分类: C/C++
2008-05-03 00:49:56
The ‘T’ type is a value type, owning no external object. T类型表示是一个基本类型,就好像int,char一样。
The ‘R’ type is a resource type; typically this is proxy for an object owned elsewhere. In practice, the 'R' type is a handle to a resource owned and managed by the Kernel. R类型表示对某种资源的封装。
This shows a typical ‘C’ class, derived from CBase
, and highlights the use of two phase construction and use of the cleanup stack to implement the complete construction of an instance of that class on the heap. C类型从CBase继承而来,任何C类型都在heap上构造,需要两步构造和使用CleanupStack来帮你管理内存。
The three examples show the use of ‘M’ (abstract interface) classes, the only type of multiple inheritance used in Symbian OS.They show how interfaces can be used to define a protocol. The interface is implemented by a protocol provider, and called by a protocol user. The user is not supposed to know anything about the provider's implementation, only about the protocol it's interested in. M类型定义了一个抽象接口,Symbian中的多重继承都会看到M类型的影子。相当于给Derived Class定义了一个接口,那么在Symbian中看到了多重继承却没有看到M类型,合理吗?
CBase是所有要在heap上构造的基类,所有CBase的子类名都以C开头。具有两个重要特性:a)析构函数是虚的;b)通过CBase::operator new()的特殊版本给所有C类型变量初始化为0,不要担心构造函数没给这些变量初始化啦,这样即使出现异常,已经部分初始化的对象也能得以体面地析构。
class CProtocolProvider : public CBase, public MProtocol