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2008-08-15 16:04:02

Configuring s

ProFTPD's configuration sections allow for powerful fine-grained control over who is allowed to use which FTP commands. This power comes at the price of complexity, however. This document describes some of the things to keep in mind when writing sections.

Perhaps the hardest part of using is understanding its rules of precedence, which dictate which 's restrictions apply when. Precedence is discussed in the directive documentation, and will be mentioned here. First, there are three types of parameters in a directive: "raw" FTP commands, FTP command groups, and the ALL keyword.

"Raw" FTP commands are listed here, including the RFC-mandated X-variant FTP commands, which are often missing from a thorough configuration.

The FTP command groups are:

    * ALL
      Covering: all FTP commands

    * DIRS

    * LOGIN
      Covering: client logins

    * READ
      Covering: RETR, SIZE

    * WRITE

s that use "raw" FTP commands have the highest precedence, followed by s that use the command groups, and, having the lowest precedence, the ALL keyword. If a has both "raw" commands and command groups, then it boils down to the order of appearance of sections in proftpd.conf that use the "raw" command in question.

SITE Commands
To apply a to a SITE command, combine "SITE" and the command (e.g. "CHMOD") by an underscore ("_"), like so:


Thus, in order to place a limit on SITE CHMOD, one would have:


Most sections appear within sections in proftpd.conf. This means that, like the other configuration effects, the s will be inherited by all subdirectories that appear in the path, unless explicitly overridden by a "closer" section. This means that one could configure a section denying all FTP commands for all directories, and then explicitly allow the READ or WRITE FTP command groups in appropriate subdirectories (e.g. pub/ or incoming/ directories).

Using AllowUser
There is a catch to using the AllowUser configuration directive that causes confusion, primarily when a single AllowUser directive is being used to allow access to some FTP commands only to certain users. ProFTPD uses the same function for parsing the AllowUser and AllowGroup (and other) directives. This function parses the list of names for such directives as a Boolean AND list, which means that each name on the list must evaluate to TRUE (must match) for the current user in order for the directive to apply. For AllowGroup, this makes sense, and allows a great deal of flexibility. However, it does not make sense for AllowUser, because a user may not be multiple users at the same time. This is a known issue, and a proper, thorough solution is being developed. In the meantime, however, there is a workaround for allowing multiple users via the AllowUser directive. Rather than listing the users using a single AllowUser, using a separate AllowUser for each user. For example, instead of:

  AllowUser bob,dave,wendy

try using:

  AllowUser bob
  AllowUser dave
  AllowUser wendy

Using Order
One thing that sometimes trips up some administrators is the difference between ProFTPD's and Apache's Order configuration directives. For Apache, an Order of "Allow,Deny" means that access is denied by default, unless an Allow directive explicitly allows access; an Order of "Deny,Allow" means that access is allowed by default, unless a Deny directive explicitly denies access. This is different from ProFTPD, where an Order of "Allow,Deny" allows access by default, unless denied by a Deny directive; "Deny,Allow" denies access by default, unless explicitly granted by an Allow directive. The developers of ProFTPD felt their interpretation to be the more "common sense" interpretation, even though it does not match Apache's interpretation.

Here are examples to help illustrate the use of . First, a common configuration: an upload-only directory.





The first section blocks use of all FTP commands within the /path/to/uploads directory. Having denied use of all commands, we then proceed to define which commands can be used. The CDUP and CWD commands (and their X variants) should be allowed so that clients can change into and out of the directory. Next, STOR and STOU are allowed, so that clients can actually upload files into the directory (assuming that the filesystem permissions allow for the client to write files in the directory as well). The WRITE command group might have been used, but that also allows things like creating and deleting subdirectories, which is usually not wanted in an upload-only configuration.

This next example shows a "blind" directory, where clients can upload and download files from the directory, but they cannot see what is in the directory:



That's it. By default, all commands are allowed in a directory. By blocking the two FTP commands used to list a directory's contents (i.e. LIST and NLST), we have effectively blocked the client from seeing anything in the directory.

Cautious system administrators may want only a few select system users to be able to connect to their proftpd server--all other users are to be denied access. The LOGIN command group is designed for just this scenario:

    AllowUser barb
    AllowUser dave
    AllowGroup ftpuser

This allows the users barb and dave, as well as any user in the ftpuser group, to login. All other users will be denied.

What if a site wished to allow only anonymous access? This would be configured using the LOGIN command group, as above:




The section outside of the section denies logins to everyone. However, the section has a that allows everyone to login; anonymous logins are allowed, and non-anonymous logins are denied.

Another related question often asked is "How can I limit a user to only being able to login from a specific range of IP addresses?" The can be used, in conjunction with the mod_ifsession module and a Class, to configure this:


      AllowClass friends


Note that the same effect can be achieved by using the mod_wrap module to configure user-specific allow/deny files.

One situation that often arises is one where the administrator would like to give users the ability to upload and dowload files from a given directory, but not to be able to delete files from that directory. This cannot be accomplished using normal Unix filesystem permissions, for if a user has write permission on a directory (necessary for uploading files to that directory) they also have delete permissions. In Unix, a directory file serves as a sort of "table of contents", tracking the files in the directory. Adding or removing a file are thus changes on the directory file, and do not involve checking the permissions on the file being added or removed. This is also how a non-root user can delete files that are owned by root and only have user-write permissions. So how then can a site be configured to allow writes but not deletes? By using a configuration similar to the following:

      AllowUser ftpadm


This will allow the user 'ftpadm' to delete files in the /path/to/dir, but no other users.

The FTP protocol has two types of data transfers: active and passive. In some configurations, only one type of transfer is allowed by the network (e.g. active transfers should be denied because clients are sending the wrong IP addresses). The ability to place a on the FTP commands response for active and passive data transfers was added to ProFTPD in 1.2.10rc1. If you are using that version or later, you can use the following to block active transfers:


Or, conversely, to block passive data transfers:


$Date: 2004/12/05 04:24:41 $

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