[root@1jjk ext4]# git pull
You are in the middle of a conflicted merge.
[root@1jjk ext4]#
[root@1jjk ext4]#
[root@1jjk ext4]# git reset --hard HEAD
Checking out files: 100% (8142/8142), done.
HEAD is now at 774d11a ext4: akpm's locking hack to fix locking delays
[root@1jjk ext4]#
[root@1jjk ext4]# git fetch origin
[root@1jjk ext4]# git reset --hard origin
HEAD is now at 09c4943 ext4: akpm's locking hack to fix locking delays
[root@1jjk ext4]#
[root@1jjk ext4]# git pull
Already up-to-date.
[root@1jjk ext4]#
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