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2011-01-27 13:44:43

/* notes from Dan Potter:
Sure. I changed a few other things in here too though. One is that I let
you specify what the destination filename is (i.e., what is shows up as in
the attachment). This is useful since in a web submission you often can't
tell what the filename was supposed to be from the submission itself. I
also added my own version of chunk_split because our production version of
PHP doesn't have it. You can change that back or whatever though =).
Finally, I added an extra "\n" before the message text gets added into the
MIME output because otherwise the message text wasn't showing up.
note: someone mentioned a command-line utility called 'mutt' that
can mail attachments.
If chunk_split works on your system, change the call to my_chunk_split
to chunk_split
/* Note: if you don't have base64_encode on your sytem it will not work */

// simple class that encapsulates mail() with addition of mime file attachment.
class CMailFile {
var $subject;
var $addr_to;
var $text_body;
var $text_encoded;
var $mime_headers;
var $mime_boundary = "--==================_846811060==_";
var $smtp_headers;

function CMailFile($subject,$to,$from,$msg,$filename,$mimetype = "application/octet-stream", $mime_filename = false) {
$this->subject = "=?UTF-8?B?".base64_encode($subject)."?=";// 这部分是后来我修改的,主要解决标题汉字乱码问题
$this->addr_to = $to;
$this->smtp_headers = $this->write_smtpheaders($from);
$this->text_body = $this->write_body($msg);
$this->text_encoded = $this->attach_file($filename,$mimetype,$mime_filename);
$this->mime_headers = $this->write_mimeheaders($filename, $mime_filename);

function attach_file($filename,$mimetype,$mime_filename) {
$encoded = $this->encode_file($filename);
if ($mime_filename) $filename = $mime_filename;
$out = "--" . $this->mime_boundary . "\n";
$out = $out . "Content-type: " . $mimetype . "; name=\"$filename\";\n";
$out = $out . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n";
$out = $out . "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"\n\n";
$out = $out . $encoded . "\n";
$out = $out . "--" . $this->mime_boundary . "--" . "\n";
return $out;
// added -- to notify email client attachment is done

function encode_file($sourcefile) {
if (is_readable($sourcefile)) {
$fd = fopen($sourcefile, "r");
$contents = fread($fd, filesize($sourcefile));
$encoded = my_chunk_split(base64_encode($contents));
return $encoded;

function sendfile() {
$headers = $this->smtp_headers . $this->mime_headers;
$message = $this->text_body . $this->text_encoded;

function write_body($msgtext) {
$out = "--" . $this->mime_boundary . "\n";
$out = $out . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"us-ascii\"\n\n";
$out = $out . $msgtext . "\n";
return $out;

function write_mimeheaders($filename, $mime_filename) {
if ($mime_filename) $filename = $mime_filename;
$out = "MIME-version: 1.0\n";
$out = $out . "Content-type: multipart/mixed; ";
$out = $out . "boundary=\"$this->mime_boundary\"\n";
$out = $out . "Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT\n";
$out = $out . "X-attachments: $filename;\n\n";
return $out;

function write_smtpheaders($addr_from) {
$out = "From: $addr_from\n";
$out = $out . "Reply-To: $addr_from\n";
$out = $out . "X-Mailer: PHP3\n";
$out = $out . "X-Sender: $addr_from\n";
return $out;

// usage - mimetype example "image/gif"
// $mailfile = new CMailFile($subject,$sendto,$replyto,$message,$filename,$mimetype);
// $mailfile->sendfile();

// Splits a string by RFC2045 semantics (76 chars per line, end with \r\n).
// This is not in all PHP versions so I define one here manuall.
function my_chunk_split($str)
$stmp = $str;
$len = strlen($stmp);
$out = "";
while ($len > 0) {
if ($len >= 76) {
$out = $out . substr($stmp, 0, 76) . "\r\n";
$stmp = substr($stmp, 76);
$len = $len - 76;
else {
$out = $out . $stmp . "\r\n";
$stmp = ""; $len = 0;
return $out;

// end script
CMailFileThis is a simple class to attach a file to a mail message (using mime encoding).

Usage is as follows: // 用法如下 

$newmail = new


CMailFile requires and uses the following built-in PHP3 functions: base64_encode(),chunk_split(),fread(),mail()

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