
VRTSjre      VERITAS Java Runtime Environment Redistribution
VRTScutil    VERITAS Cluster Utilities
VRTScscw     VERITAS Cluster Server Configuration Wizards
VRTSweb      VERITAS Java Web Server
VRTSvcsw     VERITAS Cluster Manager (Web Console)
VRTScscm     VERITAS Cluster Server Cluster Manager
VRTScssim    VERITAS Cluster Server Simulator

Press [Return] to continue:
Checking system installation requirements:

Checking VCS installation requirements on sundata02:

    Checking VRTSperl package .................... version 4.0.12 installed
    Checking VRTSat package ..................... version installed
    Checking VRTSllt package ................................ not installed
    Checking VRTSgab package ................................ not installed
    Checking VRTSvxfen package .............................. not installed
    Checking VRTSvcs package ................................ not installed
    Checking VRTSvcsmg package .............................. not installed
    Checking VRTSvcsag package .............................. not installed
    Checking VRTSvcsmn package .............................. not installed
    Checking VRTSvcsdc package .............................. not installed
    Checking VRTSjre package ........................ version 1.4 installed
    Checking VRTScutil package .............................. not installed
    Checking VRTScscw package ............................... not installed
    Checking VRTSweb package ................................ not installed
    Checking VRTSvcsw package ............................... not installed
    Checking VRTScscm package ............................... not installed
    Checking VRTScssim package .............................. not installed
    Checking required SunOS patch 113277-08 ........... 113277-43 installed
    Checking VERITAS patch 117499 ..................... 117499-02 installed
    Checking for any Solaris patch issues ............................ None
    Checking file system space ................ required space is available
    Checking VRTSweb process .................................. not running
    Checking had process ...................................... not running
    Checking hashadow process ................................. not running
    Checking CmdServer process ................................ not running
    Checking notifier process ................................. not running
    Checking vxfen driver ..................................... not running
    Checking gab driver ....................................... not running
    Checking llt driver ....................................... not running

Checking VCS installation requirements on sundata01:

    Checking VRTSperl package .................... version 4.0.12 installed
    Checking VRTSat package ..................... version installed
    Checking VRTSllt package ................................ not installed
    Checking VRTSgab package ................................ not installed
    Checking VRTSvxfen package .............................. not installed
    Checking VRTSvcs package ................................ not installed
    Checking VRTSvcsmg package .............................. not installed
    Checking VRTSvcsag package .............................. not installed
    Checking VRTSvcsmn package .............................. not installed
    Checking VRTSvcsdc package .............................. not installed
    Checking VRTSjre package ................................ not installed
    Checking VRTScutil package .............................. not installed
    Checking VRTScscw package ............................... not installed
    Checking VRTSweb package ................................ not installed
    Checking VRTSvcsw package ............................... not installed
    Checking VRTScscm package ............................... not installed
    Checking VRTScssim package .............................. not installed
    Checking required SunOS patch 113277-08 ........... 113277-43 installed
    Checking VERITAS patch 117499 ..................... 117499-02 installed
    Checking for any Solaris patch issues ............................ None
    Checking file system space ................ required space is available
    Checking VRTSweb process .................................. not running
    Checking had process ...................................... not running
    Checking hashadow process ................................. not running
    Checking CmdServer process ................................ not running
    Checking notifier process ................................. not running
    Checking vxfen driver ..................................... not running
    Checking gab driver ....................................... not running
    Checking llt driver ....................................... not running

Installation requirement checks completed successfully.

Press [Return] to continue:
It is possible to install VCS packages without performing configuration.

VCS cannot be started without proper configuration.

It is optional to configure VCS now. If you choose to configure VCS later,
you can either do so manually or run the installvcs -configure command.
Are you ready to configure VCS? [y,n,q] (y) y(
installer will now ask sets of VCS configuration-related questions.

When a [b] is presented after a question, 'b' may be entered to go back to
the first question of the configuration set.

When a [?] is presented after a question, '?' may be entered for help or
additional information about the question.

Following each set of questions, the information you have entered will be
presented for confirmation.  To repeat the set of questions and correct any
previous errors, enter 'n' at the confirmation prompt.

No configuration changes are made to the systems until all configuration
questions are completed and VCS is installed successfully.

Press [Return] to continue:
To configure VCS the following is required:

        A unique Cluster name
        A unique Cluster ID number between 0-255
        Two or more NIC cards per system used for heartbeat links

        One or more heartbeat links are configured as private links
        One heartbeat link may be configured as a low priority link

All systems are being configured to create one cluster

Enter the unique cluster name: [?]dbcluster(输入集群名称)
Enter the unique Cluster ID number between 0-255: [b,?] 0
Discovering NICs on sundata02 ...................... discovered ce0 ce1
(系统自动检测到sundata02上有2快网卡ce0 ce1
Enter the NIC for the first private heartbeat link on sundata02: [b,?] ce1  (输入主心跳网卡)
Would you like to configure a second private heartbeat link? [y,n,q,b,?] (y) n
Enter the NIC for the low priority heartbeat link on sundata02: [b,?] (ce0) ce0
Are you using the same NICs for private heartbeat links on all systems?
[y,n,q,b,?] (y) y
Cluster information verification:

        Cluster Name: sunhbkpkj
        Cluster ID Number: 0
        Private Heartbeat NICs for sundata02: link1=ce1
        Low Priority Heartbeat NIC for sundata02: link-lowpri=ce0
        Private Heartbeat NICs for sundata01: link1=ce1
        Low Priority Heartbeat NIC for sundata01: link-lowpri=ce0

Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y) y(确认配置信息是否正确)
Cluster Server can be configured to utilize VERITAS Security Services.

Running VCS in Secure Mode guarantees that all inter-system communication is
encrypted and that users are verified with security credentials.

When running VCS in Secure Mode, NIS and system usernames and passwords are
used to verify identity.  VCS usernames and passwords are no longer utilized
when a cluster is running in Secure Mode.

Before configuring a cluster to operate using VERITAS Security Services,
another system must already have VERITAS Security Services installed and be
operating as a Root Broker.  Refer to the Cluster Server Installation Guide
for more information on configuring a VxSS Root Broker.

Would you like to configure VCS to use VERITAS Security Services? [y,n,q] (n)
The following information is required to add VCS users:

        A user name
        A password for the user
        User privileges (Administrator, Operator, or Guest)

Do you want to set the username and/or password for the Admin user(设置管理用户名和密码)
(default username = 'admin', password='password')? [y,n,q] (n) n
Do you want to add another user to the cluster? [y,n,q] (y) n
VCS User verification:

        User: admin     Privilege: Administrators

        Passwords are not displayed

Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y) y
The following information is required to configure Cluster Manager:

        A public NIC used by each system in the cluster
        A Virtual IP address and netmask for Cluster Manager

Do you want to configure Cluster Manager (Web Console) [y,n,q] (y) y
Active NIC devices discovered on sundata02: ce0
Enter the NIC for Cluster Manager (Web Console) to use on sundata02: [b,?] (ce0) ce0 (
Is ce0 to be the public NIC used by all systems [y,n,q,b,?] (y) y
Enter the Virtual IP address for Cluster Manager: [b,?]
Enter the netmask for IP [b,?] (
Cluster Manager (Web Console) verification:

        NIC: ce0

Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y) y
The following information is required to configure SMTP notification:

        The domain-based hostname of the SMTP server
        The email address of each SMTP recipient
        A minimum severity level of messages to send to each recipient

Do you want to configure SMTP notification? [y,n,q] (y) n
The following information is required to configure SNMP notification:

        System names of SNMP consoles to receive VCS trap messages
        SNMP trap daemon port numbers for each console
        A minimum severity level of messages to send to each console

Do you want to configure SNMP notification? [y,n,q] (y) n
VCS can be installed on systems consecutively or simultaneously. Installing
on systems consecutively takes more time but allows for better error

Would you like to install Cluster Server on all systems simultaneously?
[y,n,q,?] (y) y

Installing Cluster Server 4.1 on all systems simultaneously:

    Copying VRTSllt.tar.gz to sundata01 ................ Done 1 of 44 steps
Oct 19 16:28:06 sundata02 llt: LLT INFO V-14-1-10009 LLT Protocol available
    Installing VRTSllt 4.1 on sundata02 ................ Done 2 of 44 steps
Oct 19 16:28:11 sundata02 gab: GAB INFO V-15-1-20021 GAB available
    Installing VRTSgab 4.1 on sundata02 ................ Done 3 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSllt 4.1 on sundata01 ................ Done 4 of 44 steps
    Copying VRTSgab.tar.gz to sundata01 ................ Done 5 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSgab 4.1 on sundata01 ................ Done 6 of 44 steps
    Copying VRTSvxfen.tar.gz to sundata01 .............. Done 7 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSvxfen 4.1 on sundata01 .............. Done 8 of 44 steps
    Copying VRTSvcs.tar.gz to sundata01 ................ Done 9 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSvcs 4.1 on sundata01 ............... Done 10 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSvxfen 4.1 on sundata02 ............. Done 11 of 44 steps
    Copying VRTSvcsmg.tar.gz to sundata01 ............. Done 12 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSvcsmg 4.1 on sundata01 ............. Done 13 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSvcs 4.1 on sundata02 ............... Done 14 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSvcsmg 4.1 on sundata02 ............. Done 15 of 44 steps
    Copying VRTSvcsag.tar.gz to sundata01 ............. Done 16 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSvcsag 4.1 on sundata02 ............. Done 17 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSvcsmn 4.1 on sundata02 ............. Done 18 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSvcsdc 4.1 on sundata02 ............. Done 19 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTScutil 4.1 on sundata02 ............. Done 20 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTScscw 4.1 on sundata02 .............. Done 21 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSvcsag 4.1 on sundata01 ............. Done 22 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSweb 4.2 on sundata02 ............... Done 23 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSvcsw 4.3 on sundata02 .............. Done 24 of 44 steps
    Copying VRTSvcsmn.tar.gz to sundata01 ............. Done 25 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTScscm 4.3 on sundata02 .............. Done 26 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTScssim 4.1 on sundata02 ............. Done 27 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSvcsmn 4.1 on sundata01 ............. Done 28 of 44 steps
    Copying VRTSvcsdc.tar.gz to sundata01 ............. Done 29 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSvcsdc 4.1 on sundata01 ............. Done 30 of 44 steps
    Copying VRTSjre.tar.gz to sundata01 ............... Done 31 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSjre 1.4 on sundata01 ............... Done 32 of 44 steps
    Copying VRTScutil.tar.gz to sundata01 ............. Done 33 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTScutil 4.1 on sundata01 ............. Done 34 of 44 steps
    Copying VRTScscw.tar.gz to sundata01 .............. Done 35 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTScscw 4.1 on sundata01 .............. Done 36 of 44 steps
    Copying VRTSweb.tar.gz to sundata01 ............... Done 37 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSweb 4.2 on sundata01 ............... Done 38 of 44 steps
    Copying VRTSvcsw.tar.gz to sundata01 .............. Done 39 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTSvcsw 4.3 on sundata01 .............. Done 40 of 44 steps
    Copying VRTScscm.tar.gz to sundata01 .............. Done 41 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTScscm 4.3 on sundata01 .............. Done 42 of 44 steps
    Copying VRTScssim.tar.gz to sundata01 ............. Done 43 of 44 steps
    Installing VRTScssim 4.1 on sundata01 ............. Done 44 of 44 steps
Cluster Server installation completed successfully.

Press [Return] to continue:
Configuring Cluster Server:

    Creating Cluster Server configuration files ...................... Done
    Copying configuration files to sundata02 ......................... Done
    Copying configuration files to sundata01 ......................... Done

Cluster Server configured successfully.

Press [Return] to continue:
Starting Cluster Server:

    Starting LLT on sundata02 ..................................... Started
    Starting LLT on sundata01 ..................................... Started
    Starting GAB on sundata02 Oct 19 16:33:11 sundata02 gab: GAB INFO V-15-1-20026 Port a registration waiting for seed port membership
..................................... Started
    Starting GAB on sundata01 Oct 19 16:33:12 sundata02 llt: LLT INFO V-14-1-10024 link 0 (ce1) node 1 active
Oct 19 16:33:12 sundata02 llt: LLT INFO V-14-1-10024 link 1 (ce0) node 1 active
..................................... Started
    Starting Cluster Server on sundata02 .......................... Started
    Starting Cluster Server on sundata01 Oct 19 16:33:14 sundata02 gab: GAB INFO V-15-1-20005 Port h registration waiting for seed port membership
.......................... Started
    Confirming Cluster Server startup Oct 19 16:33:18 sundata02 gab: GAB INFO V-15-1-20036 Port a gen   280f01 membership 01
Oct 19 16:33:23 sundata02 gab: GAB INFO V-15-1-20036 Port h gen   280f03 membership 01
................... 2 systems RUNNING

Cluster Server was started successfully.

Press [Return] to continue:
Installation of Cluster Server 4.1 has completed successfully.

The installation summary is saved at:


The installer log is saved at:


The installation response file is saved at:


Veritas Oracle Agent安装/ o; ?5 ]4 |6 \( W; {( M  G
注意:2台机器需要分别安装Oracle Agent2 b J' }% R  F% ~! C: W' G# I% @
  1oracle  agent的安装目录
, a9 |" _* `7 |% j H+ L+ l0 w3 V) }
     bash-2.05# ls U2 B% K. {4 f8 Z4 B
     VRTScsocw      VRTScsocw.tar  VRTS
vcsor      VRTSvcsor.tar  info1 m" N. ~1 M0 N' i( Q- U+ ?2 H
bash-2.05# pkgadd -d . VRTScsocw (安装VRTScsocw包)
( t* R. z  _* e6 K5 L n
Processing package instance from v* ]( R% N$ h4 g) N
VERITAS Cluster Server Oracle and RAC Configuration Wizards9 q$ J2 f2 q! I, m! D
sparc) 4.1% v. R- ~! f$ x/ l t) V
$Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003-2005 VERITAS Software Corporation.
. ~' T2 H; F3 ], l
All rights reserved.
# d( R( Q. H8 b8 E- M
VERITAS, the VERITAS Logo and any other trademark found on the VERITAS
/ t2 m( S2 E3 ]5 S( `Trademark List that are referred to or displayed in the document is/are
4 \* n! e/ H3 t4 {0 o! v p
trademark(s) or registered trademark(s) of VERITAS Software Corporation
' r) J; A9 S* Yor its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be
( n, B8 z4 X/ e$ m
trademarks of their respective owners.

6 a! V  g' Z, z. V7 b/ P% I; F
" V$ j* v' s* {( `/ |9 d: N

3 _) }* D6 ?* ?5 B% k/ \
% L: ]4 K: J: X% j

The Licensed Software and Documentation are deemed to be "commercial
7 L0 i4 b, B7 {$ k! w- h( {5 @computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation" as
+ B! b3 G( @" R

defined in FAR Sections 12.212 and DFARS Section 227.7202.  $
! _" n d3 z3 Z0 rUsing as the package base directory.
0 ]3 }9 z# N6 \) g
## Processing package information.
! V$ ^9 e1 x8 ?! m## Processing
system information.
4 C( N* o4 F3 j) A" B: p) A: }   5 package pathnames are already properly
installed.' X$ r2 @/ @: c

## Verifying package dependencies.
2 z; U: q  B8 U8 y2 Q4 b8 b
) t( G% t, P3 S* u S* j    The package "VERITAS Cluster Server Oracle
8 ~! m1 q2 K6 M8 S, V5 d( R    Enterprise Extension" is a prerequisite package and
  l3 }# }! y  T- C
    should be installed.

/ |  V4 n4 \: |+ k* B8 S3 A2 w) N H
Do you want to continue with the installation of [y,n,?] y
! f- c$ y4 |0 |; }## Verifying disk space requirements.
9 ?, e2 o/ U- h# X9 O0 d## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
5 Y: Z3 S# @0 T5 e6 ? q## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.
# R' t7 t3 H. ~5 q9 @) V, _) U

Installing VERITAS Cluster Server Oracle and RAC Configuration Wizards as # j$ j; u' H0 Y
## Installing part 1 of 1.
8 U% b# U3 Y; a  e1 ?. S/ Z/opt/VRTSvcs/wizards/bin/oracle
- w, d8 B# j# C L+ a' ?* U- x/opt/VRTSvcs/wizards/bin/rac
9 l! T! A5 J- F9 w

: G5 K2 K) D, S1 d1 T' @! \5 I[ verifying class ]

; G. `$ c" q+ ]1 N
Installation of was successful.
6 {$ [# {3 Z, Q0 a$ {2 H3
bash-2.05# pkgadd -d . VRTSvcsor(安装VRTSvcsor包)4 s! A  O x0 K! C9 u
Processing package instance from - @# x2 ]4 {0 H+ Q
VERITAS Cluster Server Oracle Enterprise Extension" k) ?$ ?5 ^9 x) Z/ T# V2 X+ l
(sparc) 4.1
7 u [2 y5 q. n" m6 [( l. ~) y
      Copyright 1997-2005 VERITAS Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
  M7 w! l0 C0 w2 o4 y$ Z      VERITAS, VERITAS SOFTWARE, the VERITAS logo and all other VERITAS
' D% m# \  t" i      product names and slogans are trademarks or registered
; E. r9 w2 _, Y6 t4 O9 \      trademarks of VERITAS Software Corporation in the USA and/or other
8 X; X7 v* ^" E( D/ O7 [
      countries. Other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may
9 y. B% f7 R4 ?7 W/ t$ |      be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
* H# M' c2 X8 n5 w
5 l7 [; J3 [/ W. n6 f# Z* w' aUsing as the package base directory.
+ e+ y8 G7 r" O
## Processing package information.
6 n  r% V4 `6 u2 e
## Processing system information.
2 m( G) f. m5 q5 a
   9 package pathnames are already properly installed.
) W0 [6 b/ q6 T: N. I
## Verifying package dependencies.
3 `. ?8 N* j9 j0 z1 I1 ?+ l## Verifying disk space requirements.
7 D+ D2 q  Z9 s6 Z* e## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
4 L( Y. u% ?, f
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.

" m( [9 f, C+ M# R5 t; _
This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user
2 |3 i  {7 V/ i6 ?% ypermission during the process of installing this package.
8 g7 O; A) S Z2 D  T  N

Do you want to continue with the installation of [y,n,?] y5 s: I. l+ u9 E8 f% n% K
Installing VERITAS Cluster Server Oracle Enterprise Extension as
  t' B: {7 ~0 z# b
## Installing part 1 of 1., N* w* a. W( u3 y
- b7 k% p* u! \. Q/ T6 D/etc/VRTSvcs/conf/
+ ]2 ^' ^2 ]0 U- I2 c8 [! C S

ample_oracle/OracleTypes.cf4 g8 ^7 I: }  L, U+ o$ Z: k
) E% S6 R3 A: B  _1 m0 P/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Netlsnr/
; c7 g7 Z4 m. d. R, g2 E# D( e4 @/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Netlsnr/Netlsnr.xml
7 l7 o6 t# X( L7 ]' N3 t4 P
3 S$ S6 f; G) X! j) x
0 }! D/ A( [+ m6 A/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Netlsnr/actions/VRTS_GetInstanceName
5 l- x$ c' f6 A  f8 {- Q* @
' r" C. K8 C3 I1 ]& F
5 A" Z) a/ Q4 T) Z2 ^/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Netlsnr/envfile
& }7 W# [% C5 a1 X2 I, `$ W/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Netlsnr/
( x( }, W) I+ o5 b6 M& \/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Netlsnr/
+ ^5 ~8 `7 _& V$ g5 Z8 X
$ N6 W0 O/ B* v* t6 w0 U
5 N! H; I$ s, V0 s+ ?' ~/ a/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Oracle/
/ i4 v# Q  L! ^" S; s4 j
) P2 y9 d# G* _/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Oracle/
" k" N( @* q7 B+ T( I  \
1 W: i9 Z: _  q$ o8 q! ]% h
; G+ D4 e2 l3 m' c/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Oracle/
! u% Y0 ^5 X+ d- E9 Y/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Oracle/
- q; K( F' x' t, H/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Oracle/
2 ~6 f4 G) R- x# X/ E* ~( P- G
; s, _' J; L5 n1 e) u! f
6 k- x. B* J3 i  _/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Oracle/actions/DBSuspend
2 a. D7 ~2 P3 C$ c
% s; H9 B3 ]& m6 F7 G/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Oracle/actions/DBUndoRestrict
, N; z. e! [% `* U( C/ I* e3 a
; L2 j+ d3 k( }
$ _5 y4 r! A3 s; ^
1 U6 Q8 u" L. f
; |, x1 t- C8 p8 f; g: s& F
" M8 k$ g6 X7 m3 h/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Oracle/offline
) c, }3 G6 n4 M" T6 R( `/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Oracle/online
1 e. E; O, d) _/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Oracle/
$ B- [( w3 ^9 |/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Oracle/
. k' K5 s# K9 s, Q
, s; z8 ?. \$ P
! F  R7 [5 D7 R. [0 D0 k1 E
[ verifying class ]
8 \3 q# L4 ~- b$ l  q4 |## Executing postinstall script.
. p  c7 e8 c, K
bmcmap INFO V-33-1000-10005 BMC map created

5 m; ]9 ~% K6 Y. C/ c( X
Installation of was successful.
; c  L7 L3 ~$ ?
说明:安装的顺序一定要是先安装VRTSvcsor包在安装VRTSvcsor3 N" G: c$ |: j/ {8 J4 H- C. ~; a" [
配置oracle listener.oratnsnames.ora
0 L- {# D& u8 M2 r
  说明:在ORACLE_HOME/network/admin下创建文件tnsnames.oralistener.ora,文件属性一定要是oracle:oinstallhost = 双机对外的浮动ip地址,具体事例如下
9 B5 R* h; i* Q! y5 \$ h7 E
  1bash-2.05# more listener.ora 3 M' [+ `& x; s* f2 f3 ]4 B6 Y% `
   # LISTENER.ORA Network Configuration File: /opt/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/network
5 ]- M, L( A1 N! r# A# X% P+ F
7 s. }1 v. k# S5 y! u7 u) q
   # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
! r4 A+ k1 B/ R: h/ M7 T
8 _# x. @) A/ L& V9 A: n7 ]    (DESCRIPTION_LIST =
+ y* z5 T5 L( y      (DESCRIPTION =
2 o5 I8 G$ D; \6 o% ?

9 @+ E5 Q* i* V5 d" z        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
, m- f' p8 z) B- G- J" K      )
' K8 x  E: Q( A. {) o% j4 T' I; q      (ADDRESS_LIST =
+ ?' `! a" F9 H6 D0 B% r6 p+ _% y0 a        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC))
' N, b, x# A8 z8 {      )
" ^+ @6 e  c, [0 i9 c
7 K; I4 z! p* D2 ^4 @: i  )
! p& y- l1 Z3 ~- W) O  X& a
8 D& \1 \0 L5 s2 z) I5 F' `# |  (SID_LIST =
0 f  J8 m# [% k) u+ s0 h$ ?    (SID_DESC =
: I; G8 t& ~. v) R+ k      (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
) X# l( m, \$ v0 D      (ORACLE_HOME = /opt/app/oracle/product/9.2.0)
& Z& A! l2 d" V* D0 }0 T      (PROGRAM = extproc)
" U5 B8 ]. \1 D    )
% Z9 }2 C$ ]* v! I  m, J$ G


7 y, V* {2 [  D
2bash-2.05# more tnsnames.ora ( S* k% [/ X! v
  # TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: /opt/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/network
4 w' h- b% I7 b7 i4 `; M; ~% j
' i1 Z+ K4 s1 u  # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
7 S9 J9 d/ C3 ^! k0 Y  E( ~
  ORA9 =3 U3 u0 A/ }; k- U
4 B; K1 f% Z1 k5 V( u      (ADDRESS_LIST =
+ R$ T. b( L! s) j' J; X
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
; \: d& J; Y+ l      )
0 h0 y8 H& {) y4 s      (CONNECT_DATA =
- c+ H$ ]# O3 W7 t! L
        (SERVICE_NAME = ora9)
( H, ?2 ]: e: M0 f! N- M
+ W3 v+ a" H) N9 s9 k( Y! F     )

# q) q1 D5 E: O6 B7 m  P
也可以通过图形界面来创建listener.oratnsnames.ora$ J, M. L% [2 ?+ f9 V7 v  S
solaris oracle vcs

, V F0 }9 Z& K4 X8 t& n, j4 z
A5 m' d. Z2 {! }1 h
2 Y$ D9 z( x/ }+ l) }. @2 b0 [5 ^! S
      bash-2.05#cp  /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/ /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config+ F( Q( N/ W" S
; g1 q+ z% F. `2 [
bash-2.05#vi /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/; S. y- b  l: l' J. J+ f; v
include ""
3 ?: V) ?% H1 P2 Zinclude "" //
引用,如果不引用就不能创建与oracle相关的资源# i. q: c$ K9 W' J* ~
cluster dbcluster (4 q: K# x' D# g
        UserNames = { admin = ImnFmhMjnInnLvnHmk, vcs = enoJopNloPonMkoJ }
0 ^" t6 ]: ^; b$ {! ^
        Administrators = { admin, vcs }
; ^% m0 z2 x1 _* T' p) S        CredRenewFrequency = 0
3 x# }0 g3 r6 J) I
        CounterInterval = 5
) f! d4 \4 O# c( Y        )

8 E6 R  f; G2 L
system sundata01 (
) m) V9 k7 E; M. K        )

5 H9 m. L1 C( V
system sundata02 () g* D L6 p& A- c/ O! a
3 r: Z7 h K+ O$ z8 Z
group oracle_app (  Z4 ]4 T. j: P
        SystemList = { sundata01 = 0, sundata02 = 1 }
, [7 w; Z) o3 ]' {
        AutoStartList = { sundata01, sundata02 }
4 t8 y, n- R; s( f g        OnlineRetryLimit = 1
7 V8 C' k* [( j! i) m; z        OnlineRetryInterval = 60
; T$ T4 ]1 b" T% _
0 u# b% i8 z9 o) C1 m  P
        IP ipora9 (
0 ?9 x1 F' d$ x% i1 C5 S                Device = ce0
/ A9 ]% r4 u+ r8 P3 u8 h+ p                Address = ""      //
对外的虚地址即服务地址" F7 a6 K! a2 v: |. W3 c) M: V* U
                NetMask = ""
7 N/ h. V0 ` e, o                )

0 ?* Y( ?" b% V4 C
        Mount ora_archive (" O0 H" e1 A' H+ }2 I: d
                MountPoint = "/oradata/archive"   //
( A* X! Z. W0 x" G                BlockDevice = "/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3"  //
块设备(挂载点所在的设备路径)* Y4 S, ^0 L8 b. O! {, n ]- }
                FSType = ufs                      //
文件系统类型(ufsvxfs3 u# K+ @0 K0 F; L8 \) _5 y9 i
                MountOpt = rw                     //读写模式; [ C% m) G: B% D2 S( @
                FsckOpt = "-y"
c# u+ @. G" ^5 g+ H+ T" Z
* Z  ~4 t  }" i H
        Mount ora_control (
4 B2 g* u2 g E  I8 R                MountPoint = "/oradata/control"
+ l0 W% o4 E2 }7 B

                BlockDevice = "/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7"
" w0 r9 E' P5 A+ k                FSType = ufs
6 a. N# f* E1 ]6 N9 f7 k' `                MountOpt = rw
; r7 G+ r) g. @" p                FsckOpt = "-y"
) ?* C( `/ A* V$ @( b
1 @% e" b! d6 O" @* A( }" U: W- k
        Mount ora_datafile (
% L6 t1 [" ~2 n1 I* F* i" k                MountPoint = "/oradata/datafile"
. D% j' t% O# b  K

                BlockDevice = "/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0"
1 P# X  ] F; {. I) N# j                FSType = ufs
. P5 u$ L$ L2 o: u; j$ Y                MountOpt = rw
/ |; N0 W6 a. d6 ]0 \' O
                FsckOpt = "-y"
9 W+ h. _6 j% E |& h) D                )

, D  M* G9 D% P
        Mount ora_redo (
! P) N2 }$ t! k; H  E4 c5 N                MountPoint = "/oradata/redo"
) U3 a1 U9 x7 U

                BlockDevice = "/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s6"
  _2 B% `3 R! z* _$ M8 t" M
                FSType = ufs
6 b/ _. X/ K9 b% Z7 ^                MountOpt = rw
  `: i* i- L3 @: ~" N! b; O
                FsckOpt = "-y"
/ I+ F' g) a L' s" O                )
, q" ?! A) K# @$ v; n o0 r+ k
8 c2 `( ?% G3 \9 }. ~2 E( t
        Mount ora_temp (
: Z; i7 `! D, i/ s, W                MountPoint = "/oradata/temp"
0 i9 U" V, D, V7 p. a, n                BlockDevice = "/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4"
1 v% D  e$ v0 i- O4 K) c+ y) I
                FSType = ufs
+ L, E9 Y4 g0 Q: c                MountOpt = rw
0 t) H7 a* I# p! j5 V. o+ O6 v  {
                FsckOpt = "-y"
  {$ H/ h1 W3 W! ~0 W. u. @- N
% E: m. s/ f* c3 c! G# C  ~
        Mount ora_undo (
: Y3 R* Z q$ {) R  k- \                MountPoint = "/oradata/undo"
' `2 V; a1 X- j  _4 B

                BlockDevice = "/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s5"
8 I L% {* i) o                FSType = ufs
2 {. S- {) q+ A( N+ x9 R
                MountOpt = rw
! l# N% t, _  e5 q( Y+ @9 B" c/ b6 Q                FsckOpt = "-y"
4 s- R! P3 D  k. G4 J! ~) M                )
3 V  S1 U$ x5 D. W9 c7 a$ T
        NIC ce (
+ E) N2 z7 |/ R" ^1 B% M5 [: q9 z                Device = ce0
0 z9 I1 b! l# L/ J: q

                NetworkType = ether
* n8 M! E  ]% q# i

2 e! |+ y) ]/ ?: U T: ?
        Netlsnr listener (                           //配置listener- ?: b/ f6 {6 q. w
                Owner = oracle
4 `: t" O8 x' W6 R: i% {: r                Home = "/opt/app/oracle/product/9.2.0"     //oracle
home路径# ]! A. o# e1 |3 F4 w# k) |
                TnsAdmin = "/opt/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/network/admin"//listener所在的位置' F/ }' ^6 w( `  ~
                Listener = LISTENER      //此处为listener的名称,不区分大小写,详见七' g, ~1 T8 _# p, K6 N
                M3 C8 Y# j4 ]3 Y7 x2 H `: e

8 h% ]/ ?2 a' A! |
        Oracle oracle (* @6 g- o) B' `- w" {9 K$ ^* K `
                Sid = ora9                              //oracle
. P$ U- K  t( N* v# a/ H" |
                Owner = oracle                          //oracle
用户3 N% o) o/ g4 g# y6 f
                Home = "/opt/app/oracle/product/9.2.0"     //oracle
8 h b0 Q! x7 W, Y                M
/ V$ k5 B- O5 E                )

2 m7 d; ?! H; ^% R! M! A! ?/ d9 }
- `! u# }' y) M3 b: d  n1 V4 y* J        ipora9 requires ce                              //ipora9
7 k" t6 ~' C, f7 B' ^        listener requires ipora9                       //listener
4 x$ S- @; S+ l# g8 Y0 r; Q
        listener requires oracle                      //listener也依赖oracle这个资源
2 U6 j2 u3 J8 \1 ~3 p7 c6 F/ r! o
        oracle requires ora_archive                   //oracle依赖如下资源, `7 c4 H$ q- ^7 A2 @
        oracle requires ora_control
4 f( w: n3 g+ o# }! \3 e l" d        oracle requires ora_datafile
0 Y4 P4 F' V5 b% l! B  Q        oracle requires ora_redo
" l  Z" k# s w; T) M2 V4 v        oracle requires ora_temp
( X. V  `. `  H8 U6 R* v2 a        oracle requires ora_undo
" r9 r8 X1 U* [3 h$ J# E/ k. i

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