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2008-01-09 00:33:24

Tutorial 17: Dynamic Link Libraries


In this tutorial, we will learn about DLLs , what are they and how to create them.



If you program long enough, you'll find that the programs you wrote usually have some code routines in common. It's such a waste of time to rewrite them everytime you start coding new programs. Back in the old days of DOS, programmers store those commonly used routines in one or more libraries. When they want to use the functions, they just link the library to the object file and the linker extracts the functions from the library and inserts them into the final executable file. This process is called static linking. C runtime libraries are good examples. The drawback of this method is that you have identical functions in every program that calls them. Your disk space is wasted storing several identical copies of the functions. But for DOS programs, this method is quite acceptable since there is usually only one program that's active in memory. So there is no waste of precious memory.
Under Windows, the situation becomes much more critical because you can have several programs running simultaneously. Memory will be eat up quickly if your program is quite large. Windows has a solution for this type of problem: dynamic link libraries. A dynamic link library is a kind of common pool of functions. Windows will not load several copies of a DLL into memory so even if there are many instances of your program running at the same time, there'll be only one copy of the DLL that program uses in memory. And I should clarify this point a bit. In reality, all processes that use the same dll will have their own copies of that dll. It will look like there are many copies of the DLL in memory. But in reality, Windows does it magic with paging and all processes share the same DLL code.So in physical memory, there is only one copy of DLL code. However, each process will have its own unique data section of the DLL.

如果你的程序足够长,你将发现:你通常为一个程序写代码的时候有一些程序代码是相同的。每当你为一个新程序编码时,重写它们只不过是在浪费时间。回到从前DOS的日子,程序员储存那些经常用到的相同的代码在一个或多个库文件中。当他们想用这些函数时,他们仅需要把这个库文件链接到目标文件中并且链接器从库文件中取出这些函数并把他们插入在最后的可执行文件中。这种处理方式被称为静态链接。C 运行库就是很好的例子。这种方法唯一的缺点,就是在每一个调用库文件的程序中,可能存在相同的程序代码。存储这些函数的多份复件浪费了你的磁盘空间。但是对于DOS程序员,这种方法是完全是可接受的,因为通常仅有一道程序运行在内存中,所以宝贵的内存并没有被浪费。



The program links to a DLL at runtime unlike the old static library. That's why it's called dynamic link library. You can also unload a DLL at runtime as well when you don't need it. If that program is the only one that uses the DLL, it'll be unloaded from memory immediately. But if the DLL is still used by some other program, the DLL remains in memory until the last program that uses its service unloads it.

However, the linker has a more difficult job when it performs address fixups for the final executable file. Since it cannot "extract" the functions and insert them into the final executable file, somehow it must store enough information about the DLL and functions into the final execuable file for it to be able to locate and load the correct DLL at runtime.

然而,当连接器为一个可执行文件完成地址修正后,它还有很多困难的工作要做。因为它不能提取这些函数并且把它们插入到最后的可执行文件中,为了能够在运行时定位和装载正确的DLL,它必须把关于这个DLL文件以及 在可执行文件中的函数的 足够多的 信息用某种方式储存起来。

That's where import library comes in. An import library contains the information about the DLL it represents. The linker can extract the info it needs from the import libraries and stuff it into the executable file. When Windows loader loads the program into memory, it sees that the program links to a DLL so it searches for that DLL and maps it into the address space of the process as well and performs the address fixups for the calls to the functions in the DLL.

You may choose to load the DLL yourself without relying on Windows loader. This method has its pros and cons:



  • It doesn't need an import library so you can load and use any DLL even if it comes with no import library. However, you still have to know about the functions inside it, how many parameters they take and the likes.


  • When you let the loader load the DLL for your program, if the loader cannot find the DLL it will report "A required .DLL file, xxxxx.dll is missing" and poof! your program doesn't have a chance to run even if that DLL is not essential to its operation. If you load the DLL yourself, when the DLL cannot be found and it's not essential to the operation, your program can just tell the user about the fact and go on.

当你让装载器为你的程序装载一个dll文件时,如果装载器不能找到dll文件它将报告”A required .DLL file,xxxxx.dll is missing”并且有POOF的声音!这样你的程序将没有机会运行,即使这个dll文件并不是程序运行时必不可少的。如果是你自己加载这个dll文件,当dll文件不能被发现时它对程序运行来说并不是必不可少的,你的程序只是告诉用户事实然后继续运行。

  • You can call *undocumented* functions that are not included in the import libraries. Provided that you know enough info about the functions.


  • If you use LoadLibrary, you have to call GetProcAddress for every function that you want to call. GetProcAddress retrieves the entrypoint address of a function in a particular DLL. So your code might be a little bit larger and slower but by not much.


Seeing the advantages/disadvantages of LoadLibrary call, we go into detail how to create a DLL now.
The following code is the DLL skeleton.


;                           DLLSkeleton.asm
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

DllEntry proc hInstDLL:HINSTANCE, reason:DWORD, reserved1:DWORD
        mov  eax,TRUE
DllEntry Endp
;                                                This is a dummy function  
; It does nothing. I put it here to show where you can insert  functions into
; a DLL.
TestFunction proc
TestFunction endp

End DllEntry

;                              DLLSkeleton.def
EXPORTS   TestFunction

The above program is the DLL skeleton. Every DLL must have an entrypoint function. Windows will call the entrypoint function everytime that:


  • The DLL is first loaded   第一次装载这个dll文件。
  • The DLL is unloaded       dll文件被卸载
  • A thread is created in the same process 同一进程的一个线程被创建
  • A thread is destroyed in the same process


DllEntry proc hInstDLL:HINSTANCE, reason:DWORD, reserved1:DWORD
        mov  eax,TRUE
DllEntry Endp

You can name the entrypoint function anything you wish so long as you have a matching END . This function takes three parameters, only the first two of which are important.

hInstDLL is the module handle of the DLL. It's not the same as the instance handle of the process. You should keep this value if you need to use it later. You can't obtain it again easily.


reason can be one of the four values:


  • DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH The DLL receives this value when it is first injected into the process address space. You can use this opportunity to do initialization.


  • DLL_PROCESS_DETACH The DLL receives this value when it is being unloaded from the process address space. You can use this opportunity to do some cleanup such as deallocate memory and so on.

DLL_PROCESS_DETACH 当它从进程地址空间中卸载时,dll接收到这个值。你能利用这个机会做一些清理工作。例如:释放内存等等。

  • DLL_THREAD_ATTACH The DLL receives this value when the process creates a new thread.

DLL_THEAD_ATTACH 当进程创建一个新线程时,dll接收到这个值。

  • DLL_THREAD_DETACH The DLL receives this value when a thread in the process is destroyed.

DLL_THREAD_DETACH 当进程中的线程被销毁时,dll接收到这个值。

You return TRUE in eax if you want the DLL to go on running. If you return FALSE, the DLL will not be loaded. For example, if your initialization code must allocate some memory and it cannot do that successfully, the entrypoint function should return FALSE to indicate that the DLL cannot run.


You can put your functions in the DLL following the entrypoint function or before it. But if you want them to be callable from other programs, you must put their names in the export list in the module definition file (.def).

A DLL needs a module definition file in its developmental stage. We will take a look at it now.


EXPORTS   TestFunction

Normally you must have the first line.The LIBRARY statement defines the internal module name of the DLL. You should match it with the filename of the DLL.

通常第一行你必须有。LIBRARY 语句定义了dll文件的内部模块名。你应该让dll的文件名和它相配。

The EXPORTS statement tells the linker which functions in the DLL are exported, that is, callable from other programs. In the example, we want other modules to be able to call TestFunction, so we put its name in the EXPORTS statement.


Another change is in the linker switch. You must put /DLL switch and /DEF: in your linker switches like this:


link /DLL /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /DEF:DLLSkeleton.def /LIBPATH:c:\masm32\lib DLLSkeleton.obj

The assembler switches are the same, namely /c /coff /Cp. So after you link the object file, you will get .dll and .lib. The .lib is the import library which you can use to link to other programs that use the functions in the DLL.

汇编器的开关选项是一样的 ,就是/c /coff /Cp。当你连接成目标文件后,你将得到.dll.lib文件。这.lib是引入库,这个引入库能用来链接其它程序,链接之后,其它程序就能使用在dll中的函数。

Next I'll show you how to use LoadLibrary to load a DLL.


;                                      UseDLL.asm
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib

LibName db "DLLSkeleton.dll",0
FunctionName db "TestHello",0
DllNotFound db "Cannot load library",0
AppName db "Load Library",0
FunctionNotFound db "TestHello function not found",0

hLib dd ?                                         ; the handle of the library (DLL)
TestHelloAddr dd ?                        ; the address of the TestHello function

        invoke LoadLibrary,addr LibName
; Call LoadLibrary with the name of the desired DLL. If the call is successful
; it will return the handle to the library (DLL). If not, it will return NULL
; You can pass the library handle to GetProcAddress or any function that requires
; a library handle as a parameter.

        .if eax==NULL
                invoke MessageBox,NULL,addr DllNotFound,addr AppName,MB_OK
                mov hLib,eax
                invoke GetProcAddress,hLib,addr FunctionName
; When you get the library handle, you pass it to GetProcAddress with the address
; of the name of the function in that DLL you want to call. It returns the address
; of the function if successful. Otherwise, it returns NULL
; Addresses of functions don't change unless you unload and reload the library.
; So you can put them in global variables for future use.


                .if eax==NULL
                        invoke MessageBox,NULL,addr FunctionNotFound,addr AppName,MB_OK
                        mov TestHelloAddr,eax
                        call [TestHelloAddr]
; Next, you can call the function with a simple call with the variable containing
; the address of the function as the operand.

                invoke FreeLibrary,hLib
; When you don't need the library anymore, unload it with FreeLibrary.

        invoke ExitProcess,NULL
end start

So you can see that using LoadLibrary is a little more involved but it's also more flexible.


This article come from Iczelion's asm page



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