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2009-04-20 18:01:02

Today, I try to install bootchartd。
But found many problem in debian(testing 20090420)

The follow from IRC Debian channel and useraname debain is "me".


15时14分53秒) paulell: did you add the init=/sbin/bootchartd part into your /boot/grub/menu.lst?
(15时15分44秒) paulell:
(15时16分10秒) debian: yes  , already
(15时16分53秒) paulell: hmm i just apt-get installed bootchart and bootchart-view, added the init line then restarted and it created the /var/log file
(15时17分03秒) debian: kernel      /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-686 ro root=/dev/hda3  vga=791 init=/sbin/bootchartd
(15时17分23秒) debian: this my  /boot/grub/menu.lst  file
(15时18分50秒) debian: any suggestion ?  thanks in  advance :)
(15时19分43秒) paulell: thinking... but i'm not sure what else to change honestly :( just kinda worked right off the bat for me
(15时21分32秒) debian: ps -ef|grep  boot
(15时21分32秒) debian: root       915     1  0 14:47 ?        00:00:16 /bin/sh /sbin/bootchartd
(15时21分32秒) debian: root       916     1  0 14:47 ?        00:00:16 /bin/sh /sbin/bootchartd
15时21分32秒) debian: root       917     1  1 14:47 ?        00:00:37 /bin/sh /sbin/bootchartd
(15时21分32秒) debian: thank    29862 30455  0 15:21 pts/3    00:00:00 grep boot
(15时22分14秒) debian: this is  my laptop 's state  after restart
(15时22分36秒) paulell: it may not be finding the processes running that it expects to tell it to stop
(15时22分42秒) paulell: saw this on a site
(15时23分03秒) paulell: "Apparently the script is looking for gdm, kdm or the sorts to stop, and well, I don't have none of that"
(15时23分42秒) paulell: "The logger will try to detect the end of the boot process by looking for specific processes. For example, when in runlevel 5 (multi-user graphical mode), it will look for gdmgreeter, kdm_greet, etc. As soon as one of these processes is found running, the logger will stop collecting data, package the log files and store them to /var/log/bootchart.tgz."
(15时25分36秒) debian: yes
(15时25分38秒) debian: sudo runlevel
(15时25分38秒) debian: N 2
(15时25分48秒) debian: it's graphical mode
(15时26分12秒) debian: [daemon]
(15时26分12秒) debian: AutomaticLoginEnable=true
15时26分30秒) debian: it's my  gdm.conf file
(15时26分52秒) paulell: i didn't have automatic login enabled on mine when i did it
(15时27分17秒) paulell: not sure if that makes a diff or not, still looking around
(15时27分33秒) debian: thank you

15时39分34秒) paulell: so your using gnome and have automatic login enabled? or disabled?
(15时39分47秒) debian: hi
(15时39分53秒) debian: I  come back
(15时40分10秒) debian: I'm restart  my loptop
(15时40分15秒) paulell: k
(15时40分40秒) debian: and I  disable  automatic  login  of gdm
(15时40分51秒) debian: but still  no found log file
(15时41分07秒) paulell: i saw this in the /sbin/bootchartd file
(15时41分38秒) paulell: says if runlevel = 2
(15时41分52秒) paulell: exit_proc="mingetty agetty rungetty getty fgetty"
(15时42分01秒) paulell: are any of those running after u login
(15时42分19秒) debian: let me check
(15时42分38秒) debian: ps -ef|grep etty
(15时42分38秒) debian: root      2719     1  0 15:35 tty1     00:00:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty1
(15时42分38秒) debian: root      2720     1  0 15:35 tty2     00:00:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty2
(15时42分38秒) debian: thank     7873  6640  0 15:42 pts/1    00:00:00 grep etty
(15时42分53秒) paulell: k so must not be that :)
(15时43分12秒) debian: what's your mean ?
(15时43分42秒) paulell: i did vim /sbin/bootchartd, and just looking to see what triggers it to stop and write the file
(15时44分00秒) paulell: so it should see the getty program and stop, so must not be the issue
(15时44分32秒) paulell: still looking around
(15时45分13秒) debian: yes
(15时45分24秒) paulell: some people turn off all the getty's so wasn't sure if yours were running
(15时50分08秒) debian: so  your mean  that let me  trun off all  the  getty ?
(15时50分30秒) paulell: no yours is ok, just trying to narrow it down
(15时50分40秒) paulell: so if you ps aux | grep bootchartd
(15时50分43秒) paulell: they are still running?
(15时50分56秒) paulell: it says you can run /sbin/bootchartd stop, to force it to stop
(15时51分06秒) debian: yes , let me try
(15时52分00秒) debian: sudo /sbin/bootchartd stop
(15时52分12秒) debian: ps aux | grep bootchartd
(15时52分12秒) debian: thank     7950  0.1  0.2   8476  2996 pts/2    S+   15:47   0:00 vi /sbin/bootchartd
(15时52分12秒) debian: thank     7989  0.0  0.0   5352   736 pts/1    S+   15:51   0:00 grep bootchartd
(15时52分38秒) paulell: is the logfile there?
(15时52分44秒) paulell: /var/log/bootchart.tgz
(15时53分17秒) debian: still no found  the file in /var/log  dir !
(15时53分41秒) paulell: ... hehe guess still looking
(15时55分06秒) paulell: btw are you using Lenny or Etch?
(15时55分17秒) debian: FYI , my  desktop environment is  xfce 4
(15时55分35秒) debian: testing ,  today updated  already !
(15时55分50秒) debian: uname -a
(15时55分50秒) debian: Linux MyLaptop 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Thu Mar 26 01:08:11 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
(15时56分27秒) paulell: k i did read something about bootchart and xdm somewhere, that is Xfce's one right?
(15时56分48秒) paulell: i use gnome myself
(15时57分34秒) debian: my  desktop environment is  xfce 4
(15时57分40秒) paulell: k
(16时00分20秒) debian:
(16时00分44秒) debian: it's seems that the same problem !!
(16时01分13秒) paulell: yeah probably needs a minor change for Xfce, still looking around :)
(16时03分46秒) paulell: btw when you first start up the system does it say "Starting bootchart logging"?
(16时10分46秒) debian: yes
(16时11分12秒) paulell: did you make any changes to /etc/bootchartd.conf
(16时11分12秒) debian: I can  found  the message when it boot .
(16时11分16秒) debian: no
(16时11分19秒) paulell: k
(16时12分07秒) paulell: try starting it manually just to see if any errors come up?
(16时12分11秒) paulell: /sbin/bootchartd start
(16时12分32秒) paulell: then wait a few seconds and stop it
(16时13分16秒) debian: ok ,let me try it
(16时13分26秒) paulell: it looks like all that wait_boot stuff with getty only gets run if you set AUTO_STOP_LOGGER in the bootchartd.conf but, by default that is set to no
(16时14分09秒) paulell: so it looks like ti starts bootchartd in the init, then when /etc/init.d/bootchart runs with start, it sends a signal to shutdown bootchartd,
(16时14分30秒) debian: /etc/init.d/bootchart: line 32: /lib/init/ no this file or dir.
(16时15分03秒) debian: the mesage show when I  /sbin/bootchartd start
(16时15分57秒) paulell: hmm do u have that file?
(16时16分24秒) debian:  LANG= ls /lib/init/ -l
(16时16分24秒) debian: ls: cannot access /lib/init/ No such file or directory
(16时17分00秒) paulell: hmm maybe the Xfce install doesn't create it?
(16时17分06秒) paulell: it's on my system
(16时17分44秒) debian: do you have this  file ?
(16时17分46秒) paulell: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 571 2008-08-12 09:20 /lib/init/
(16时17分58秒) paulell: yeah
(16时17分58秒) debian: dpkg -S  /lib/init/
(16时18分16秒) debian: it's from  which pkg ?
(16时18分25秒) paulell: initscripts: /lib/init/
(16时19分24秒) debian: dpkg -l|grep initscripts
(16时19分24秒) debian: ii  initscripts                          2.86.ds1-1                 Standard scripts needed for booting and shutting down
(16时19分32秒) debian: it's me system !
(16时20分08秒) paulell: ii  initscripts                          2.86.ds1-61
(16时20分26秒) debian: dpkg -L initscripts
(16时20分26秒) debian: /.
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/default
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/default/devpts
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/default/bootlogd
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/default/tmpfs
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/default/halt
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/halt
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/reboot
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/single
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/mountvirtfs
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/skeleton
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/rmnologin
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/urandom
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/sendsigs
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/umountfs
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/bootlogd
(16时20分26秒) debian: /usr
(16时20分26秒) debian: /usr/share
(16时20分26秒) debian: /usr/share/initscripts
(16时20分26秒) debian: /usr/share/initscripts/default.rcS
(16时20分26秒) debian: /usr/share/doc
(16时20分26秒) debian: /usr/share/doc/initscripts
(16时20分26秒) debian: /usr/share/doc/initscripts/copyright
(16时20分26秒) debian: /usr/share/doc/initscripts/changelog.gz
(16时20分26秒) debian: /usr/share/man
(16时20分26秒) debian: /usr/share/man/man1
(16时20分26秒) debian: /usr/share/man/man1/mountpoint.1.gz
(16时20分26秒) debian: /usr/share/man/man5
(16时20分26秒) debian: /usr/share/man/man5/rcS.5.gz
(16时20分26秒) debian: /usr/share/man/man8
(16时20分26秒) debian: /usr/share/man/man8/fsck.nfs.8.gz
(16时20分26秒) debian: /sbin
(16时20分26秒) debian: /sbin/fsck.nfs
(16时20分26秒) debian: /lib
(16时20分26秒) debian: /lib/init
(16时20分26秒) debian: /lib/init/readlink
(16时20分26秒) debian: /bin
(16时20分26秒) debian: /bin/mountpoint
(16时20分26秒) debian: /var
(16时20分26秒) debian: /var/lib
(16时20分26秒) debian: /var/lib/urandom
(16时20分26秒) debian: /etc/init.d/stop-bootlogd
(16时20分51秒) debian: not found  /lib/init/
(16时21分04秒) paulell: yeah my version is newer it looks like
(16时21分12秒) paulell: 1 vs 61
(16时21分16秒) debian: yes
(16时21分42秒) debian: are your testing or unstable  version ?
(16时21分50秒) paulell: Lenny
(16时21分55秒) paulell: so stable
(16时22分27秒) paulell: did you update since testing went from lenny to squeeze?
(16时22分28秒) debian: I'm testing version
(16时22分53秒) paulell: i duno something just seems out of sync version wise
(16时23分14秒) debian: deb testing main non-free contrib
(16时23分32秒) debian: it's  my  /etc/apt/sourse.list
(16时23分44秒) paulell: yeah u did update and upgrade lately?
(16时23分51秒) debian: yes , today !
(16时24分05秒) paulell: weird, i'm not sure lets google it :)
(16时24分14秒) debian: uname -a
(16时24分14秒) debian: Linux MyLaptop 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Thu Mar 26 01:08:11 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
(16时24分30秒) debian: which version of your kernel ?
(16时24分53秒) paulell: Linux stargate 2.6.26-1-amd64 #1 SMP Fri Mar 13 17:46:45 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux
(16时26分20秒) debian: I 'm from beijing china .  could you tell me where are your from ?
(16时26分39秒) paulell: louisiana, usa :)
(16时26分54秒) debian: thanks  :)
(16时28分00秒) paulell: # lenny (stable) (admin): Scripts for initializing and shutting down the system
(16时28分01秒) paulell: 2.86.ds1-61: alpha amd64 arm armel hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc s390 sparc
(16时28分01秒) paulell: # squeeze (testing) (admin): Scripts for initializing and shutting down the system
(16时28分01秒) paulell: 2.86.ds1-61: alpha amd64 armel hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc s390 sparc
(16时28分01秒) paulell: # sid (unstable) (admin): Scripts for initializing and shutting down the system
(16时28分01秒) paulell: 2.86.ds1-61: alpha amd64 armel hpp
(16时28分06秒) paulell: looks like they are all at 61
(16时28分12秒) paulell: might just need to resintall initscripts
(16时28分24秒) paulell: not sure why it's not updated
(16时28分45秒) paulell: can probably go download it manually also from
(16时28分50秒) paulell: and just install it with dpkg
(16时29分40秒) paulell: your english is good enough, assume it's 2nd language?
(16时29分48秒) debian: could you let me know your  main content of  source.list file !
(16时31分04秒) paulell: deb lenny main contrib non-free
(16时31分19秒) paulell: i always use the mirror, duno why :)
(16时31分54秒) debian: ok  ,  let me try it
(16时32分16秒) debian: About English,I am not 100% fluent, but at least I am improving
(16时32分16秒) paulell: u think maybe is just out of date?
(16时32分29秒) debian: not sure from me !
(16时32分55秒) paulell: yeah your english is off a little. but most people on irc are like that even if they speak english :)
(16时35分34秒) paulell: btw probably should leave 'testing' instead of 'lenny', your just trying the source right?
(16时35分59秒) debian: deb testing main contrib non-free
(16时36分10秒) paulell: yeah ok, figured u knew that :)
(16时36分49秒) paulell: bootchart may just work out of box if it updates your initscripts
(16时37分26秒) debian: beause  of no have ntfs-3g pkg  from  lenny  source !
(16时40分22秒) paulell: it's updating packages?
(16时40分38秒) debian: yes
(16时40分51秒) debian:  doing
(16时40分56秒) paulell: k
(16时41分34秒) paulell: learned something new today :) not all debian mirrors are up to date... i didn't know that
(16时42分28秒) debian: could your  run the follow comand  in your system  ?
(16时42分31秒) debian: dpkg -L initscripts |grep
(16时42分35秒) debian: thanks
(16时43分09秒) paulell: yeah it's there

the file /var/log/boot is created after restart

but the content is "Nothing has been logged yet. bootchart"

so I modify /etc/default/bootlogd file

/var/log/bootchart.tgz was created after restart

Render the chart by running:

   $ bootchart

the message is shown
/usr/bin/bootchart: line 7: exec: java: not found

$ sudo update-alternatives --display java
$ ls -l /etc/alternatives/java
$ sudo update-alternatives --auto java

Parsing /var/log/bootchart.tgz
Wrote image: ./bootchart.svgz

Final,It's successd

Very thanks paulell from louisiana. during Problem solving.


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