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2008-01-10 00:58:12

Tutorial 19: Tree View Control


In this tutorial, we will learn how to use tree view control. Moreover, we will also learn how to do drag and drop under tree view control and how to use an image list with it.


Download the example here.


A tree view control is a special kind of window that represents objects in hierarchical order. An example of it is the left pane of Windows Explorer. You can use this control to show relationships between objects.
You can create a tree view control by calling CreateWindowEx, passing "SysTreeView32" as the class name or you can incorporate it into a dialog box. Don't forget to put InitCommonControls call in your code.
There are several styles specific to the tree view control. These three are the ones mostly used.




TVS_HASBUTTONS == Displays plus (+) and minus (-) buttons next to parent items. The user clicks the buttons to expand or collapse a parent item's list of child items. To include buttons with items at the root of the tree view, TVS_LINESATROOT must also be specified.


TVS_HASLINES == Uses lines to show the hierarchy of items.

TVS_HASLINES =   用线条来显示选项之间的层次关系
TVS_LINESATROOT == Uses lines to link items at the root of the tree-view control. This value is ignored if TVS_HASLINES is not also specified.

TVS_LINESATROOT= 用线来连接选项是树视图的根本。如果TVS_HASLINES没有被指定,这个值就是看忽略的。


The tree view control, like other common controls, communicates with the parent window via messages. The parent window can send various messages to it and the tree view control can send "notification" messages to its parent window. In this regard, the tree view control is not different that any window.

When something interesting occurs to it, it sends a WM_NOTIFY message to the parent window with accompanying information.


wParam == Control ID, this value is not guaranteed to be unique so we don't use it. Instead, we use hwndFrom or IDFrom member of the NMHDR structure pointed to by lParam

wParam == 控件ID,这个值不能保证它的唯一性,所以我们不用它。
lParam == Pointer to NMHDR structure. Some controls may pass a pointer to larger structure but it must have a NMHDR structure as its first member.  That is, when you have lParam, you can be sure that it points to a NMHDR structure at least.

lParam == 指向NMHDR的指针。一些控件可能传递一个指向一个大结构的指针,但是它必须要有一个NMHDR结构作为它的第一个成员。也就是,当你有一个lParam时,你必须确信它至少指向一个NMHDR结构体。


Next we will examine NMHDR structure.



    hwndFrom    DWORD ?
    idFrom          DWORD ?
    code              DWORD ?
NMHDR ends


hwndFrom is the window handle of the control that sends this WM_NOTIFY message.


idFrom is the control ID of the control that sends this WM_NOTIFY message.


code is the actual message the control wants to send to the parent window.


Tree view notifications are those with TVN_ at the beginning of the name. Tree view messages are those with TVM_, like TVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE. The tree view control sends TVN_xxxx in the code member of NMHDR. The parent window can send TVM_xxxx to control it.



Adding items to a tree view control


After you create a tree view control, you can add items to it. You can do this by sending TVM_INSERTITEM to it.



wParam = 0;
lParam = pointer to a TV_INSERTSTRUCT;

You should know some terminology at this point about the relationship between items in the tree view control.
An item can be parent, child, or both at the same time. A parent item is the item that has some other subitem(s) associated with it. At the same time, the parent item may be a child of some other item. An item without a parent is called a root item. There can be many root items in a tree view control. Now we examine TV_INSERTSTRUCT structure




  hParent       DWORD      ?
  hInsertAfter  DWORD ?
                      ITEMTYPE <>

hParent = Handle to the parent item. If this member is the TVI_ROOT value or NULL, the item is inserted at the root of the tree-view control.

hParent = 父选项的句柄。如果这个成员的值为TVI_ROOT或是NULL,那么这个选项作为树视图的根项。
hInsertAfter = Handle to the item after which the new item is to be inserted or one of the following values:


  • TVI_FIRST ==> Inserts the item at the beginning of the list.
  • TVI_FIRST ==》在列表的开始插入新项
  • TVI_LAST ==> Inserts the item at the end of the list.
  • TVI_LAST ==》在列表的最后插入新项
  • TVI_SORT ==> Inserts the item into the list in alphabetical order.
  • TVI_SORT è 按字母顺序插入新项。

        itemex TVITEMEX <>
        item TVITEM <>


We will use only TVITEM here.



  imask             DWORD      ?
  hItem             DWORD      ?
  state             DWORD      ?
  stateMask         DWORD      ?
  pszText           DWORD      ?
  cchTextMax        DWORD      ?
  iImage            DWORD      ?
  iSelectedImage    DWORD      ?
  cChildren         DWORD      ?
  lParam            DWORD      ?


This structure is used to send and receive info about a tree view item, depending on messages. For example, with TVM_INSERTITEM, it is used to specify the attribute of the item to be inserted into the tree view control. With TVM_GETITEM, it'll be filled with information about the selected tree view item.




imask is used to specify which member(s) of the TV_ITEM structure is (are) valid. For example, if the value in imask is TVIF_TEXT, it means only the pszText member is valid. You can combine several flags together.


hItem is the handle to the tree view item. Each item has its own handle, like a window handle. If you want to do something with an item, you must select it by its handle.

hItem 是一个指向树视图项的句柄。每一个项目都有它自己的句柄,就像窗口一样。如果你想让一个项目做一些事,你必须通过它的句柄选择它。

pszText is the pointer to a null-terminated string that is the label of the tree view item.


cchTextMax is used only when you want to retrieve the label of the tree view item. Because you will supply the pointer to the buffer in pszText, Windows has to know the size of the provided buffer. You have to give the size of the buffer in this member.


iImage and iSelectedImage refers to the index into an image list that contains the images to be shown when the item is not selected and when it's selected. If you recall Windows Explorer left pane, the folder images are specified by these two members.


In order to insert an item into the tree view control, you must at least fill in the hParent, hInsertAfter and you should fill imask and pszText members as well.


Adding images to the tree view control


If you want to put an image to the left of the tree view item's label, you have to create an image list and associate it with the tree view control.



You can create an image list by calling ImageList_Create.



ImageList_Create PROTO cx:DWORD, cy:DWORD, flags:DWORD, \
                                            cInitial:DWORD,  cGrow:DWORD


This function returns the handle to an empty image list if successful.

cx == width of each image in this image list, in pixels.

Cx ==在图像列表中的每一个图像的宽,以像素为单位。
cy == height of each image in this image list, in pixels. Every image in an image list must be equal to each other in size. If you specify a large bitmap, Windows will use cx and cy to *cut* it into several pieces. So you should prepare your own image as a strip of pictures with identical dimensions.

Cy ==在图像列表中的每一个图像的高,以像素为单位。在图像列表中的每一个图像彼此之间的大小必须相等。如果你指定了一张大的位图,windows会按cxcy的标准来把这张图剪切成几块。所以你自己准备的图像应该有相同大小的尺寸。
flags == specify the type of images in this image list whether they are color or monochrome and their color depth. Consult your win32 api reference for more detail

Flags == 指定在图像列表中的图像类型。诸如它们是否有颜色或者是不是单色和它们的色深。更多的细节请参考你的win32 api 手册。

cInitial == The number of images that this image list will initially contain. Windows will use this info to allocate memory for the images.

cInitial == 图像列表中最初包含的图像数目。Windows将用这信息为这些图像分配内存。

cGrow == Amount of images by which the image list can grow when the system needs to resize the list to make room for new images. This parameter represents the number of new images that the resized image list can contain.
An image list is not a window! It's only an image deposit for use by other windows.

cGrow == 当系统需要调整图像列表的大小以便为新增的图像腾出空位时,cGrow参数表示这个图像列表还能增加的图像数目。一个图像列表并不是一个窗口,它仅仅是存放其它窗口使用到的图像。

After an image list is created, you can add images to it by calling ImageList_Add



ImageList_Add PROTO himl:DWORD, hbmImage:DWORD, hbmMask:DWORD


This function returns -1 if unsuccessful.

himl == the handle of the image list you want to add images to. It is the value returned by a successful call to ImageList_Create

Himl == 你想添加到图像列表中的图像的句柄。它是调用ImageList_Create函数成功后返回的值。

hbmImage == the handle to the bitmap to be added to the image list. You usually store the bitmap in the resource and load it with LoadBitmap call. Note that you don't have to specify the number of images contained in this bitmap because this information is inferred from cx and cy parameters passed to ImageList_Create call.

HbmImage == 将被添加到图像列表中的位图的句柄。你通常在资源中储存这个位图并通过调用LoadBitmap函数来装载它。注意:你没有必要指定这个位图所包含的图像的数目,因为这些信息能从传递给ImageList_Create函数的cxcy参数中被推定。
hbmMask == Handle to the bitmap that contains the mask. If no mask is used with the image list, this parameter is ignored.

HbmMask == 包含者掩码的位图句柄。如果掩码不被用于图像列表中,这个参数被忽略。

Normally, we will add only two images to the image list for use with the tree view control: one that is used when the tree view item is not selected, and the other when the item is selected.



When the image list is ready, you associate it with the tree view control by sending TVM_SETIMAGELIST to the tree view control.




wParam = type of image list to set. There are two choices:


    • TVSIL_NORMAL Set the normal image list, which contains the selected and unselected images for the tree-view item.

TVSIL_NORMAL 设置正常的图像列表,对于树视图项目,它包含被选定和未被选定两种图像。

    • TVSIL_STATE Set the state image list, which contains the images for tree-view items that are in a user-defined state.

TVSIL_STATE 设置状态图像列表,这种列表对于树视图项目中那些自定义的每一个状态都包含一个图像。

lParam = Handle to the image list


Retrieve the info about tree view item


You can retrieve the information about a tree view item by sending TVM_GETITEM message.



wParam = 0
lParam = pointer to the TV_ITEM structure to be filled with the information  


Before you send this message, you must fill imask member with the flag(s) that specifies which member(s) of TV_ITEM you want Windows to fill. And most importantly, you must fill hItem with the handle to the item you want to get information from. And this poses a problem: How can you know the handle of the item you want to retrieve info from? Will you have to store all tree view handles?




The answer is quite simple: you don't have to. You can send TVM_GETNEXTITEM message to the tree view control to retrieve the handle to the tree view item that has the attribute(s) you specified. For example, you can query the handle of the first child item, the root item, the selected item, and

so on.


wParam = flag
lParam = handle to a tree view item (only necessary for some flag values)


The value in wParam is very important so I present all the flags below:


    • TVGN_CARET Retrieves the currently selected item.

TVGN_CARET 检索当前选中的项。

    • TVGN_CHILD Retrieves the first child item of the item specified by the hitem parameter

TVGN_CHILD 检索由hitem参数指定的选项的第一个孩子选项。

    • TVGN_DROPHILITE Retrieves the item that is the target of a drag-and-drop operation.

TVGND_DROPHILITE 检索那个拖放操作的目标项。

    • TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE Retrieves the first visible item.


    • TVGN_NEXT Retrieves the next sibling item.

TVGN_NEXT 检索下一个兄弟项。

    • TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE Retrieves the next visible item that follows the specified item. The specified item must be visible. Use the TVM_GETITEMRECT message to determine whether an item is visible.

TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE 检索跟指定项后下一个显示的项。这个指定的项必须可见的。用TVM_GETITEMRECT消息来判断一个项是不是可见的。

    • TVGN_PARENT Retrieves the parent of the specified item.

TVGN_PARENT 检索指定项的父亲。

    • TVGN_PREVIOUS Retrieves the previous sibling item.


    • TVGN_PREVIOUSVISIBLE Retrieves the first visible item that precedes the specified item. The specified item must be visible. Use the TVM_GETITEMRECT message to determine whether an item is visible.

TVGN_PREVIOUSVISILE 检索先前指定的第一个可见项。这个指定项必须是可见的。用TVM_GETITEMRECT消息来确定一个项目是否是可见的。

    • GN_ROOT Retrieves the topmost or very first item of the tree-view control.

GN_ROOT 检索树视图的最高项或者是真正的第一项。

You can see that, you can retrieve the handle to the tree view item you are interested in from this message. SendMessage returns the handle to the tree view item if successful. You can then fill the returned handle into hItem member of TV_ITEM to be used with TVM_GETITEM message.



Drag and Drop Operation in tree view control


This part is the reason I decided to write this tutorial. When I tried to follow the example in win32 api reference (the win32.hlp from InPrise), I was very frustrated because the vital information is lacking. From trial and error, I finally figured out how to implement drag & drop in a tree view control and I don't want anyone to walk the same path as myself.
Below is the steps in implementing drag & drop operation in a tree view control.

这一部分是我决定写这一课的原因。当我尝试跟随在win32 api手册中的例子时(从InPrise获得win32.Hlp)我是非常失败的,因为至关重要的信息是缺乏的。


  1. When the user tries to drag an item, the tree view control sends TVN_BEGINDRAG notification to the parent window. You can use this opportunity to create a drag image which is the image that will be used to represent the item while it's being dragged. You can send TVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE to the tree view control to tell it to create a default drag image from the image that is currently used by the item that will be dragged. The tree view control will create an image list with just one drag image and return the handle to that image list to you.

当用户尝试拖拉一个项目时,树视图发送TVN_BEGINDRAG消息通知它的父窗口。你能利用这个时机来创建一个拖拉的图像,当这个项目被拖拉时,这个图像将被用于代表这个项。你也可以发送TVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE消息给树视图控件,用来告诉它,从那个被拖动的 选项 当前使用的 图像 中创建一个自定义的拖动图像。这个树视图将创建一个仅有一个拖动图像的图像列表,并将这个图像列表的句柄返回给你。

  1. After the drag image is created, you specify the hotspot of the drag image by calling ImageList_BeginDrag.


ImageList_BeginDrag PROTO himlTrack:DWORD,  \
                          iTrack:DWORD , \
                          dxHotspot:DWORD, \
himlTrack is the handle to the image list that contains the drag image.


iTrack is the index into the image list that specifies the drag image

iTrack 是在图像列表中指定的那个拖拉图像的索引值。

dxHotspot specifies the relative distance of the hotspot in horizontal plance in the drag image since this image will be used in place of the mouse cursor, so we need to specify which part of the image is the hotspot.

DxHotspot 指定热点区域在水平面上的相对距离,因为这个图像将被用于鼠标光标的地方,所以我们指定这张图片的一部分作为热点区域。

dyHotspot specifies the relative distance of the hotspot in the vertical plane.

DyHotspot 指定热点在垂直面上的相对距离。

Normally, iTrack would be 0 if you tell the tree view control to create the drag image for you. and dxHotspot and dyHotspot can be 0 if you want the left upper corner of the drag image to be the hotspot.


  1. When the drag image is ready to be displayed, we call ImageList_DragEnter to display the drag image in the window.


ImageList_DragEnter PROTO hwndLock:DWORD, x:DWORD, y:DWORD
hwndLock is the handle of the window that owns the drag image. The drag image will not be able to move outside that window.

HwndLock 是拥有拖拉图像的窗口句柄。拖拉图像不能被移到窗口外。

x and y are the x-and y-coordinate of the place where the drag image should be initially displayed. Note that these values are relative to the left upper corner of the window, not the client area.

X y 是拖拉图像最初被显示的位置的x坐标和y坐标。这些值相对于窗口的左上角而不是客户区。

  1. Now that the drag image is displayed on the window, you will have to support the drag operation in the tree view control. However, there is a little problem here. We have to monitor the drag path with WM_MOUSEMOVE and the drop location with WM_LBUTTONUP messages. However, if the drag image is over some other child windows, the parent window will never receive any mouse message. The solution is to capture the mouse input with SetCapture. Using the call, the mouse messages will be directed to the specified window regardless of where the mouse cursor is.


  1. Within WM_MOUSEMOVE handler, you will update the drag path with ImageList_DragMove call. This function moves the image that is being dragged during a drag-and-drop operation. Furthermore, if you so desire, you can hilite the item that the drag image is over by sending TVM_HITTEST to check if the drag image is over some item. If it is, you can send TVM_SELECTITEM with TVGN_DROPHILITE flag to hilite that item. Note that before sending TVM_SELECTITEM message, you must hide the drag image first else your drag image will leave ugly traces. You can hide the drag image by calling ImageList_DragShowNolock and, after the hilite operation is finished, call ImageList_DragShowNolock again to show the drag image.



  1. When the user releases the left mouse button, you must do several things. If you hilite an item, you must un-hilite it by sending TVM_SELECTITEM with TVGN_DROPHILITE flag again, but this time, lParam MUST be zero. If you don't un-hilite the item, you will get a strange effect: when you select some other item, that item will be enclosed by a rectangle but the hilite will still be on the last hilited item. Next, you must call ImageList_DragLeave followed by ImageList_EndDrag. You must release the mouse by calling ReleaseCapture. If you create an image list, you must destroy it by calling ImageList_Destroy. After that, you can go on with what your program wants to do when the drag & drop operation is completed.


Code sample:

.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\gdi32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\comctl32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

IDB_TREE equ 4006                ; ID of the bitmap resource
ClassName  db "TreeViewWinClass",0
AppName    db "Tree View Demo",0
TreeViewClass  db "SysTreeView32",0
Parent  db "Parent Item",0
Child1  db "child1",0
Child2  db "child2",0
DragMode  dd FALSE                ; a flag to determine if we are in drag mode

hInstance  HINSTANCE ?
hwndTreeView dd ?            ; handle of the tree view control
hParent  dd ?                        ; handle of the root tree view item
hImageList dd ?                    ; handle of the image list used in the tree view control
hDragImageList  dd ?        ; handle of the image list used to store the drag image

    invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL
    mov    hInstance,eax
    invoke WinMain, hInstance,NULL,NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT
    invoke ExitProcess,eax
    invoke InitCommonControls

WinMain proc hInst:HINSTANCE,hPrevInst:HINSTANCE,CmdLine:LPSTR,CmdShow:DWORD
    LOCAL msg:MSG
    LOCAL hwnd:HWND
    mov   wc.cbSize,SIZEOF WNDCLASSEX
    mov   wc.lpfnWndProc, OFFSET WndProc
    mov   wc.cbClsExtra,NULL
    mov   wc.cbWndExtra,NULL
    push  hInst
    pop   wc.hInstance
    mov   wc.hbrBackground,COLOR_APPWORKSPACE
    mov   wc.lpszMenuName,NULL
    mov   wc.lpszClassName,OFFSET ClassName
    invoke LoadIcon,NULL,IDI_APPLICATION
    mov   wc.hIcon,eax
    mov   wc.hIconSm,eax
    invoke LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW
    mov   wc.hCursor,eax
    invoke RegisterClassEx, addr wc
    mov   hwnd,eax
    .while TRUE
        invoke GetMessage, ADDR msg,NULL,0,0
        .BREAK .IF (!eax)
        invoke TranslateMessage, ADDR msg
        invoke DispatchMessage, ADDR msg
    mov eax,msg.wParam
WinMain endp

WndProc proc uses edi hWnd:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
    LOCAL hBitmap:DWORD
    .if uMsg==WM_CREATE
        invoke CreateWindowEx,NULL,ADDR TreeViewClass,NULL,\
            hInstance,NULL            ; Create the tree view control
        mov hwndTreeView,eax
        invoke ImageList_Create,16,16,ILC_COLOR16,2,10    ; create the associated image list
        mov hImageList,eax
        invoke LoadBitmap,hInstance,IDB_TREE        ; load the bitmap from the resource
        mov hBitmap,eax
        invoke ImageList_Add,hImageList,hBitmap,NULL    ; Add the bitmap into the image list
        invoke DeleteObject,hBitmap    ; always delete the bitmap resource
        invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_SETIMAGELIST,0,hImageList
        mov tvinsert.hParent,NULL
        mov tvinsert.hInsertAfter,TVI_ROOT
        mov tvinsert.item.imask,TVIF_TEXT+TVIF_IMAGE+TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE
        mov tvinsert.item.pszText,offset Parent
        mov tvinsert.item.iImage,0
        mov tvinsert.item.iSelectedImage,1
        invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_INSERTITEM,0,addr tvinsert
        mov hParent,eax
        mov tvinsert.hParent,eax
        mov tvinsert.hInsertAfter,TVI_LAST
        mov tvinsert.item.pszText,offset Child1
        invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_INSERTITEM,0,addr tvinsert
        mov tvinsert.item.pszText,offset Child2
        invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_INSERTITEM,0,addr tvinsert
    .elseif uMsg==WM_MOUSEMOVE
        .if DragMode==TRUE
            mov eax,lParam
            and eax,0ffffh
            mov ecx,lParam
            shr ecx,16
            invoke ImageList_DragMove,eax,ecx
            invoke ImageList_DragShowNolock,FALSE
            invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_HITTEST,NULL,addr tvhit
            .if eax!=NULL
                invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_SELECTITEM,TVGN_DROPHILITE,eax
            invoke ImageList_DragShowNolock,TRUE
    .elseif uMsg==WM_LBUTTONUP
        .if DragMode==TRUE
            invoke ImageList_DragLeave,hwndTreeView
            invoke ImageList_EndDrag
            invoke ImageList_Destroy,hDragImageList
            invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_GETNEXTITEM,TVGN_DROPHILITE,0
            invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_SELECTITEM,TVGN_CARET,eax
            invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_SELECTITEM,TVGN_DROPHILITE,0
            invoke ReleaseCapture
            mov DragMode,FALSE
    .elseif uMsg==WM_NOTIFY
        mov edi,lParam
        assume edi:ptr NM_TREEVIEW
        .if [edi].hdr.code==TVN_BEGINDRAG
            invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE,0,[edi].itemNew.hItem
            mov hDragImageList,eax
            invoke ImageList_BeginDrag,hDragImageList,0,0,0
            invoke ImageList_DragEnter,hwndTreeView,[edi].ptDrag.x,[edi].ptDrag.y
            invoke SetCapture,hWnd
            mov DragMode,TRUE
        assume edi:nothing
    .elseif uMsg==WM_DESTROY
        invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL
        invoke DefWindowProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
    xor eax,eax
WndProc endp
end start



Within WM_CREATE handler, you create the tree view control


        invoke CreateWindowEx,NULL,ADDR TreeViewClass,NULL,\

Note the styles. TVS_xxxx are the tree view specific styles.


        invoke ImageList_Create,16,16,ILC_COLOR16,2,10
        mov hImageList,eax
        invoke LoadBitmap,hInstance,IDB_TREE
        mov hBitmap,eax
        invoke ImageList_Add,hImageList,hBitmap,NULL
        invoke DeleteObject,hBitmap
        invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_SETIMAGELIST,0,hImageList


Next, you create an empty image list with will accept images of 16x16 pixels in size, 16-bit color and initially, it will contain 2 images but can be expanded to 10 if need arises. We then load the bitmap from the resource and add it to the image list just created. After that, we delete the handle to the bitmap since it will not be used anymore. When the image list is all set, we associate it with the tree view control by sending TVM_SETIMAGELIST to the tree view control.



        mov tvinsert.hParent,NULL
        mov tvinsert.hInsertAfter,TVI_ROOT
        mov tvinsert.u.item.imask,TVIF_TEXT+TVIF_IMAGE+TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE
        mov tvinsert.u.item.pszText,offset Parent
        mov tvinsert.u.item.iImage,0
        mov tvinsert.u.item.iSelectedImage,1
        invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_INSERTITEM,0,addr tvinsert

We insert items into the tree view control, beginning from the root item. Since it will be root item, hParent member is NULL and hInsertAfter is TVI_ROOT. imask member specifies that pszText, iImage and iSelectedImage members of the TV_ITEM structure is valid. We fill those three members with appropriate value. pszText contains the label of the root item, iImage is the index into the image in the image list that will be displayed to the left of the unselected item, and iSelectedImage is the index into the image in the image list that will be displayed when the item is selected. When all appropriate members are filled in, we send TVM_INSERTITEM message to the tree view control to add the root item to it.

我们插入项目到树视图控件中,从根项目开始。因为它是根选项,所以hParant成员是NULL并且hInsertAfterTVI_ROOTImask成员指定那个pszTextTV_ITEM结构体的iImage IselectedIma成员是有效的。我们用适当的值填充这三个成员,pszText成员包含根选项的标签,iImage成员是图像列表中图像的索引号,这个图像将显示在未选定的项目名称的左边,而IselectedImage是选项被选定时,在图像列表中被显示的图像的索引号。当所有合适的成员都填充好时,我们发送TVM_INSERTTEM消息给树视图控件来为它添加一个根选项。


        mov hParent,eax
        mov tvinsert.hParent,eax
        mov tvinsert.hInsertAfter,TVI_LAST
        mov tvinsert.u.item.pszText,offset Child1
        invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_INSERTITEM,0,addr tvinsert
        mov tvinsert.u.item.pszText,offset Child2
        invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_INSERTITEM,0,addr tvinsert

After the root item is added, we can attach the child items to it. hParent member is now filled with the handle of the parent item. And we will use identical images in the image list so we don't change iImage and iSelectedImage member.


.elseif uMsg==WM_NOTIFY
        mov edi,lParam
        assume edi:ptr NM_TREEVIEW
        .if [edi].hdr.code==TVN_BEGINDRAG
            invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE,0,[edi].itemNew.hItem
            mov hDragImageList,eax
            invoke ImageList_BeginDrag,hDragImageList,0,0,0
            invoke ImageList_DragEnter,hwndTreeView,[edi].ptDrag.x,[edi].ptDrag.y
            invoke SetCapture,hWnd
            mov DragMode,TRUE
        assume edi:nothing

Now when the user tries to drag an item, the tree view control sends WM_NOTIFY message with TVN_BEGINDRAG as the code. lParam is the pointer to an NM_TREEVIEW structure which contains several pieces of information we need so we put its value into edi and use edi as the pointer to NM_TREEVIEW structure. assume edi:ptr NM_TREEVIEW is a way to tell MASM to treat edi as the pointer to NM_TREEVIEW structure. We then create a drag image by sending TVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE to the tree view control. It returns the handle to the newly created image list with a drag image inside. We call ImageList_BeginDrag to set the hotspot in the drag image. Then we enter the drag operation by calling ImageList_DragEnter. This function displays the drag image at the specified location in the specified window. We use ptDrag structure that is a member of NM_TREEVIEW structure as the point where the drag image should be initially displayed.After that, we capture the mouse input and set the flag to indicate that we now enter drag mode.


现在当用户尝试拖动一个项目时,树视图发送一个WM_NOTIFY消息并伴随着TVN_BEGINDRAG作为通知码。lParam参数是一个包含几块我们需要的信息的NM_TREEVIEW结构体的指针,所以我们把它们的值放在edi寄存器中并且用edi寄存器作为NM_TREEVIEW结构体的指针。assume edi:ptr NM_TREEVIEW 是让MASMedi作为NM_TREEVIEW结构体的指针的一种方式。然后,我们发送TVW_CREATERAGIMAGE消息给树视图控件来创建一个拖动图像。它的返回值是包含拖拉图像的那个新创建的图像列表句柄。我们调用ImageList_BeginDrag函数来设置拖拉图像的热点。然后我们通过调用ImageList_DragEnter函数进入拖拉操作。这个函数将拖拉的图像显示在指定窗口的指定位置上。我们使用ptDrag结构,这个结构是NM_TREEVIEW结构的成员,它指出了 拖拉图像在窗口上最初显示的位置。在这之后,我们捕获鼠标输入并且设置一个标识用来表示我们现在进入拖动形式。


   .elseif uMsg==WM_MOUSEMOVE
        .if DragMode==TRUE
            mov eax,lParam
            and eax,0ffffh
            mov ecx,lParam
            shr ecx,16
            invoke ImageList_DragMove,eax,ecx
            invoke ImageList_DragShowNolock,FALSE
            invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_HITTEST,NULL,addr tvhit
            .if eax!=NULL
                invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_SELECTITEM,TVGN_DROPHILITE,eax
            invoke ImageList_DragShowNolock,TRUE

Now we concentrate on WM_MOUSEMOVE. When the user drags the drag image along, our parent window receives WM_MOUSEMOVE messages. In response to these messages, we update the drag image position with ImageList_DragMove. After that, we check if the drag image is over some item. We do that by sending TVM_HITTEST message to the tree view control with a point for it to check. If the drag image is over some item, we hilite that item by sending TVM_SELECTITEM message with TVGN_DROPHILITE flag to the tree view control. During the hilite operation, we hide the drag image so that it will not leave unsightly blots on the tree view control.



    .elseif uMsg==WM_LBUTTONUP
        .if DragMode==TRUE
            invoke ImageList_DragLeave,hwndTreeView
            invoke ImageList_EndDrag
            invoke ImageList_Destroy,hDragImageList
            invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_GETNEXTITEM,TVGN_DROPHILITE,0
            invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_SELECTITEM,TVGN_CARET,eax
            invoke SendMessage,hwndTreeView,TVM_SELECTITEM,TVGN_DROPHILITE,0
            invoke ReleaseCapture
            mov DragMode,FALSE

When the user releases the left mouse button, the drag operation is at the end. We leave the drag mode by calling ImageList_DragLeave, followed by ImageList_EndDrag and ImageList_Destroy. To make the tree view items look good, we also check the last hilited item, and select it. We must also un-hilite it else the other items will not get hilited when they are selected. And lastly, we release the mouse capture.

当用户释放鼠标左键时,拖动操作就被终止。我们通过调用ImageList_DragLeave ImageList_EndDragImageList_Destroy函数来离开拖动模式。为了让树视图好看一些,我们最后也检查醒目项(高亮显示的),并且选定它们。然后让它们从高亮显示恢复到正常状态,否则当其它的项被选择时将不能够被高亮显示。在最后,我们释放鼠标捕获。

This article come from Iczelion's asm page,



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