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2008-12-08 12:12:40

10.9 kill and raise function



int kill(pid_t pid, int signo);


int raise(int signo);


Both return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

(一)Kill函数可以像一个进程,或者process group,甚至系统中所有的进程发送信号,这取决于你的权限和pid的取值。


1The superuser can send a signal to any process.超级用户可以向任何进程发送信号

2For other users, the basic rule is that the real or effective user ID of the sender has to equal the real or effective user ID of the receiver. If the implementation supports _POSIX_SAVED_IDS (as POSIX.1 now requires), the saved set-user-ID of the receiver is checked instead of its effective user ID. 普通用户需要保证你的real/effective user id与接受进程的real/effective user id匹配,如果定义了_POSIX_SAVED_IDS,那么就不管effective user id了,而是看saved set-user-id

3There is also one special case for the permission testing: if the signal being sent is SIGCONT, a process can send it to any other process in the same session.如果是发送SIGCONT信号,那么一个进程可以将其发送给与她同session的所有其他进程。

如下是摘自linux suse man pageman 2 kill)的一段话:

For a process to have permission to send a signal it must either be privileged  (under  Linux:  have the  CAP_KILL  capability),  or  the real or effective user ID of the sending process must equal the real or saved set-user-ID of the target process.  In the case of SIGCONT it suffices when the  sending and receiving processes belong to the same session.



There are four different conditions for the pid argument to kill.

Pid > 0

The signal is sent to the process whose process ID is pid.

Pid == 0

The signal is sent to all processes whose process group ID equals the process group ID of the sender and for which the sender has permission to send the signal. Note that the term all processes excludes an implementation-defined set of system processes. For most UNIX systems, this set of system processes includes the kernel processes and init (pid 1).

Pid < 0

The signal is sent to all processes whose process group ID equals the absolute value of pid and for which the sender has permission to send the signal. Again, the set of all processes excludes certain system processes, as described earlier.

Pid == 1

The signal is sent to all processes on the system for which the sender has permission to send the signal. As before, the set of processes excludes certain system processes.


(二)kill 函数可以用来测定一个进程是否还存在


0 signal就是null signal,用来干这个事情。当返回-1,且errno=ESRCH时,表明进程不在了。








void nullhandler( int num )


       puts( "child received 0 signal" );


int main()


       setbuf( stdout, NULL );

       int pid = fork();

       if( pid == 0 )



              puts("child started");


//            exit(0);



//     waitpid( pid,0,0 );

       puts( " father before to send 0 signal" );

       int ret = kill( pid, 0 );

       printf( " father after send 0 signal, kill returned %d\n", ret );




1. //child exit and father have waited it, the child

//disappeared definitely

孩子调用exit,不调用pause, 并且父亲调用waitpid。检查结果程序不存在

shaoting@desktopbj-LabSD:/home/shaoting/mytest> ./a.out

child started

father before to send 0 signal

father after send 0 signal, kill returned -1


2. //child exit and father have not waited it, there is

//a zombia of the child


shaoting@desktopbj-LabSD:/home/shaoting/mytest> ./a.out

child started

father before to send 0 signal

father after send 0 signal, kill returned 0


3. //child do not exit, it is still there


shaoting@desktopbj-LabSD:/home/shaoting/mytest> ./a.out

child started

father before to send 0 signal

father after send 0 signal, kill returned 0


Raise函数没有提供pid,因为raise函数是ISO C中的函数,ISO C中没有进程操作,所以也就不会关心进程。她用来对本进程发送信号。Posix后来加入了对raise的支持,并有所扩展,所谓扩展主要是针对thread的支持。


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