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2006-03-31 21:07:06

// Both UNICODE and _UNICODE must be either defined or undefined
// because some headers use UNICODE and others use _UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
#ifndef _UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
#ifdef _UNICODE
#define UNICODE
#define RC_STRING_MAX_SIZE                 200
#define IDS_DllNotLoaded                   100
#define IDS_MissingEntry                   101
typedef int (WINAPI *DllWinMainW)(
  HWND hWnd,
  HINSTANCE hInstance,
  LPWSTR lpwCmdLine,
  int nCmdShow
typedef int (WINAPI *DllWinMainA)(
  HWND hWnd,
  HINSTANCE hInstance,
  LPSTR lpCmdLine,
  int nCmdShow
LPCTSTR DllNotLoaded = _T("LoadLibrary failed to load \"%s\"");
LPCTSTR MissingEntry = _T("Missing entry point:%s\nIn %s");
LPCTSTR rundll32_wtitle = _T("rundll32");
LPCTSTR rundll32_wclass = _T("rundll32_window");
TCHAR ModuleFileName[MAX_PATH+1];
LPTSTR ModuleTitle;

// CommandLineToArgv converts a command-line string to argc and
// argv similar to the ones in the standard main function.
// This is a specialized version coded specifically for rundll32
// and is not intended to be used in any other program.
LPTSTR *WINAPI CommandLineToArgv(LPCTSTR lpCmdLine, int *lpArgc)
 LPTSTR *argv, lpSrc, lpDest, lpArg;
 int argc, nBSlash, nNames;
 BOOL bInQuotes, bFirstChar;
 // If null was passed in for lpCmdLine, there are no arguments
 if (!lpCmdLine) {
  if (lpArgc)
   *lpArgc = 0;
  return 0;
 lpSrc = (LPTSTR)lpCmdLine;
 // Skip spaces at beginning
 while (*lpSrc == _T(' ') || *lpSrc == _T('\t'))
 // If command-line starts with null, there are no arguments
 if (*lpSrc == 0) {
  if (lpArgc)
   *lpArgc = 0;
  return 0;
 lpArg = lpSrc;
 argc = 0;
 nBSlash = 0;
 bInQuotes = FALSE;
 bFirstChar = TRUE;
 nNames = 0;
 // Count the number of arguments
 while (nNames < 4) {
  if (*lpSrc == 0 || (*lpSrc == _T(',') && nNames == 2) || ((*lpSrc == _T(' ') || *lpSrc == _T('\t')) && !bInQuotes)) {
   // Whitespace not enclosed in quotes signals the start of another argument
   // Skip whitespace between arguments
   while (*lpSrc == _T(' ') || *lpSrc == _T('\t') || (*lpSrc == _T(',') && nNames == 2))
   if (*lpSrc == 0)
   if (nNames >= 3) {
    // Increment the count for the last argument
   nBSlash = 0;
   bFirstChar = TRUE;
  else if (*lpSrc == _T('\\')) {
   // Count consecutive backslashes
   bFirstChar = FALSE;
  else if (*lpSrc == _T('\"') && !(nBSlash & 1)) {
   // Open or close quotes
   bInQuotes = !bInQuotes;
   nBSlash = 0;
  else {
   // Some other character
   nBSlash = 0;
   if (bFirstChar && ((*lpSrc != _T('/') && nNames <= 1) || nNames > 1))
   bFirstChar = FALSE;
 // Allocate space for the pointers in argv and the strings in one block
 argv = (LPTSTR *)malloc(argc * sizeof(LPTSTR) + (_tcslen(lpArg) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
 if (!argv) {
  // Memory allocation failed
  if (lpArgc)
   *lpArgc = 0;
  return 0;
 lpSrc = lpArg;
 lpDest = lpArg = (LPTSTR)(argv + argc);
 argc = 0;
 nBSlash = 0;
 bInQuotes = FALSE;
 bFirstChar = TRUE;
 nNames = 0;
 // Fill the argument array
 while (nNames < 4) {
  if (*lpSrc == 0 || (*lpSrc == _T(',') && nNames == 2) || ((*lpSrc == _T(' ') || *lpSrc == _T('\t')) && !bInQuotes)) {
   // Whitespace not enclosed in quotes signals the start of another argument
   // Null-terminate argument
   *lpDest++ = 0;
   argv[argc++] = lpArg;
   // Skip whitespace between arguments
   while (*lpSrc == _T(' ') || *lpSrc == _T('\t') || (*lpSrc == _T(',') && nNames == 2))
   if (*lpSrc == 0)
   lpArg = lpDest;
   if (nNames >= 3) {
    // Copy the rest of the command-line to the last argument
    argv[argc++] = lpArg;
   nBSlash = 0;
   bFirstChar = TRUE;
  else if (*lpSrc == _T('\\')) {
   *lpDest++ = _T('\\');
   // Count consecutive backslashes
   bFirstChar = FALSE;
  else if (*lpSrc == _T('\"')) {
   if (!(nBSlash & 1)) {
    // If an even number of backslashes are before the quotes,
    // the quotes don't go in the output
    lpDest -= nBSlash / 2;
    bInQuotes = !bInQuotes;
   else {
    // If an odd number of backslashes are before the quotes,
    // output a quote
    lpDest -= (nBSlash + 1) / 2;
    *lpDest++ = _T('\"');
    bFirstChar = FALSE;
   nBSlash = 0;
  else {
   // Copy other characters
   if (bFirstChar && ((*lpSrc != _T('/') && nNames <= 1) || nNames > 1))
   *lpDest++ = *lpSrc++;
   nBSlash = 0;
   bFirstChar = FALSE;
 if (lpArgc)
  *lpArgc = argc;
 return argv;
void GetModuleTitle(void)
 LPTSTR lpStr;
 ModuleTitle = ModuleFileName;
 for (lpStr = ModuleFileName;*lpStr;lpStr++) {
  if (*lpStr == _T('\\'))
   ModuleTitle = lpStr+1;
 for (lpStr = ModuleTitle;*lpStr;lpStr++) {
  if (_tcsicmp(lpStr,_T(".exe"))==0)
 *lpStr = 0;
// The macro ConvertToWideChar takes a tstring parameter and returns
// a pointer to a unicode string.  A conversion is performed if
// neccessary.  FreeConvertedWideChar string should be used on the
// return value of ConvertToWideChar when the string is no longer
// needed.  The original string or the string that is returned
// should not be modified until FreeConvertedWideChar has been called.
#ifdef UNICODE
#define ConvertToWideChar(lptString) (lptString)
#define FreeConvertedWideChar(lpwString)
LPWSTR ConvertToWideChar(LPCSTR lpString)
 LPWSTR lpwString;
 size_t nStrLen;
 nStrLen = strlen(lpString) + 1;
 lpwString = (LPWSTR)malloc(nStrLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
 return lpwString;
#define FreeConvertedWideChar(lpwString) free(lpwString)
// The macro ConvertToMultiByte takes a tstring parameter and returns
// a pointer to an ansi string.  A conversion is performed if
// neccessary.  FreeConvertedMultiByte string should be used on the
// return value of ConvertToMultiByte when the string is no longer
// needed.  The original string or the string that is returned
// should not be modified until FreeConvertedMultiByte has been called.
#ifdef UNICODE
#define ConvertToMultiByte(lptString) DuplicateToMultiByte(lptString,0)
#define FreeConvertedMultiByte(lpaString) free(lpaString)
#define ConvertToMultiByte(lptString) (lptString)
#define FreeConvertedMultiByte(lpaString)
// DuplicateToMultiByte takes a tstring parameter and always returns
// a pointer to a duplicate ansi string.  If nBufferSize is zero,
// the buffer length is the exact size of the string plus the
// terminating null.  If nBufferSize is nonzero, the buffer length
// is equal to nBufferSize.  As with strdup, free should be called
// for the returned string when it is no longer needed.
LPSTR DuplicateToMultiByte(LPCTSTR lptString, size_t nBufferSize)
 LPSTR lpString;
 size_t nStrLen;
 nStrLen = _tcslen(lptString) + 1;
 if (nBufferSize == 0) nBufferSize = nStrLen;
 lpString = (LPSTR)malloc(nBufferSize);
#ifdef UNICODE
 return lpString;
LRESULT CALLBACK EmptyWindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
 return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
// Registers a minimal window class for passing to the dll function
ATOM RegisterBlankClass(HINSTANCE hInstance)
 wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);         = 0;
 wcex.lpfnWndProc   = EmptyWindowProc;
 wcex.cbClsExtra    = 0;
 wcex.cbWndExtra    = 0;
 wcex.hInstance     = hInstance;
 wcex.hIcon         = 0;
 wcex.hCursor       = 0;
 wcex.hbrBackground = 0;
 wcex.lpszMenuName  = 0;
 wcex.lpszClassName = rundll32_wclass;
 wcex.hIconSm       = 0;
 return RegisterClassEx(&wcex);
int WINAPI WinMain(
  HINSTANCE hInstance,
  HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
  LPSTR lpCmdLineA,
  int nCmdShow
 int argc;
 LPTSTR *argv;
 LPTSTR lptCmdLine,lptDllName,lptFuncName,lptMsgBuffer;
 LPSTR lpFuncName,lpaCmdLine;
 LPWSTR lpwCmdLine;
 DllWinMainW fnDllWinMainW;
 DllWinMainA fnDllWinMainA;
 HWND hWindow;
 int nRetVal,i;
 size_t nStrLen;
 // Get command-line in argc-argv format
 argv = CommandLineToArgv(GetCommandLine(),&argc);
 // Skip all beginning arguments starting with a slash (/)
 for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
  if (*argv[i] != _T('/')) break;
 // If no dll was specified, there is nothing to do
 if (i >= argc) {
  if (argv) free(argv);
  return 0;
 lptDllName = argv[i++];
 // The next argument, which specifies the name of the dll function,
 // can either have a comma between it and the dll filename or a space.
 // Using a comma here is the preferred method
 if (i < argc)
  lptFuncName = argv[i++];
  lptFuncName = _T("");
 // If no function name was specified, nothing needs to be done
 if (!*lptFuncName) {
  if (argv) free(argv);
  return 0;
 // The rest of the arguments will be passed to dll function
 if (i < argc)
  lptCmdLine = argv[i];
  lptCmdLine = _T("");
 nRetVal = 0;
 // Everything is all setup, so load the dll now
 hDll = LoadLibrary(lptDllName);
 if (hDll) {
  nStrLen = _tcslen(lptFuncName);
  // Make a non-unicode version of the function name,
  // since that is all GetProcAddress accepts
  lpFuncName = DuplicateToMultiByte(lptFuncName,nStrLen + 2);
#ifdef UNICODE
  lpFuncName[nStrLen] = 'W';
  lpFuncName[nStrLen+1] = 0;
  // Get address of unicode version of the dll function if it exists
  fnDllWinMainW = (DllWinMainW)GetProcAddress(hDll,lpFuncName);
  fnDllWinMainA = 0;
  if (!fnDllWinMainW) {
   // If no unicode function was found, get the address of the non-unicode function
   lpFuncName[nStrLen] = 'A';
   fnDllWinMainA = (DllWinMainA)GetProcAddress(hDll,lpFuncName);
   if (!fnDllWinMainA) {
    // If first non-unicode function was not found, get the address
    // of the other non-unicode function
    lpFuncName[nStrLen] = 0;
    fnDllWinMainA = (DllWinMainA)GetProcAddress(hDll,lpFuncName);
  // Get address of non-unicode version of the dll function if it exists
  fnDllWinMainA = (DllWinMainA)GetProcAddress(hDll,lpFuncName);
  fnDllWinMainW = 0;
  if (!fnDllWinMainA) {
   // If first non-unicode function was not found, get the address
   // of the other non-unicode function
   lpFuncName[nStrLen] = 'A';
   lpFuncName[nStrLen+1] = 0;
   fnDllWinMainA = (DllWinMainA)GetProcAddress(hDll,lpFuncName);
   if (!fnDllWinMainA) {
    // If non-unicode function was not found, get the address of the unicode function
    lpFuncName[nStrLen] = 'W';
    fnDllWinMainW = (DllWinMainW)GetProcAddress(hDll,lpFuncName);
  // Create a window so we can pass a window handle to
  // the dll function; this is required
  hWindow = CreateWindowEx(0,rundll32_wclass,rundll32_wtitle,0,CW_USEDEFAULT,0,CW_USEDEFAULT,0,0,0,hInstance,0);
  if (fnDllWinMainW) {
   // Convert the command-line string to unicode and call the dll function
   lpwCmdLine = ConvertToWideChar(lptCmdLine);
   nRetVal = fnDllWinMainW(hWindow,hInstance,lpwCmdLine,nCmdShow);
  else if (fnDllWinMainA) {
   // Convert the command-line string to ansi and call the dll function
   lpaCmdLine = ConvertToMultiByte(lptCmdLine);
   nRetVal = fnDllWinMainA(hWindow,hInstance,lpaCmdLine,nCmdShow);
  else {
   // The specified dll function was not found; display an error message
            LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), IDS_MissingEntry, (LPTSTR) szMsg,RC_STRING_MAX_SIZE);
   lptMsgBuffer = (LPTSTR)malloc((_tcslen(szMsg) - 4 + _tcslen(lptFuncName) + _tcslen(lptDllName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
  // The dll function has finished executing, so unload it
 else {
  // The dll could not be loaded; display an error message
  LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), IDS_DllNotLoaded, (LPTSTR) szMsg,RC_STRING_MAX_SIZE);
  lptMsgBuffer = (LPTSTR)malloc((_tcslen(szMsg) - 2 + _tcslen(lptDllName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
 if (argv) free(argv);
 return nRetVal;
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