with a as(selectdistinctround(sum(x) over(orderby n)) x,round(sum(y) over(orderby n)) y from (select n,cos(trunc(n / 20)*(1-1/5)* 3.1415926)* 2 x,sin(trunc(n / 20)*(1-1/5)* 3.1415926) y from(selectrownum- 1 n from all_objects whererownum<= 20 * 5)))selectreplace(sys_connect_by_path(point,'/'),'/',null) star from(select b.y, b.x,decode(a.x,null,' ','*') point from a,(select*from(selectrownum- 1 +(selectmin(x)from a) x from all_objects whererownum<=(selectmax(x)-min(x)+ 1 from a)), (selectrownum- 1 +(selectmin(y)from a) y from all_objects whererownum<=(selectmax(y)-min(y)+ 1 from a))) b where a.x(+)= b.x and a.y(+)= b.y)where x =(selectmax(x)from a)startwith x =(selectmin(x)from a)connectby y =prior y and x =prior x + 1;