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qcow is a type of disk image that can be used with the QEMU emulator, the other types being vvfat, vpc, bochs, dmg, cloop, vmdk, cow, and raw, depending on the OS. The qcow image grows as data is added, and supports AES encryption and transparent decompression.
The supported image formats are abbreviations for:
* vvfat - Virtual VFAT
* vpc - Virtual PC
* bochs - Bochs filesystem
* dmg - macintosh Disk iMaGe
* cloop - linux Compressed LOOP
* vmdk - vmware Virtual Machine DisK format
* qcow - QEMU Copy-On-Write
* qcow2 - QEMU Copy-On-Write (new in version 0.9)
* raw - RAW filesystem (no special format)
* cow - user mode linux Copy-On-Write
According to the QEMU FAQ, which points to DmUserspace, qcow can be mounted in Linux.
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