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  • 注册时间: 2008-04-11 08:50







分类: Java

2008-04-17 14:52:38

Basic Controls
Simple components that are used primarily to get input from the user;
they may also show simple state.

Button image

CheckBox image

Combo box image

List image

Menu image

Radio Button image

Slider image

Spinner image

Text field image

Password field image

Interactive Displays of Highly Formatted Information
These components display highly formatted information that
(if you choose) can be modified by the user.

Color Chooser Image

Text pane Image


File Chooser Image

Table Image

Text Image

Tree Image

Uneditable Information Displays
These components exist solely to give the user information.

Label image

Progress bar image

Separator image

Tool tip image

Top-Level Containers
At least one of these components must be present in any Swing application.

Applet image

Dialog image

Frame image

General-Purpose Containers
These general-purpose containers are used in most Swing applications.

Panel image

Scroll pane image

Split pane image

Tabbed pane image

ToolBar image


Special-Purpose Containers
These special-purpose containers play specific roles in the UI.

Internal frame image

Layered pane image

Root pane image

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