1、vipca遇到CRS-0215,Could not start ons
Oracle , 64bit, Linux AS 5.3 , 2 nodes .
当我们在安装Clusterware 的时候, 需要在第二节点上vipca , 配置到最后的时候, 安装到 75% 左右,报错:
CRS-0215 : Could not start resource 'ora.mxb2bcoredb01.ons'.
Check the log file "/u01/product/crs/log/mxb2bcoredb01/racg/ora.mxb2bcoredb01.ons.log" and fix the problem before retrying.
查询发现 : /etc/hosts 中 localhost.localdomain localhost 写成了
localhost.localdomain localhost , 后来改过来, retrying , 结果还是报错,
只有忽略掉,后来clusterware 安装完成后, 节点1 的ons 为offline, 确认已经修改两台机器的
/etc/hosts 中的那一行后 , 重新启动两台机器, 发现 OK .
ONS是Oracle 通知服务,Oracle Notification Service.
2、oracle 集群安装中的gsd的官方解释:
The Global Services Daemon
The Global Services Daemon (GSD) runs on each node with one GSD process
per node. The GSD coordinates with the cluster manager to receive
requests from clients such as the DBCA, EM, and the SRVCTL utility to
execute administrative job tasks such as instance startup or shutdown.
The GSD is not an Oracle instance background process and is therefore
not started with the Oracle instance.
3、以root身份运行rootpre.sh 报No OraCM running 错误信息:
在Linux x86_64上安装10g,在安装CRS时,执行
./runInstaller -ignodreSysPrereqs
No OraCM running
'No Oracm Running' When Trying To Run Rootpre.Sh [ID 405986.1]
Applies to:
Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to
SUSE \ UnitedLinux x86-64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server x86-64 (AMD Opetron Architecture)
Linux x86-64
As part of the CRS 64bit documentation you are required to run rootpre.sh script as the root user.
Following the documentation for CRS Installation.
Oracle Database Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide
10g Release 2 (10.2) for Linux
Part Number B14203-09
Section 2.18 Running the rootpre.sh Script for Installations on x86 (64-bit) Systems.
Execute the shell script rootpre.sh as per the initial steps of the installation for CRS & it comes back with =>
"No OraCM running"
then comes back to the prompt.
The rootpre.sh shell script is used to determine if 9i Cluster Manager exists on the node/s & is running.
It will locate the 9i srv configuration device file from /var/opt/oracle/srvConfig.loc
If 9i does exist it will modify the above file with an entry of '/dev/null'
The point to doing this is to allow 10g OCR to manage the existing 9i environment.
Now if no 9i environment exists on the node/s & this is a clean/new environment the script will exit with the message =>
" No OraCM running "
This is a normal exit code since it did not find any 9i clusterware present.
If no 9i Clusterware is installed then you can safely ignore the
message that is returned back by rootpre.sh as this is not an error
simply an echo statement from the succesful exit return code.
" No OraCM running "
Above can be ignored & safe to proceed forward with the remainder of the installation.
RAC: Frequently Asked Questions [ID 220970.1]
My customer is about to install 10202 clusterwere on new Linux
machinges. He is getting "No ORACM running" error when run rootpre.sh
and exited? Should he worry about this message?
It is an informational message. Generally for such scripts, you can
issue echo “$?â€
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