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2008-01-11 23:48:49

Tutorial 21: Pipe


In this tutorial, we will explore pipe, what it is and what we can use it for. To make it more interesting, I throw in the technique on how to change the background and text color of an edit control.

Download the example here.



Pipe is a communication conduit or pathway with two ends. You can use pipe to exchange the data between two different processes, or within the same process. It's like a walkie-talkie. You give the other party one set and he can use it to communicate with you.

There are two types of pipes: anonymous and named pipes. Anonymous pipe is, well, anonymous: that is, you can use it without knowing its name. A named pipe is the opposite: you have to know its name before you can use it.

You can also categorize pipes according to its property: one-way or two-way. In a one-way pipe, the data can flow only in one direction: from one end to the other. While in a two-way pipe, the data can be exchanged between both ends.


An anonymous pipe is always one-way while a named pipe can be one-way or two-way. A named pipe is usually used in a network environment where a server can connect to several clients.


In this tutorial, we will examine anonymous pipe in some detail. Anonymous pipe's main purpose is to be used as a communication pathway between a parent and child processes or between child processes.

Anonymous pipe is really useful when you deal with a console application. A console application is a kind of win32 program which uses a console for its input & output. A console is like a DOS box. However, a console application is a fully 32-bit program. It can use any GUI function, the same as other GUI programs. It just happens to have a console for its use.


A console application has three handles it can use for its input & output. They are called standard handles. There are three of them: standard input, standard output and standard error. Standard input handle is used to read/retrieve the information from the console and standard output handle is used to output/print the information to the console. Standard error handle is used to report error condition since its output cannot be redirected.


A console application can retrieve those three standard handles by calling GetStdHandle function, specifying the handle it wants to obtain. A GUI application doesn't have a console. If you call GetStdHandle, it will return error. If you really want to use a console, you can call AllocConsole to allocate a new console. However, don't forget to call FreeConsole when you're done with the console.






Anonymous pipe is most frequently used to redirect input and/or output of a child console application. The parent process may be a console or a GUI application but the child must be a console app. for this to work. As you know, a console application uses standard handles for its input and output. If we want to redirect the input and/or output of a console application, we can replace the handle with a handle to one end of a pipe. A console application will not know that it's using a handle to one end of a pipe. It'll use it as a standard handle. This is a kind of polymorphism, in OOP jargon. This approach is powerful since we need not modify the child process in anyway.

匿名管道被频繁的用于重定向 子控制台应用程序的输入和输出。父进程可能是一个控制台或者是一个GUI应用程序,但是子进程必须是一个控制台应用程序。为了这个工作,像你所知道的一样,一个控制台应用程序为它的输入和输出使用标准句柄。如果你想重定向一个控制台应用程序的输入和(或)输出,我们必须用一个管道一端的句柄来替换这个句柄,而控制台应用程序并不知道它使用的句柄是一个管道的一端。它仍将把它当作一个标准句柄使用。在面向对象的行话中,这属于多态性的一种。这是一种很有效的方法,因为我们并不需要用任何途径来修改子进程。

Another thing you should know about a console application is where it gets those standard handles from. When a console application is created, the parent process has two choices: it can create a new console for the child or it can let the child inherit its own console. For the second approach to work, the parent process must be a console application or if it's a GUI application, it must call AllocConsole first to allocate a console.

其它你还应该知道的事,就是一个控制台程序从哪儿获取这些标准句柄。当一个控制台应用程序被创建时,父进程有两个选择:为子进程创建一个新的控制台 或者让子进程继承它已有的控制台。如果选用的是第二种方法,父进程必须是一个控制台应用程序,如果它是一个图形用户界面程序,那么它必须首先调用AllocConsole函数来分配一个控制台。


Let's begin the work. In order to create an anonymous pipe you need to call CreatePipe. CreatePipe has the following prototype:



CreatePipe proto pReadHandle:DWORD, \

  • pReadHandle is a pointer to a dword variable that will receive the handle to the read end of the pipe


  • pWriteHandle is a pointer to a dword variable that will receive the handle to the write end of the pipe.

pWriteHandle 是一指向DWORD类型变量的指针,这个变量接收管道写的那端的句柄。

  • pPipeAttributes points to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that determines whether the returned read & write handles are inheritable by child processes

pPipeAttributes 指向一个SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES结构体的指针,这个结构用于确定读写句柄是否能被子进程继承。

  • nBufferSize is the suggested size of the buffer the pipe will reserve for use. This is a suggested size only. You can use NULL to tell the function to use the default size.

nBufferSize 建议为用户保留的缓冲区大小。这仅仅是一个建议的大小。你能使用NULL来告诉函数使用默认的大小。

If the call is successful, the return value is nonzero. If it failed, the return value is zero.

After the call is successful, you will get two handles, one to read end of the pipe and the other to the write end. Now I will outline the steps needed for redirecting the standard output of a child console program to your own process.Note that my method differs from the one in Borland's win32 api reference. The method in win32 api reference assumes the parent process is a console application and thus the child can inherit the standard handles from it. But most of the time, we will need to redirect output from a console application to a GUI one.

在这个调用成功之后,你将得到两个句柄,一个是管道读端的句柄,另一个是写端的句柄。现在我将重点放在重定向子控制台程序的标准输出到你拥有的进程所需要的步骤上。注意,我使用的方法和在Borlandwin32 api 手册中的方法有所不同。在win32 api手册中的这种方法如下:父进程是一个控制台程序从而子进程能从它那继承这些标准句柄。但是大所数时候,我们将需要从一个控制台程序中重定向输出到一个图形用户界面程序。

  1. Create an anonymous pipe with CreatePipe. Don't forget to set the bInheritable member of SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES to TRUE so the handles are inheritable.


  1. Now we must prepare the parameters we will pass to CreateProcess since we will use it to load the child console application. One important structure is the STARTUPINFO structure. This structure determines the appearance of the main window of the child process when it first appears. This structure is vital to our purpose. You can hide the main window and pass the pipe handle to the child console process with it. Below is the members you must fill:


    • cb : the size of STARTUPINFO structure


    • dwFlags : the binary bit flags that determine which members of the structure are valid also it governs the show/hide state of the main window. For our purpose, you should use a combination of STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW and STARTF_USESTDHANDLES

dwFlags:二进制位标志字。它确定了结构的那一个成员是有效的 同时还支配着主窗口的显示或隐藏状态。为了我们的目标你应该用STARTF_USESHOWWINDOWSTARTF_USESTDHANDLES的组合值。

    • hStdOutput and hStdError : the handles you want the child process to use as standard output/error handles. For our purpose, we will pass write handle of the pipe as the standard output and error of the child. So when the child outputs something to the standard output/error, it actually passes the info via the pipe to the parent process.
      hSedError: 这是你想在子进程中使用的标准输出和标准错误的句柄。为了达到我们的目标,我们将传递管道写端的句柄作为子进程的标准输出和标准错误的句柄。所以当子进程输出一些东西到标准输出和错误时,它实际上是通过管道把这些信息发送给父进程。
    • wShowWindow governs the show/hide state of the main window. For our purpose, we don't want the console window of the child to show so we put SW_HIDE into this member.

WshowWindow 管理主窗口的显示和隐藏状态。为达到我们的目标,我们并不想子进程的控制窗口显示,所以我们把SW_HIDE放进这个成员中。

  1. Call CreateProcess to load the child application. After CreateProcess is successful, the child is still dormant. It is loaded into memory but it doesn't run immediately


  1. Close the write pipe handle. This is necessary. Because the parent process has no use for the write pipe handle, and the pipe won't work if there are more than one write end, we MUST close it before reading the data from the pipe. However, don't close the write handle before calling CreateProcess, your pipe will be broken. You should close it just after CreateProcess returns and before you read data from the read end of the pipe.



  1. Now you can read data from the read end of the pipe with ReadFile. With ReadFile, you kick the child process into running mode. It will start execution and when it writes something to the standard output handle (which is actually the handle to the write end of the pipe), the data are sent through the pipe to the read end. You can think of ReadFile as sucking data from the read end of the pipe. You must call ReadFile repeatedly until it returns 0 which means there are no more data to be read. You can do anything with the data you read from the pipe. In our example, I put them into an edit control.

现在你可以用ReadFile函数从管道的读端读取数据。通过使用ReadFile函数,你能把子进程踢进运行模式。它将开始执行并且当它写一东西到标准输出句柄(实际上是管道的写端句柄)时,这些数据通过管道被送到读端。你可以把ReadFile函数看作是从管道的读端上吸食数据。你应该重复的调用ReadFile函数直到它的返回值为0. 返回0意味着这里没有更多数据能被读取了。你能对从管道读来的数据做任何处理。在我们的例子中,我把它们放在编辑控件中。

  1. Close the read pipe handle.



.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\gdi32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib


IDR_MAINMENU equ 101         ; the ID of the main menu
IDM_ASSEMBLE equ 40001

ClassName            db "PipeWinClass",0
AppName              db "One-way Pipe Example",0 EditClass db "EDIT",0
CreatePipeError     db "Error during pipe creation",0
CreateProcessError     db "Error during process creation",0
CommandLine     db "ml /c /coff /Cp test.asm",0

hInstance HINSTANCE ?
hwndEdit dd ?

    invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL
    mov hInstance,eax
    invoke WinMain, hInstance,NULL,NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT
    invoke ExitProcess,eax

WinMain proc hInst:DWORD,hPrevInst:DWORD,CmdLine:DWORD,CmdShow:DWORD
    LOCAL msg:MSG
    LOCAL hwnd:HWND
    mov wc.cbSize,SIZEOF WNDCLASSEX
    mov, CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW mov wc.lpfnWndProc, OFFSET WndProc
    mov wc.cbClsExtra,NULL
    mov wc.cbWndExtra,NULL
    push hInst
    pop wc.hInstance
    mov wc.hbrBackground,COLOR_APPWORKSPACE
    mov wc.lpszMenuName,IDR_MAINMENU
    mov wc.lpszClassName,OFFSET ClassName
    invoke LoadIcon,NULL,IDI_APPLICATION
    mov wc.hIcon,eax
    mov wc.hIconSm,eax
    invoke LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW
    mov wc.hCursor,eax
    invoke RegisterClassEx, addr wc
    mov hwnd,eax
    .while TRUE
        invoke GetMessage, ADDR msg,NULL,0,0
        .BREAK .IF (!eax)
        invoke TranslateMessage, ADDR msg
        invoke DispatchMessage, ADDR msg
    mov eax,msg.wParam
WinMain endp

WndProc proc hWnd:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
    LOCAL rect:RECT
    LOCAL hWrite:DWORD
    LOCAL startupinfo:STARTUPINFO
    LOCAL buffer[1024]:byte
    LOCAL bytesRead:DWORD
    .if uMsg==WM_CREATE
        invoke CreateWindowEx,NULL,addr EditClass, NULL, WS_CHILD+ WS_VISIBLE+ ES_MULTILINE+ ES_AUTOHSCROLL+ ES_AUTOVSCROLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, NULL, hInstance, NULL
        mov hwndEdit,eax
    .elseif uMsg==WM_CTLCOLOREDIT
        invoke SetTextColor,wParam,Yellow
        invoke SetBkColor,wParam,Black
       invoke GetStockObject,BLACK_BRUSH
    .elseif uMsg==WM_SIZE
        mov edx,lParam
        mov ecx,edx
        shr ecx,16
        and edx,0ffffh
        invoke MoveWindow,hwndEdit,0,0,edx,ecx,TRUE
    .elseif uMsg==WM_COMMAND
       .if lParam==0
            mov eax,wParam
            .if ax==IDM_ASSEMBLE
                mov sat.niLength,sizeof SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
                mov sat.lpSecurityDescriptor,NULL
                mov sat.bInheritHandle,TRUE
                invoke CreatePipe,addr hRead,addr hWrite,addr sat,NULL
                .if eax==NULL
                    invoke MessageBox, hWnd, addr CreatePipeError, addr AppName, MB_ICONERROR+ MB_OK
                    mov startupinfo.cb,sizeof STARTUPINFO
                    invoke GetStartupInfo,addr startupinfo
                    mov eax, hWrite
                    mov startupinfo.hStdOutput,eax
                    mov startupinfo.hStdError,eax
                    mov startupinfo.dwFlags, STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW+ STARTF_USESTDHANDLES
                    mov startupinfo.wShowWindow,SW_HIDE
                    invoke CreateProcess, NULL, addr CommandLine, NULL, NULL, TRUE, NULL, NULL, NULL, addr startupinfo, addr pinfo
                    .if eax==NULL
                        invoke MessageBox,hWnd,addr CreateProcessError,addr         AppName,MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK
                        invoke CloseHandle,hWrite
                        .while TRUE
                            invoke RtlZeroMemory,addr buffer,1024
                            invoke ReadFile,hRead,addr buffer,1023,addr bytesRead,NULL
                            .if eax==NULL
                            invoke SendMessage,hwndEdit,EM_SETSEL,-1,0
                            invoke SendMessage,hwndEdit,EM_REPLACESEL,FALSE,addr buffer
                    invoke CloseHandle,hRead
    .elseif uMsg==WM_DESTROY
        invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL
        invoke DefWindowProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam ret
    xor eax,eax
WndProc endp
end start



The example will call ml.exe to assemble a file named test.asm and redirect the output of ml.exe to the edit control in its client area.
When the program is loaded, it registers the window class and creates the main window as usual. The first thing it does during main window creation is to create an edit control which will be used to display the output of ml.exe.




Now the interesting part, we will change the text and background color of the edit control. When an edit control is going to paint its client area, it sends WM_CTLCOLOREDIT message to its parent.
wParam contains the handle to the device context that the edit control will use to write its own client area. We can use this opportunity to modify the characteristics of the HDC.



        invoke SetTextColor,wParam,Yellow
        invoke SetTextColor,wParam,Black
        invoke GetStockObject,BLACK_BRUSH


SetTextColor changes the text color to yellow. SetTextColor changes the background color of the text to black. And lastly, we obtain the handle to the black brush which we return to Windows. With WM_CTLCOLOREDIT message, you must return a handle to a brush which Windows will use to paint the background of the edit control. In our example, I want the background to be black so I return the handle to the black brush to Windows.
Now when the user selects Assemble menuitem, it creates an anonymous pipe.

SetTextColor 改变文本颜色为黄色。SetTextColor改变文本的背景色为黑色。最后,我们获得了黑色画刷的句柄并将它返回给Windows。在处理WM_CTLCOLOREDIT消息时,你必须返回一个画刷的句柄。Windows将用这个画刷来绘制编辑控件的背景色。在我们的例子中,我想让背景为黑色所以我返回一个黑色的画刷给Windows。现在,当用户选择Assemble菜单项时,它将创建一个匿名管道。

            .if ax==IDM_ASSEMBLE
                mov sat.niLength,sizeof SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
                mov sat.lpSecurityDescriptor,NULL
                mov sat.bInheritHandle,TRUE

Prior to calling CreatePipe, we must fill the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure first. Note that we can use NULL in lpSecurityDescriptor member if we don't care about security. And the bInheritHandle member must be TRUE so that the pipe handles are inheritable to the child process.


             invoke CreatePipe,addr hRead,addr hWrite,addr sat,NULL

 After that, we call CreatePipe which, if successful, will fill hRead and hWrite variables with the handles to read and write ends of the pipe respectively.


                   mov startupinfo.cb,sizeof STARTUPINFO
                    invoke GetStartupInfo,addr startupinfo
                    mov eax, hWrite
                    mov startupinfo.hStdOutput,eax
                    mov startupinfo.hStdError,eax
                    mov startupinfo.dwFlags, STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW+ STARTF_USESTDHANDLES
                    mov startupinfo.wShowWindow,SW_HIDE

Next we must fill the STARTUPINFO structure. We call GetStartupInfo to fill the STARTUPINFO structure with default values of the parent process. You MUST fill the STARTUPINFO structure with this call if you intend your code to work under both win9x and NT. After GetStartupInfo call returns, you can modify the members that are important. We copy the handle to the write end of the pipe into hStdOutput and hStdError since we want the child process to use it instead of the default standard output/error handles. We also want to hide the console window of the child process, so we put SW_HIDE value into wShowWidow member. And lastly, we must indicate that hStdOutput, hStdError and wShowWindow members are valid and must be used by specifying the flags STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW and STARTF_USESTDHANDLES in dwFlags member.

下面我们将填写STARTUPINFO结构。我们调用GetStartupInfo函数来用父进程的默认值填充STARTUPINFO结构。如果你打算让你的代码在Win9xNT中都能工作,那么你必须用这个调用来填充这个STARTUPINFO结构。在GetStartupInfo调用返回后,你能修改那些重要的成员。我们复制管道的写端句柄给hStdOutputhStdError因为我们想让子进程使用它来代替默认的标准输出/错误句柄。我们还需要隐藏子进程的控制台窗口,所以我们设置wShowWIndow成员的值为SW_HIDE。在最后,我们必须指出hStdOutput ,hStdErrorwShowWindow成员是有效的并且必须把被指定的标志STARTF_USESHOWWINDOWSTARTF_USESTDHANDLES的组合值填进dwFlags成员中。

                   invoke CreateProcess, NULL, addr CommandLine, NULL, NULL, TRUE, NULL, NULL, NULL, addr startupinfo, addr pinfo

We now create the child process with CreateProcess call. Note that the bInheritHandles parameter must be set to TRUE for the pipe handle to work.


                       invoke CloseHandle,hWrite

After we successfully create the child process, we must close the write end of the pipe. Remember that we passed the write handle to the child process via STARTUPINFO structure. If we don't close the write handle from our end, there will be two write ends. And that the pipe will not work. We must close the write handle after CreateProcess but before we read data from the read end of the pipe.


                        .while TRUE
                            invoke RtlZeroMemory,addr buffer,1024
                            invoke ReadFile,hRead,addr buffer,1023,addr bytesRead,NULL
                            .if eax==NULL
                            invoke SendMessage,hwndEdit,EM_SETSEL,-1,0
                            invoke SendMessage,hwndEdit,EM_REPLACESEL,FALSE,addr buffer

Now we are ready to read the data from the standard output of the child process. We will stay in an infinite loop until there are no more data left to read from the pipe. We call RtlZeroMemory to fill the buffer with zeroes then call ReadFile, passing the read handle of the pipe in place of a file handle. Note that we only read a maximum of 1023 bytes since we need the data to be an ASCIIZ string which we can pass on to the edit control.

When ReadFile returns with the data in the buffer, we fill the data into the edit control. However, there is a slight problem here. If we use SetWindowText to put the data into the edit control, the new data will overwrite existing data! We want the data to append to the end of the existing data.


To achieve that goal, we first move the caret to the end of the text in the edit control by sending EM_SETSEL message with wParam==-1. Next, we append the data at that point with EM_REPLACESEL message.



                   invoke CloseHandle,hRead

When ReadFile returns NULL, we break out of the loop and close the read handle.


This article come from Iczelion's asm page



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