XULRunner是一个单独的“mozilla运行时”安装包,可用于启动多种如同Firefox和Thunderbird一样丰富的 XUL+XPCOM应用程序。它提供了安装、升级和卸载这些应用程序的机制。XULRunner还将提供libxul,这个解决方案允许把Mozilla 技术嵌入到其它项目和产品中。
What XULRunner Provides
XULRunner提供了一个开发xul程序的解决方案. XULRunner的目的就是提供一个部署XUL应用(目前主要是Firefox和Thunderbird)的解决方案,同时也提供一个嵌入式应用的机制。目前已经实现或计划的功能如下:
Gecko Features
* Networking
* Gecko rendering engine
* DOM editing and transaction support (no UI)
* Cryptography
* XBL (XBL2)
* XML Extras (XMLHttpRequest and DOMParser)
* Web Services (SOAP)
* Auto-update support (not yet complete)
* typeahead-find toolbar
* history implementation
* accessibility support
* IPC services for communication between gecko-based apps (not yet complete)
* storage/sqlite interfaces (not yet turned on by default)
User Interface Features
The following user interface will be supplied by XULRunner, and may be overridden by embedders in certain circumstances:
* APIs and user interface for installing, uninstalling, and upgrading XUL applications. See the wikimo:XUL:Installation Story.
* Extension Manager
* File picker (will use native OS filepicker as appropriate)
* Find toolbar
* Helper app dialog/UI
* Security UI (maintenance of SSL keychains, etc)
Embedding APIs
The following embedding APIs will be provided by XULRunner:
* cross-platform embedding (XRE_InitEmbedding)
* JavaXPCOM embedding
* PyXPCOM embedding (not yet complete)
* activex control (Windows only) (not yet complete)
* gtkmozembed (Linux only) (not yet complete)
* NSView-based-widget (Mac OSX only) (not yet complete)
The "Maybe" List
The following features have been discussed and may be included if developer time permits and codesize is controlled:
* LDAP support
* Spellchecking support (with or without dictionaries provided) see bug 285977
* Core support for profile roaming (with application-specific extensibility)
What's out
XULRunner will not supply:
* Bookmarks or History UI (must be managed by the application/embedder)
* XForms (xforms will be available as an extension).
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