1. 进入某一个数据库:
F:\pgsql\bin>psql.exe guestbook Welcome to psql 8.2.1, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type: \copyright for distribution terms \h for help with SQL commands \? for help with psql commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query \q to quit |
2. 显示pgsql的版本:
guestbook=# select version(); version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQL 8.2.1 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special) (1 行)
3. 显示当前日期:
guestbook=# select current_date; date ------------ 2007-12-19 (1 行)
4. 显示当前时间:
guestbook=# select current_time; timetz ----------------- 09:59:25.672+08 (1 行)
5. 利用pgsql来计算md5 加密:
guestbook=# select md5('123456'); md5 ---------------------------------- e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (1 行)
6. 计算一些数值:
guestbook=# select sin(pi()/4); sin ------------------- 0.707106781186547 (1 行)
7. 取出所有的数据:
guestbook=# select * from message;
8. 取出符合条件的数据:
guestbook=# select * from message where id=1;
9. 查询结果排序,并且只显示从某位置开始的offset个结果:
guestbook=# select * from message order by id asc offset 2 limit 10;
10. 使用like进行模糊查询:
guestbook=# select * from message where id like '%1%';
11. 更新数据库中的数据:
guestbook=# update message set hidden=1; UPDATE 19
12. 删除数据表中的数据:
guestbook=# delete from message where id=17; DELETE 1
13. 删除表:
guestbook=# drop table message;
14. 插入数据:
guestbook=# insert into message(username, content, ptime, ip, hidden) values('abc', 'haha', 1197867364, '', 0>;
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