2008-08-19 14:10:07
函数 | 描述 |
accept |
Permits an incoming connection attempt on a socket. 允许一个socket上的接入连接尝试。 |
AcceptEx |
Accepts a new connection, returns the local and remote address, and receives the first block of data sent by the client application. 接受一个新连接,返回一个本地和远端地址,并接收从客户端应用程序发来的第一个数据块。 |
bind |
Associates a local address with a socket. 关联一个本地地址到一个socket。 |
closesocket |
Closes an existing socket. 关闭一个已存在的socket。 |
connect |
Establishes a connection to a specified socket. 建立一个连接到一个指定的socket。 |
ConnectEx |
Establishes a connection to a specified socket, and optionally sends data once the connection is established. Only supported on connection-oriented sockets. 建立一个连接到一个指定的socket,并可选地只要连接一建立成功就发送数据。只被面向连接的socket支持。 |
DisconnectEx |
Closes a connection on a socket, and allows the socket handle to be reused. 关闭一个socket的连接,并允许socket句柄可以被复用。 |
EnumProtocols |
Retrieves information about a specified set of network protocols that are active on a local host. 得到一个本地主机上一个指定网络协议集的信息。 |
freeaddrinfo |
Frees address information that the getaddrinfo function dynamically allocates in addrinfo structures. 释放getaddrinfo函数动态分配的addrinfo结构体 |
FreeAddrInfoEx | Frees address information that the GetAddrInfoEx function dynamically allocates in addrinfoex structures. |
FreeAddrInfoW | Frees address information that the GetAddrInfoW function dynamically allocates in addrinfoW structures. |
gai_strerror | Assists in printing error messages based on the EAI_* errors returned by the getaddrinfo function. |
GetAcceptExSockaddrs | Parses the data obtained from a call to the AcceptEx function. |
GetAddressByName | Queries a namespace, or a set of default namespaces, to retrieve network address information for a specified network service. This process is known as service name resolution. A network service can also use the function to obtain local address information that it can use with the bind function. |
getaddrinfo | Provides protocol-independent translation from an ANSI host name to an address. |
GetAddrInfoW | Provides protocol-independent translation from a Unicode host name to an address. |
GetAddrInfoEx | Provides protocol-independent name resolution with additional parameters to qualify which name space providers should handle the request. |
gethostbyaddr | Retrieves the host information corresponding to a network address. |
gethostbyname | Retrieves host information corresponding to a host name from a host database. Deprecated: use getaddrinfo instead. |
gethostname | Retrieves the standard host name for the local computer. |
GetNameByType | Retrieves the name of a network service for the specified service type. |
getnameinfo | Provides name resolution from an IPv4 or IPv6 address to an ANSI host name and from a port number to the ANSI service name. |
GetNameInfoW | Provides name resolution from an IPv4 or IPv6 address to a Unicode host name and from a port number to the Unicode service name. |
getpeername | Retrieves the address of the peer to which a socket is connected. |
getprotobyname | Retrieves the protocol information corresponding to a protocol name. |
getprotobynumber | Retrieves protocol information corresponding to a protocol number. |
getservbyname | Retrieves service information corresponding to a service name and protocol. |
getservbyport | Retrieves service information corresponding to a port and protocol. |
GetService | Retrieves information about a network service in the context of a set of default namespaces or a specified namespace. |
getsockname | Retrieves the local name for a socket. |
getsockopt | Retrieves a socket option. |
GetTypeByName | Retrieves a service type GUID for a network service specified by name. |
htonl | Converts a u_long from host to TCP/IP network byte order (which is big-endian). |
htons | Converts a u_short from host to TCP/IP network byte order (which is big-endian). |
inet_addr | Converts a string containing an (Ipv4) Internet Protocol dotted address into a proper address for the in_addr structure. |
inet_ntoa | Converts an (IPv4) Internet network address into a string in Internet standard dotted format. |
ioctlsocket | Controls the I/O mode of a socket. |
listen | Places a socket a state where it is listening for an incoming connection. |
ntohl | Converts a u_long from TCP/IP network order to host byte order (which is little-endian on Intel processors). |
ntohs | Converts a u_short from TCP/IP network byte order to host byte order (which is little-endian on Intel processors). |
recv | Receives data from a connected or bound socket. |
recvfrom | Receives a datagram and stores the source address. |
select | Determines the status of one or more sockets, waiting if necessary, to perform synchronous I/O. |
send | Sends data on a connected socket. |
sendto | Sends data to a specific destination. |
SetAddrInfoEx | Registers a host and service name along with associated addresses with a specific namespace provider. |
SetService | Registers or removes from the registry a network service within one or more namespaces. Can also add or remove a network service type within one or more namespaces. |
setsockopt | Sets a socket option. |
shutdown | Disables sends or receives on a socket. |
socket | Creates a socket that is bound to a specific service provider. |
TransmitFile | Transmits file data over a connected socket handle. |
TransmitPackets | Transmits in-memory data or file data over a connected socket. |
WSAAccept | Conditionally accepts a connection based on the return value of a condition function, provides quality of service flow specifications, and allows the transfer of connection data. |
WSAAddressToString | Converts all components of a sockaddr structure into a human-readable string representation of the address. |
WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr | Asynchronously retrieves host information that corresponds to an address. |
WSAAsyncGetHostByName | Asynchronously retrieves host information that corresponds to a host name. |
WSAAsyncGetProtoByName | Asynchronously retrieves protocol information that corresponds to a protocol name. |
WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber | Asynchronously retrieves protocol information that corresponds to a protocol number. |
WSAAsyncGetServByName | Asynchronously retrieves service information that corresponds to a service name and port. |
WSAAsyncGetServByPort | Asynchronously retrieves service information that corresponds to a port and protocol. |
WSAAsyncSelect | Requests Windows message-based notification of network events for a socket. |
WSACancelAsyncRequest | Cancels an incomplete asynchronous operation. |
WSACleanup | Terminates use of the Ws2_32.DLL. |
WSACloseEvent | Closes an open event object handle. |
WSAConnect | Establishes a connection to another socket application, exchanges connect data, and specifies needed quality of service based on the specified FLOWSPEC structure. |
WSAConnectByList | Establishes a connection to one out of a collection of possible endpoints represented by a set of destination addresses (host names and ports). |
WSAConnectByName | Establishes a connection to another socket application on a specified host and port |
WSACreateEvent | Creates a new event object. |
WSADeleteSocketPeerTargetName | Removes the association between a peer target name and an IP address for a socket. |
WSADuplicateSocket | Returns a structure that can be used to create a new socket descriptor for a shared socket. |
WSAEnumNameSpaceProviders | Retrieves information about available namespaces. |
WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersEx | Retrieves information about available namespaces. |
WSAEnumNetworkEvents | Discovers occurrences of network events for the indicated socket, clear internal network event records, and reset event objects (optional). |
WSAEnumProtocols | Retrieves information about available transport protocols. |
WSAEventSelect | Specifies an event object to be associated with the specified set of FD_XXX network events. |
__WSAFDIsSet | Specifies whether a socket is included in a set of socket descriptors. |
WSAGetLastError | Returns the error status for the last operation that failed. |
WSAGetOverlappedResult | Retrieves the results of an overlapped operation on the specified socket. |
WSAGetQOSByName | Initializes a QOS structure based on a named template, or it supplies a buffer to retrieve an enumeration of the available template names. |
WSAGetServiceClassInfo | Retrieves the class information (schema) pertaining to a specified service class from a specified namespace provider. |
WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassId | Retrieves the name of the service associated with the specified type. |
WSAHtonl | Converts a u_long from host byte order to network byte order. |
WSAHtons | Converts a u_short from host byte order to network byte order. |
WSAImpersonateSocketPeer | Used to impersonate the security principal corresponding to a socket peer in order to perform application-level authorization. |
WSAInstallServiceClass | Registers a service class schema within a namespace. |
WSAIoctl | Controls the mode of a socket. |
WSAJoinLeaf | Joins a leaf node into a multipoint session, exchanges connect data, and specifies needed quality of service based on the specified structures. |
WSALookupServiceBegin | Initiates a client query that is constrained by the information contained within a WSAQUERYSET structure. |
WSALookupServiceEnd | Frees the handle used by previous calls to WSALookupServiceBegin and WSALookupServiceNext. |
WSALookupServiceNext | Retrieve the requested service information. |
WSANSPIoctl | Developers to make I/O control calls to a registered namespace. |
WSANtohl | Converts a u_long from network byte order to host byte order. |
WSANtohs | Converts a u_short from network byte order to host byte order. |
WSAPoll | Determines status of one or more sockets. |
WSAProviderConfigChange | Notifies the application when the provider configuration is changed. |
WSAQuerySocketSecurity | Queries information about the security applied to a connection on a socket. |
WSARecv | Receives data from a connected socket. |
WSARecvDisconnect | Terminates reception on a socket, and retrieves the disconnect data if the socket is connection oriented. |
WSARecvEx | Receives data from a connected socket. |
WSARecvFrom | Receives a datagram and stores the source address. |
WSARecvMsg | Receives data and optional control information from connected and unconnected sockets. |
WSARemoveServiceClass | Permanently removes the service class schema from the registry. |
WSAResetEvent | Resets the state of the specified event object to nonsignaled. |
WSARevertImpersonation | Terminates the impersonation of a socket peer. |
WSASend | Sends data on a connected socket. |
WSASendDisconnect | Initiates termination of the connection for the socket and sends disconnect data. |
WSASendMsg | Sends data and optional control information from connected and unconnected sockets. |
WSASendTo | Sends data to a specific destination, using overlapped I/O where applicable. |
WSASetEvent | Sets the state of the specified event object to signaled. WSASetLastError Sets the error code. |
WSASetLastError | Sets the error code. |
WSASetService | Registers or removes from the registry a service instance within one or more namespaces. |
WSASetSocketPeerTargetName | Used to specify the peer target name (SPN) that corresponds to a peer IP address. This target name is meant to be specified by client applications to securely identify the peer that should be authenticated. |
WSASetSocketSecurity | Enables and applies security for a socket. |
WSASocket | Creates a socket that is bound to a specific transport-service provider. |
WSAStartup | Initiates use of WS2_32.DLL by a process. |
WSAStringToAddress | Converts a numeric string to a sockaddr structure. |
WSAWaitForMultipleEvents | Returns either when one or all of the specified event objects are in the signaled state, or when the time-out interval expires. |