little round shape character. It uses HTML5 canvas plus javascriptto
create such cool animation
Generate colorful bubbles using HTML5 and of course with a magic touch of javascript.[使用HTML5和javascript生成的彩色 泡泡]
jParallax Awesome
jParallax. I have been wanted to use this in my projects, butstill
haven’t got the chance yet. It’s a plugin and
it’sfree.[不可思议的jParallax.我一直想在自己的项目里用这个,但是一直没有机会,这 是一个免费插件]
Never thought we can make firework with Javascript and html5.[从来没想过我们可以用JavaScript和html5做烟花.]
Create polaroid photo effect with HTML5 canvas. It also come with the export tool.[用HTML5的canvas创建的拍立得效果的相册.]
Apple has a sweet demonstration of video masking, scaling and changing perspective of the video.[苹果的例子,可以缩放和改变视频角度。]
awesome demonstration. You can change the layout of the photogallery
and it has a nice blureffect.[另一个不可思议的DEMO。您可以更改照片库布局,它有一个很好的模糊效果。]
Using 300 sprites to spell out the word. It’s the demonstration of canvas particle animation.[使用300个粒子拼写单词。这是 canvas的动画效果显示。]
you think apple’s canvas video is awesome, check this out.Recommended
to use webkit based browsers.[如果你感觉苹果的canvas视频非常不可思议,看看这个吧,这个太牛X了!]