package mx.managers
import mx.core.IUIComponent;
import mx.core.Singleton;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
// Styles
* 定义了the busy cursor的皮肤
* @default mx.skins.halo.BusyCursor
[Style(name="busyCursor", type="Class", inherit="no")]
* 定义了the busy cursor background的皮肤背景.
* 默认值 "cursorStretch" symbol from the Assets.swf file.
[Style(name="busyCursorBackground", type="Class", inherit="no")]
CursorManager 类控制光标的优先级列表,在该列表中,具有最高优先级的光标是当前可见的光标。如果光标列表中有多个光标具有同一优先级,则光标管理器将显示最近创建的光标。
启用用户输入,使用另一个光标图像来指示已禁用用户输入。您可以使用 JPEG、GIF、PNG 或 SVG 图像、Sprite 对象或者 SWF
CursorManager 的所有方法和属性都是静态的,因此不需要为其创建实例。
在 AIR 中,每个 mx.core.Window 实例都使用自己的 CursorManager 类的实例。不直接引用 CursorManager 类的静态方法和属性,而是使用 Window.cursorManager 属性引用 Window 实例的 CursorManager 实例。
public class CursorManager
include "../core/";
// Class 构造型
* 为currentCursorID属性的常量值
* 该值表示当前正使用系统的光标,CursorManager没有管理任何光标
public static const NO_CURSOR:int = 0;
// Class 变量
* @private
* Linker dependency on implementation class.
private static var implClassDependency:CursorManagerImpl;
* @private
* Storage for the impl getter.
* This gets initialized on first access,
* not at static initialization time, in order to ensure
* that the Singleton registry has already been initialized.
private static var _impl:ICursorManager;
* @private
* The singleton instance of CursorManagerImpl which was
* registered as implementing the ICursorManager interface.
private static function get impl():ICursorManager
if (!_impl)
_impl = ICursorManager(
return _impl;
* Each mx.core.Window instance in an AIR application has its own CursorManager instance.
* This method returns the CursorManager instance for the main Window instance.
* @return The CursorManager instance for the main Window instance in an AIR application.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public static function getInstance():ICursorManager
return impl;
// Class 属性
// currentCursorID
* 当前用户自定义光标ID
public static function get currentCursorID():int
return impl.currentCursorID;
* 静态,表示任何人都可以设置当前光标ID
public static function set currentCursorID(value:int):void
impl.currentCursorID = value;
// currentCursorXOffset
* 自定义光标随鼠标指针变化的 x 偏移(以像素为单位)
* 默认值为 0
public static function get currentCursorXOffset():Number
return impl.currentCursorXOffset;
public static function set currentCursorXOffset(value:Number):void
impl.currentCursorXOffset = value;
// currentCursorYOffset
* 自定义光标随鼠标指针变化的 y 偏移(以像素为单位)。
* @default 0
public static function get currentCursorYOffset():Number
return impl.currentCursorYOffset;
public static function set currentCursorYOffset(value:Number):void
impl.currentCursorYOffset = value;
// Class 方法
* 使光标可见
* Cursor 可见不是引用计数的
* 不管调用了多少次hideCursor(),只要一次调用showCursor()就显示光标
* 使用和Mouse.hide(),直接控制系统光标
public static function showCursor():void
* 使光标不可见
public static function hideCursor():void
* 创建新光标并为此光标设置可选优先级。
* 添加新光标到光标列表中
* @param cursorClass 显示光标的图象类
* @param priority 整数,描述光标优级级
* 分别为CursorManagerPriority.HIGH、CursorManagerPriority.MEDIUM、CursorManagerPriority.LOW
* @param xOffset 自定义光标随鼠标指针变化的 x 偏移(以像素为单位)
* @param yOffset 自定义光标随鼠标指针变化的 y 偏移(以像素为单位)
* @return 返回光标的ID
public static function setCursor(cursorClass:Class, priority:int = 2,
xOffset:Number = 0,
yOffset:Number = 0):int
return impl.setCursor(cursorClass, priority, xOffset, yOffset);
* 从光标列表中移除光标
* 如果该光标为当前显示光标,则CursorManager显示列表中的下一个光标,如果列表为空,则显示系统默认光标
* @param cursorID 移除的光标ID
public static function removeCursor(cursorID:int):void
* 移除光标列中所有光标,恢复成系统光标
public static function removeAllCursors():void
* Displays the busy cursor.
* The busy cursor has a priority of CursorManagerPriority.LOW.
* Therefore, if the cursor list contains a cursor
* with a higher priority, the busy cursor is not displayed
* until you remove the higher priority cursor.
* To create a busy cursor at a higher priority level,
* use the setCursor() method.
public static function setBusyCursor():void
* Removes the busy cursor from the cursor list.
* If other busy cursor requests are still active in the cursor list,
* which means you called the setBusyCursor() method more than once,
* a busy cursor does not disappear until you remove
* all busy cursors from the list.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public static function removeBusyCursor():void
* @private
* Called by other components if they want to display
* the busy cursor during progress events.
mx_internal static function registerToUseBusyCursor(source:Object):void
* @private
* Called by other components to unregister
* a busy cursor from the progress events.
mx_internal static function unRegisterToUseBusyCursor(source:Object):void