#include <windows.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <stdio.h>
// This function attempts to stop a service. It allows the caller to
// specify whether dependent services should also be stopped. It also
// accepts a timeout value, to prevent a scenario in which a service
// shutdown hangs, then the application stopping the service hangs.
// Parameters:
// hSCM - Handle to the service control manager.
// hService - Handle to the service to be stopped.
// fStopDependencies - Indicates whether to stop dependent services.
// dwTimeout - maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait
// If the operation is successful, returns ERROR_SUCCESS. Otherwise,
// returns a system error code.
DWORD StopService( SC_HANDLE hSCM, SC_HANDLE hService, BOOL fStopDependencies, DWORD dwTimeout ) { SERVICE_STATUS ss; DWORD dwStartTime = GetTickCount(); DWORD dwBytesNeeded;
// Make sure the service is not already stopped
if ( !QueryServiceStatusEx( hService, SC_STATUS_PROCESS_INFO, &ss, sizeof(STATUS_PROCESS_INFO), &dwBytesNeeded ) ) return GetLastError();
if ( ss.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED ) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
// If a stop is pending, just wait for it
while ( ss.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING ) { Sleep( ss.dwWaitHint ); if ( !QueryServiceStatusEx( hService, SC_STATUS_PROCESS_INFO, &ss, sizeof(STATUS_PROCESS_INFO), &dwBytesNeeded ) ) return GetLastError();
if ( ss.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED ) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
if ( GetTickCount() - dwStartTime > dwTimeout ) return ERROR_TIMEOUT; }
// If the service is running, dependencies must be stopped first
if ( fStopDependencies ) { DWORD i; DWORD dwBytesNeeded; DWORD dwCount;
// Pass a zero-length buffer to get the required buffer size
if ( EnumDependentServices( hService, SERVICE_ACTIVE, lpDependencies, 0, &dwBytesNeeded, &dwCount ) ) { // If the Enum call succeeds, then there are no dependent
// services so do nothing
} else { if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) return GetLastError(); // Unexpected error
// Allocate a buffer for the dependencies
lpDependencies = (LPENUM_SERVICE_STATUS) HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwBytesNeeded );
if ( !lpDependencies ) return GetLastError();
__try { // Enumerate the dependencies
if ( !EnumDependentServices( hService, SERVICE_ACTIVE, lpDependencies, dwBytesNeeded, &dwBytesNeeded, &dwCount ) ) return GetLastError();
for ( i = 0; i < dwCount; i++ ) { ess = *(lpDependencies + i);
// Open the service
hDepService = OpenService( hSCM, ess.lpServiceName, SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS ); if ( !hDepService ) return GetLastError();
__try { // Send a stop code
if ( !ControlService( hDepService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ss ) ) return GetLastError();
// Wait for the service to stop
while ( ss.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_STOPPED ) { Sleep( ss.dwWaitHint ); if ( !QueryServiceStatusEx( hDepService, SC_STATUS_PROCESS_INFO, &ss, sizeof(STATUS_PROCESS_INFO), &dwBytesNeeded ) ) return GetLastError();
if ( ss.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED ) break;
if ( GetTickCount() - dwStartTime > dwTimeout ) return ERROR_TIMEOUT; }
} __finally { // Always release the service handle
CloseServiceHandle( hDepService );
} }
} __finally { // Always free the enumeration buffer
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpDependencies ); } } }
// Send a stop code to the main service
if ( !ControlService( hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ss ) ) return GetLastError();
// Wait for the service to stop
while ( ss.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_STOPPED ) { Sleep( ss.dwWaitHint ); if ( !QueryServiceStatusEx( hService, SC_STATUS_PROCESS_INFO, &ss, sizeof(STATUS_PROCESS_INFO), &dwBytesNeeded ) ) return GetLastError();
if ( ss.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED ) break;
if ( GetTickCount() - dwStartTime > dwTimeout ) return ERROR_TIMEOUT; }
// Return success
// Helper function to display an error message
void DisplayError( LPTSTR szAPI, DWORD dwError ) { LPTSTR lpBuffer = NULL;
_tprintf( TEXT("%s failed:\n"), szAPI ); _tprintf( TEXT(" error code = %u\n"), dwError ); _tprintf( TEXT(" message = %s\n"), lpBuffer );
LocalFree( lpBuffer ); }
// Entry point for the program. This function contains sample code
// demonstrating how to use the StopService function implemented
// above.
// Parameters:
// argc - the number of command-line arguments
// argv[] - an array of command-line arguments
void _tmain( int argc, TCHAR *argv[] ) { SC_HANDLE hSCM; SC_HANDLE hService; DWORD dwError;
if ( argc < 2 ) { _tprintf( TEXT("usage: \"%s\" \n"), argv[0] ); return; }
__try { // Open the SCM database
hSCM = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT ); if ( !hSCM ) { DisplayError( TEXT("OpenSCManager()"), GetLastError() ); __leave; }
// Open the specified service
hService = OpenService( hSCM, argv[1], SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS | SERVICE_ENUMERATE_DEPENDENTS ); if ( !hService ) { DisplayError( TEXT("OpenService()"), GetLastError() ); __leave; }
// Try to stop the service, specifying a 30 second timeout
dwError = StopService( hSCM, hService, TRUE, 30000 ) ; if ( dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS ) _tprintf( TEXT("Service stopped.\n") ); else DisplayError( TEXT("StopService()"), dwError );
} __finally { if ( hService ) CloseServiceHandle( hService );
if ( hSCM ) CloseServiceHandle( hSCM ); } }