分类: 系统运维
2009-08-17 10:38:49
[OWL Reference] (this document) |
[] (normative) |
[] (examples) |
Class name | comment |
rdfs:Resource | The class resource, everything. |
rdfs:Literal | The class of literal values, e.g. textual strings and integers. |
rdf:XMLLiteral | The class of XML literals values. |
rdfs:Class | The class of classes. |
rdf:Property | The class of RDF properties. |
rdfs:Datatype | The class of RDF datatypes. |
rdf:Statement | The class of RDF statements. |
rdf:Bag | The class of unordered containers. |
rdf:Seq | The class of ordered containers. |
rdf:Alt | The class of containers of alternatives. |
rdfs:Container | The class of RDF containers. |
rdfs:ContainerMembershipProperty | The class of container membership properties, rdf:_1, rdf:_2, ..., all of which are sub-properties of 'member'. |
rdf:List | The class of RDF Lists. |
Property name | comment | domain | range |
rdf:type | The subject is an instance of a class. | rdfs:Resource | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | The subject is a subclass of a class. | rdfs:Class | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:subPropertyOf | The subject is a subproperty of a property. | rdf:Property | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | A domain of the subject property. | rdf:Property | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:range | A range of the subject property. | rdf:Property | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:label | A human-readable name for the subject. | rdfs:Resource | rdfs:Literal |
rdfs:comment | A description of the subject resource. | rdfs:Resource | rdfs:Literal |
rdfs:member | A member of the subject resource. | rdfs:Resource | rdfs:Resource |
rdf:first | The first item in the subject RDF list. | rdf:List | rdfs:Resource |
rdf:rest | The rest of the subject RDF list after the first item. | rdf:List | rdf:List |
rdfs:seeAlso | Further information about the subject resource. | rdfs:Resource | rdfs:Resource |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | The definition of the subject resource. | rdfs:Resource | rdfs:Resource |
rdf:value | Idiomatic property used for structured values (see the RDF Primer for of its usage). | rdfs:Resource | rdfs:Resource |
rdf:subject | The subject of the subject RDF statement. | rdf:Statement | rdfs:Resource |
rdf:predicate | The predicate of the subject RDF statement. | rdf:Statement | rdfs:Resource |
rdf:object | The object of the subject RDF statement. | rdf:Statement | rdfs:Resource |
xsd:string | xsd:normalizedString | xsd:boolean | |
xsd:decimal | xsd:float | xsd:double | |
xsd:integer | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | xsd:positiveInteger | |
xsd:nonPositiveInteger | xsd:negativeInteger | ||
xsd:long | xsd:int | xsd:short | xsd:byte |
xsd:unsignedLong | xsd:unsignedInt | xsd:unsignedShort | xsd:unsignedByte |
xsd:hexBinary | xsd:base64Binary | ||
xsd:dateTime | xsd:time | xsd:date | xsd:gYearMonth |
xsd:gYear | xsd:gMonthDay | xsd:gDay | xsd:gMonth |
xsd:anyURI | xsd:token | xsd:language | |
xsd:NMTOKEN | xsd:Name | xsd:NCName |