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2009-08-22 10:27:17

ISWC 2008 国内成就统计(Research Track) 国内4篇文章入选

   概  要

本次ISWC2008大会Research Track共接收论文 51 篇。其中有国内研究机构的第一作者文章一共 4 篇,较去年的 7 篇略有下降。另外海外华人有 4 篇第一作者文章。


国内单位方面:清华大学、东南大学、IBM CRL等...
海外华人方面:黄智生老师(本版嘉宾huang)、Jeff Pan等...

让我们向这些坚持在Semantic Web研究第一线的单位及学者们致以敬意!

   统  计  数  据

国内研究机构第一作者:          4
      国内高校                  3

            Gang Wu (吴刚, 清华大学), Juanzi Li (李涓子, 清华大学), Ling Feng (冯铃, 清华大学), and Kehong Wang (王克宏, 清华大学)
            Identifying Potentially Important Concepts and Relations in an Ontology

            Dengping Wei (魏登萍, 国防科技大学), Ting Wang (王挺, 国防科技大学) and Yaodong Chen (陈耀东, 国防科技大学)
            Extracting Semantic Constraint from Description Text for Semantic Web Service Discovery

            Gong Cheng (程龚, 东南大学) and Yuzhong Qu (瞿裕忠, 东南大学)
            Term Dependence on the Semantic Web

      设在中国境内的外资机构:   1
            Shengping Liu (刘升平, IBM CRL), Yang Yang, Guo Tong Xie, Chen Wang, Feng Cao, Cassio Santos, Robert Schloss, Yue Pan, Kevin Shank and John Colgrave
            Supporting Ontology-based Dynamic Property and Classification in WebSphere Metadata Server

国内研究机构第二作者:           0
海外华人第一作者:               4

      Shenghui Wang (王胜惠, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Gwenn Englebienne and Stefan Schlobach
      Learning Concept Mappings from Instance Similarity

      Guilin Qi (AIFB, University of Karlsruhe), Peter Haase (AIFB, University of Karlsruhe), Zhisheng Huang (黄智生, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Qiu JI, Jeff Z (The University of Aberdeen), Pan and Johanna Voelker
      A Kernel Revision Operator for Terminologies

      Lushan Han (University of Maryland), Tim Finin, Cynthia Parr, Joel Sachs and Anupam Josh
      RDF123: from Spreadsheets to RDF

      Zhisheng Huang (黄智生, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Frank van Harmelen
      Using Semantic Distances for Reasoning with Inconsistent Ontologies

   完  整  列  表 (Research Track)


Georgios Meditskos and Nick Bassiliades
Combining a DL Reasoner and a Rule Engine for Improving Entailment-based OWL Reasoning

Rolf Grütter, Thomas Scharrenbach and Bettina Bauer-Messmer
Improving an RCC-Derived Geospatial Approximation by OWL Axioms

Boris Motik and Ian Horrocks
OWL Datatypes: Design and Implementation

Matthew Horridge, Bijan Parsia and Ulrike Sattler
Computing Precise Justifications for Entailments in OWL

Ontology Engineering

Vania Dimitrova, Ronald Denaux, Glen Hart, Catherine Dolbear, Ian Holt and Anthony Cohn
Involving Domain Experts in Authoring OWL Ontologies

Tania Tudorache, Natasha Noy, Samson Tu and Mark Musen
Supporting Collaborative Ontology Development in Protégé

Gang Wu (吴刚, 清华大学), Juanzi Li (李涓子, 清华大学), Ling Feng (冯铃, 清华大学), and Kehong Wang (王克宏, 清华大学)
Identifying Potentially Important Concepts and Relations in an Ontology

Brian Davis, Ahmad Iqbal, Adam Funk, Valentin Tablan, Kalina Bontcheva, Hamish Cunningham and Siegfried Handschuh
RoundTrip Ontology Authoring

Ontology Alignment

Shenghui Wang (王胜惠, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Gwenn Englebienne and Stefan Schlobach
Learning Concept Mappings from Instance Similarity

Christian Wartena and Rogier Brussee
Instanced-based mapping between thesauri and folksonomies

Natasha Noy, Nicholas Griffith and Mark Musen
Collecting Community-Based Mappings in an Ontology Repository

Jerome Euzenat
Algebras of ontology alignment relations

Data Management

Jorge Pérez, Marcelo Arenas and Claudio Gutierrez
NSPARQL: A Navigational Language for RDF

Michael Schmidt, Thomas Hornung, Norbert Kuechlin, Georg Lausen and Christoph Pinkel
An Experimental Comparison of RDF Data Management Approaches in a SPARQL Benchmark Scenario

Eyal Oren, Christophe Gueret and Stefan Schlobach
Anytime Query Answering in RDF through Evolutionary Algorithms

Renzo Angles and Claudio Gutierrez
The Expressive Power of SPARQL

Web Data and Knowledge

Zoi Kaoudi, Iris Miliaraki and Manolis Koubarakis
RDFS Reasoning and Query Answering on top of DHTs

Faezeh Ensan and Weichang Du
An Interface-based Ontology Modularization Framework for Knowledge Encapsulation

Simon Schenk
On the Semantics of Caching and Trust in the Semantic Web

In-Use: Knowledge Management

Jan Wielemaker, Michiel Hildebrand, Jacco van Ossenbruggen and Guus Schreiber
Thesaurus-based search in large heterogeneous collections

Conny Christl, Chiara Ghidini, Joanna Guss, Viktoria Pammer, Stefanie Lindstaedt, Peter Scheir, Luciano Serafini and Marco Rospocher
Deploying semantic web technologies for work integrated learning in industry. A comparison: SME vs. large sized company

Ravish Bhagdev, Ajay Chakravarthy, Sam Chapman, Fabio Ciravegna and Vitaveska Lanfranchi
Creating and Using Organisational Semantic Webs in Large Networked Organisations

Tamás Hauer, Dmitry Rogulin, Sonja Zillner, Andrew Branson, Jetendr Shamdasani, Alexey Tsymbal, Martin Huber, Tony Solomonides and Richard McClatchey
An architecture for semantic navigation and reasoning with patient data - experiences of the Health-e-Child project

In-Use: Services and Infrastructure

Michael Wolverton, David Martin, Ian Harrison and Jerome Thomere
A Process Catalog for Workflow Generation

Paulo Pinheiro da Silva, Deborah McGuinness, Nicholas Del Rio and Li Ding
Inference Web in Action: Lightweight Use of the Proof Markup Language

Shengping Liu (刘升平, IBM中国研究中心), Yang Yang, Guo Tong Xie, Chen Wang, Feng Cao, Cassio Santos, Robert Schloss, Yue Pan, Kevin Shank and John Colgrave
Supporting Ontology-based Dynamic Property and Classification in WebSphere Metadata Server

David de Francisco Marcos, Lyndon Nixon and Germán Toro del Valle
Towards a Multimedia Content Marketplace Implementation Based on Triplespaces

Semantic Social Networks

Harry Halpin, David Zielinski, Rachael Brady and Glenda Kelly
Exploring Semantic Social Networks using Virtual Reality

Ciro Cattuto, Dominik Benz, Andreas Hotho and Gerd Stumme
Semantic Analysis of Tag Similarity Measures in Collaborative Tagging Systems

Martin Szomszor, Harith Alani, Ivan Cantador, Kieron O’Hara and Nigel Shadbolt
Semantic Modelling of User Interests based on Cross-Folksonomy Analysis

Description Logics

Julian Dolby, Achille Fokoue, Aditya Kalyanpur, Li Ma, Edith Schonberg, Kavitha Srinivas and Xingzhi Sun
Scalable Conjunctive Query Evaluation Over Large and Expressive Knowledge Bases

Guilin Qi (AIFB, University of Karlsruhe), Peter Haase (AIFB, University of Karlsruhe), Zhisheng Huang (黄智生, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Qiu JI, Jeff Z (The University of Aberdeen), Pan and Johanna Voelker
A Kernel Revision Operator for Terminologies

Sebastian Rudolph, Markus Krotzsch and Pascal Hitzler
Description Logic Reasoning with Decision Diagrams: Compiling SHIQ to Disjunctive Datalog

Semantic Retrieval

Chaitanya Chemudugunta, America Holloway, Padhraic Smyth and Mark Steyvers
Modeling Documents by Combining Semantic Concepts with Unsupervised Statistical Learning

Jérome David and Jérome Euzenat
Comparing ontology distances: preliminary results

Leandro Balby Marinho, Krisztian Buza and Lars Schmidt-Thieme
Folksonomy-based collabulary learning

User Interfaces

Lushan Han (University of Maryland), Tim Finin, Cynthia Parr, Joel Sachs and Anupam Josh
RDF123: from Spreadsheets to RDF

Leo Sauermann and Dominik Heim
Evaluating long-term use of a Semantic Desktop for PIM

Raphael Troncy
Bringing The IPTC News Architecture into the Semantic Web

Non-standard Reasoning with Ontologies

Zhisheng Huang (黄智生, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Frank van Harmelen
Using Semantic Distances for Reasoning with Inconsistent Ontologies

Nicola Fanizzi, Claudia d’Amato and Floriana Esposito
Statistical Learning for Inductive Query Answering on OWL Ontologies

Pavel Klinov and Bijan Parsia
Optimization and Evaluation of Reasoning in Probabilistic Description Logic: Towards a Systematic Approach

Software and Service Engineering

Colin Puleston, Bijan Parsia, James Cunningham and Alan Rector
Building Hybrid Ontology-Backed Software Models

Dengping Wei (魏登萍, 国防科技大学), Ting Wang (王挺, 国防科技大学) and Yaodong Chen (陈耀东, 国防科技大学)
Extracting Semantic Constraint from Description Text for Semantic Web Service Discovery

Simon Ferndriger, Abraham Bernstein, Jin Song Dong, Yuzhang Feng, Yuan-Fang Li and Jane Hunter
Enhancing Semantic Web Services with Inheritance

Semantic Web Services

Dumitru Roman and Michael Kifer
Semantic Web Service Choreography: Contracting and Enactment

Tomas Vitvar, Maciej Zaremba and Adrian Mocan
Formal Model for Semantic-Driven Service Execution

Dimitrios Skoutas, Dimitris Sacharidis, Verena Kantere and Timos Sellis
Efficient Semantic Web Service Discovery in Centralized and P2P Environments

Rules and Relatedness

Markus Krotzsch, Sebastian Rudolph and Pascal Hitzler
ELP: Tractable Rules for OWL 2

Gong Cheng (程龚, 东南大学) and Yuzhong Qu (瞿裕忠, 东南大学)
Term Dependence on the Semantic Web

Laurent MAZUEL and Nicolas Sabouret
Semantic relatedness measure using object properties in an ontology

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