2010-10-10 17:09:25
The main data structure in Libwhisker is the
'whisker' anonymous hash. A hash is a data structure in PERL that is
comparable to associated arrays in other programming and scripting
This 'whisker' anonymous hash can either define
different aspects of a HTTP request or read different parts of the HTTP
response. However, determining how to access this information can be a
source of confusion.
Prior to using any of the Libwhisker functions,
two PERL hashes first need to be defined, one for the HTTP request and
one for the HTTP response. Some items will be defined in the 'whisker'
hash and some will be either defined directly in the request hash or
read directly from the response hash. To determine which portions of
the HTTP request/response are part of the 'whisker' hash and which are
part of the request/response hash, let's look at the possible options
for the 'whisker' hash that relate to a HTTP packet.
Note that internal to the 'whisker' hash are the
'hin' and 'hout' hashes which are directly mapped to the request and
response hash, respectively. For this article we will use the %request,
%response and %jar PERL hashes to refer to the HTTP request hash, HTTP
response hash and HTTP cookies hash, respectively.
{'whisker'}->{'host'} =
This will be the remote
host that we want to connect to. This value will also be reflected in
the HTTP 'Host' header. This can be an IP address, DNS name or a
NetBIOS name. If you want to specify another value in the HTTP 'Host"
header then you will have to do it manually prior to using the
'LW2::http_do_request' function. The HTTP 'Host' header must be
included in all HTTP 1.1 packets to be RFC compliant. By default this
is 'localhost'.{'whisker'}->{'port'} =
This is the remote port
that we want to connect to. The only valid values are numbers between 1
and 65535. By default this is port 80.{'whisker'}->{'proxy_host'} =
This is the proxy host that we want to use. By default this is not set. {'whisker'}->{'proxy_port'} =
This is the port of the proxy that we want to use. This must be set if the 'proxy_host" option is set.{'whisker'}->{'method'} =
This the HTTP verb that we want to use. By default this is GET.{'whisker'}->{'uri'} =
This is URI that we want to use. By default this is '/'.{'whisker'}->{'version'} =
This is the version of
HTTP that we want to use. We can specify either 0.9, 1.0 or 1.1. If
this is set to 0.9 then Libwhisker, by default, will follow only what
is supported by 0.9. By default this is set to 1.1.{'whisker'}->{'error'} =
This is only in the 'hout'
hash if it is defined. This has nothing do with the HTTP code returned
by the server, but with error's received when reading the data from the
server. By default this is empty.{'whisker'}->{'data'} =
If used in the request
hash, this would be used for any POST or PUT data. If the
'http_fixup_request' function is used after the
{'whisker'}->{'data'} option is defined and then the HTTP
'Content-Length' will be set. If this is used in the response hash then
it would refer to the HTML data returned from the server.{'whisker'}->{'code'} =
This is only available in the response hash. This will be the numeric HTTP code returned by the remote server.{'whisker'}->{'message'} =
This will be the textual message associated with {'whisker'}->{'code'}.{'whisker'}->{'header_order'} =
This is an
anonymous array that holds all the HTTP headers that were returned from
the server, and the order that they were received. {'whisker'}->{'http_space1'} =
This is the value of the space that is used between the HTTP method/verb and the URI. By default this is ' ' (single space).{"whisker'}->{'uri_prefix'} =
This is the value of data that is placed before the URI. By default this is blank.{'whisker'}->{'uri_postfix'} =
This is the value of the data that is placed after the URI. By default this is blank.{'whisker'}->{'uri_param_sep'} =
This is the value of the character that is used to separate parameters. By default this is '?'.{'whisker'}->{'http_space2'} =
This is the value of that is placed between the URI and the HTTP version. By default this is ' ' (space).{'whisker'}->{'http_eol'} =
This is the value of the header line terminator.{'whisker'}->{'cookies'} =
This is available in the
response hash only. This is usually not used directly as there are
functions to read and write the cookies. If a hash has been specified
for the cookies then they can be stored in there. Below is a diagram of an HTTP request packet that
shows where the parts of the 'whisker' hash relate to and where the
parts of the 'request' hash relate to.
Below is a diagram of an HTTP response packet that shows how to access it with the 'whisker' hash.
To get used to using the Libwhisker module we will write a command line tool that allows us to follow the first five steps in "Penetration Testing of Web Applications".
This will provide us a good example to base our scripts on. For each
step we will add to the script. To briefly summarize, the information
gathering steps we are going to script are:
There are a couple of different ways to initialize the
request and response hash. One is to initialize the hashes manually
[ref1] and the other is to use the Libwhisker functions
'LW2::http_new_request' and 'LW2::http_new_response' [ref2].
%request = (); %response = (); LW2::http_init_request(\%request); $request{'whisker'}->{'host'} = "";
II. use LW2;
$request = LW2::http_new_request(host=>'', uri =>'/'); $response = LW2::http_new_response();
To accomplish the first of our five steps, we need to
be able to send a HEAD or OPTIONS request to the server and see what
type of information is sent back. This means that we are going to have
to alter the value in {'whisker'}->{'method'} and print out all the
headers that are returned from the server. Instead of hard coding the
method we will allow it to be specified via the command line using the
'-m' option. We will only allow the GET, HEAD and OPTIONS methods.
#Define the modules that we intend to use. use strict; use LW2; use Getopt::Std; #Define hashes for our command line options, request #information and response information. my (%opts, %request, %response, $headers_array, $header); getopts('h:m:', \%opts); #Initialize all the request variables. Some of these we will overwrite. LW2::http_init_request(\%request); if (!(defined($opts{h}))) { die "You must specify a host to scan.\n"; } if (defined($opts{m})) { if ($opts{m} =~ /OPTIONS|HEAD|GET/) { $request{'whisker'}->{'method'} = $opts{m}; } else { die "You can only use OPTIONS, HEAD or GET for the method.\n"; } } ##start making requests #Set the host that we want to scan $request{'whisker'}->{'host'} = $opts{h}; #Make RFC compliant LW2::http_fixup_request(\%request); #Do the actual scan. if(LW2::http_do_request(\%request,\%response)){ ##error handling print 'ERROR: ', $response{'whisker'}->{'error'}, "\n"; print $response{'whisker'}->{'data'}, "\n"; } else { ##show results #Get the information out of the anonymous array. #'$headers_array' is a reference. $headers_array = $response{'whisker'}->{'header_order'}; print "HTTP " ,$response{'whisker'}->{'version'}, "\t"; print $response{'whisker'}->{'code'} , "\n"; foreach $header (@$headers_array) { print "$header"; print "\t$response{$header}\n"; } }
The second,
third, fourth, and fifth steps in our example can be combined, as they
either deal with specifying a URI and/or looking at the actual HTML
data returned from the server. To modify the URI from it's default '/'
we need to change {'whisker'}->{'uri'}. We are also going to want to
add an option to print out the HTML data. This way we can see if there
is anything interesting in the HTML data that is returned like 404
messages (step2), file and directories (step3), source code (step4),
and errors generated by manipulating the GET request through the URI
(step 5). For the URI we will use the '-u' switch and for the printing
of the HTML code we will use the '-d' switch.
Let's take a look at our new code snippet, which takes the previous one and builds on it:
#Define the modules that we intend to use. use strict; use LW2; use Getopt::Std; #Define hashes for our command line options, #request information and response information. my (%opts, %request, %response, $headers_array, $header); ##note the additions of 'd' for data and 'u' as ##the option for the URI, below getopts('dh:m:u:', \%opts); #Initialize all the request variables. Some of these we will overwrite. LW2::http_init_request(\%request); if (!(defined($opts{h}))) { die "You must specify a host to scan.\n"; } if (defined($opts{m})) { if ($opts{m} =~ /OPTIONS|HEAD|GET/) { $request{'whisker'}->{'method'} = $opts{m}; } else { die "You can only use OPTIONS, HEAD or GET for the method.\n"; } } ##now set URI if passed on command line if (defined($opts{u})) { $request{'whisker'}->{'uri'} = $opts{u}; } #Set the host that we want to scan $request{'whisker'}->{'host'} = $opts{h}; #Make RFC compliant LW2::http_fixup_request(\%request); #Do the actual scan. if(LW2::http_do_request(\%request,\%response)){ print 'ERROR: ', $response{'whisker'}->{'error'}, "\n"; print $response{'whisker'}->{'data'}, "\n"; } else { #Get the information out of the anonymous array. #'$headers_array' is a reference. $headers_array = $response{'whisker'}->{'header_order'}; print "\n\n"; print "HTTP " ,$response{'whisker'}->{'version'}, "\t"; print $response{'whisker'}->{'code'} , "\n"; foreach $header (@$headers_array) { print "$header"; print "\t$response{$header}\n"; } ##if 'd' is passed, print some data if (defined($opts{d})) { print "\n\n----------------------------- -----------------------------\n\n"; print $response{'whisker'}->{'data'} , "\n"; } }
Now we will add support for changing the 'User-Agent'
header. Developers use this to determine if the client is running a
browser that they support. By default the 'User-Agent' header used by
Libwhisker is 'Mozilla (libwhisker/2.0)'. We will add support for three
different browsers, Netscape 7.1, Microsoft IE 6 and Mozilla Firefox
To change which browser will be spoofed, the
command line option '-U' will be added to our script and it will take
either N (Netscape), I (Internet Explorer) or F (Mozilla Firefox).
There is more to spoofing a browser than just changing the 'User-Agent'
header, however. While this will most likely do the trick most of the
time, each browser also uses other headers and values. If you want to
fully spoof a browser you will have to first determine which headers
are used and what their associated values are, and then set them in
your script accordingly.
We also want to add support for the POST method.
Some applications require the user to have a session established before
allowing them to post data, so we will need to grab the cookies from
the response we get and set them for our POST request. One caveat to
this is the URI that we will be specifying using the '-u' option should
only be used in the POST request. Initially the script will do a simple
GET request and get the cookie, then set the cookie in the POST request
prior to calling 'LW2::http_do_request'. Below is a script that will
allow us to change the 'User-Agent' header and also do POST requests.
The '-D' option will be used to specify the data that should be in the
POST request.
Below is the final incarnation of our example
script, which can now achieve all five of the tasks that we initially
set out to automate and solve.
Having your own suite of custom scripts and tools can be very handy
when it comes to web application assessments. One of the benefits to
this approach is that you know how the tools work and can add new
functionality to fit your needs. This also helps in learning how an
application works.
Many tools out there will tell a user that an application is vulnerable by doing some basic testing, but sometimes you need more than that. Libwhisker can be used to go beyond the information gathering phase that was shown here. Just like many security tools that use libnet and libpcap to create and read specially crafted packets, Libwhisker allows us the same type of functionality for creating and parsing HTTP packets and can very useful to a penetration tester.
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