/* name: JOSEPHUS.c written by: 1jjk */ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> /*Include files*/ typedef struct node { int data; struct node *next; }*pointer,*klist; /*define a struct and new type.*/ /*creat new list,as long as you want*/ struct node *insert_list() { klist q,d,list; int x; d=malloc(sizeof(struct node)); list=d; scanf("%d", &x); while(x!=0) { q=malloc(sizeof(struct node)); list->data=x; list->next=q; list=q; scanf("%d", &x); } list->next=d; return d; } /*find the node of the list*/ struct node *search_list(klist list,int i) { klist p=list; int j=0; while((p->next!=NULL)&&(j<i)) { p=p->next; j++; } if(i==j) { return p; } else { return NULL; } }
/*delete the node as you want.*/ struct node *delete_list(klist list,int i) { klist p,q; int j=0; p=list; if((search_list(list,i))==NULL) { printf("delete error\n"); return 0; } while((p->next!=NULL)&&(j<i)) { p=p->next; j++; } if(j==i) { q=p->next; printf("%d\n",q->data); p->next=q->next; free(q); return p; } else { return p; } } int main() { klist p; int i; p=insert_list(); printf("please input which node do you want to delete:\n"); scanf("%d",&i); printf("the output is:\n"); while(p->next!=p) p=delete_list(p,i); printf("%d\n",p->data); free(p); return 1; }
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