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2009-03-23 11:17:36

linux 中对外通信命令有:mail write wall talk mesg
1. mail --发送/接收邮件
a. 给系统或其他帐号发送邮件: mail 用户帐号
b. 收取邮件: mail
如: $ mail
Mail version 8.1 6/6/93.  Type ? for help.
"/var/spool/mail/magj": 3 messages 1 new 3 unread
 U  1   Wed Aug 20 09:29 118/2820  "Returned mail: se"
 U  2   Wed Aug 20 09:35  69/2521  "Returned mail: se"
>N  3 .  Mon Aug 25 13:43  16/662   "Meeting"
U 表示已读
N 表示未读
c. 邮件箱 $ mail  --读取用户系统邮箱
                 $ mail -f  --读取用户个人邮箱
d.  Mail   Commands
t                 type messages
n                               goto and type next message
e                 edit messages
f                 give head lines of messages
d                 delete messages
s file           append messages to file
u                 undelete messages
R                 reply to message senders
r                 reply to message senders and all recipients
pre               make messages go back to /usr/spool/mail
m                    mail to specific users
q                               quit, saving unresolved messages in mbox
x                               quit, do not remove system mailbox
h                               print out active message headers
!                               shell escape
cd [directory]                  chdir to directory or home if none given
2. write  --给某个在线的用户发送即时消息, 接收消息的用户必须在线
3. wall  --向系统所有在线的用户发送广播消息
4.  talk   --向某个在线的用户发送聊天邀请, 退出邀请用Ctrl+C
5.  mesg --设置充许/禁止别的用户发送消息给你, 包括:wall, write, talk等.root 和 daemon发送的即时消息, 这个设置不起作用.
$ mesg
is y


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