1) By CPAN (best)
on command line, as root :
[your_host]# perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.76)
ReadLine support enabled
cpan> install Net::SNMP
If it's the first time you run CPAN, it will probably ask you some (simple) questions.
CPAN will also ask you to satisfy some dependencies (Crypt::DES, Digest::MD5, etc..).
2) "By hand"
Get the folowings modules (tar.gz format) on
- Crypt::DES
- Digest::MD5
- Digest::SHA1
- Digest::HMAC
- Net::SNMP
for each one (you must install Net::SNMP at the end) :
tar zxf .tar.gz
perl Makefile.pl
make test
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