Building consumer products with open source
by Ari Jaaksi
launched its first Linux and open source based product, the Nokia 770
Internet Tablet, and the community web site in 2005.
Internet tablets are a new kind of mobile internet devices and the
community web site supports application development on these devices.
These initiatives provide Nokia with an open source based software
platform for handheld devices. This article discusses our experiences
of using Linux and open source at Nokia.
Nokia 770 Internet Tablet, illustrated in Figure 1, is a handheld
device optimized for internet. It can access internet services, such as
email, browsing, media, internet telephony, and chat in WiFi hotspots
or over a cellular network.
The Nokia 770's dimensions are 141
x 79 x 19 mm and it weights 185 g. It has a touch screen with an
800x480 pixel resolution. The product is build around the Texas
Instruments OMAP 1710 platform with 128Mb Flash and 64Mb RAM memory.
Additional data can be stored on a MMC card. The connectivity is
provided over an 802.11g wireless network, and over a Bluetooth to a
cellular network using a phone as a modem. The street price is
approximately $350.

Figure 1: Nokia 770 Internet tablet 2
(Click to enlarge)
used open source extensively in the creation of the Nokia 770. We
favored components that were developed by active communities and
already used by many. Thus, instead of an embedded version of a
component, we rather used a mainstream desktop component when possible.

Figure 2: The Nokia 770 software architecture
(Click to enlarge)
2 illustrates our software architecture. The majority of the code is
licensed under open source licenses. In addition, we have closed
components developed by Nokia or third parties. An example of such
component is the Real audio & video plug-in. We keep some limited
parts of the software that are very close to our hardware close.
Examples of such components are the boot loader and battery charging.
users can flash a new firmware into Nokia 770 to get new features,
improved performance, and bug fixes. Nokia can thus develop and improve
software in customers' devices.
2.1 Kernel
Our software is currently based on Linux 2.6 kernel. We source the kernel directly from the
do not to use any commercial Linux distributions, but follow the Debian
[Debian 2006] distribution closely. As an example, we use Debian
package management. This provides us with a standard way of managing
component dependencies.
Working directly at
provides us with the latest technology and direct access to community
work. It allows us to flexibly use our own staff, subcontractors, and
open source communities all working on our own hardware.
2.2 Middleware
big touch screen of the Nokia 770 enables rich user experience. We
therefore use the GNOME [GNOME 2006] desktop environment as the basis
of our application framework. GNOME has a vibrant community and Nokia
is well integrated with the project. As a part of GNOME environment, we
use the GTK+ [GTK 2006] multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical
user interfaces.
We created a new desktop and the user
interface style optimized for internet tablets, as illustrated in
Figure 1. Our desktop is based on GNOME and we call it the Hildon
Application Framework. It includes, among other things, a task
navigator to manage application executions, a home view to embed
different plug-ins and a status bar to communicate device status
changes. In addition, we provide new widgets and theming modifications
on top of the GTK+ to match the Nokia user interface style and various
services for third party applications to integrate with the Nokia
We use the Matchbox window manager. It is a
lightweight window manager for X11 supporting a PDA style windowing.
D-BUS is our message bus system for applications and libraries to talk
to one another.
We use D-BUS for system notifications between
applications, for separating applications, user interfaces, and
engines, and for launching applications from our task navigator.
2.3 Applications
applications typically consist of two components. Application engines
provide the application functionality, and application user interfaces
provide the visible look and feel of applications. This two-level
architecture allows us to develop and manage functionality and visual
appearance separately, similar to the MVC (model-view-controller)
approach [Krasner and Pope 1988, Jaaksi 1995]. We can, for example,
change the engine under the visual UI implementation if we need to.
engines are either from open source, such as our email engine, closed
third party components, such as the handwriting recognition engine, or
developed by Nokia. Various application user interfaces that provide
the Nokia user experience are closed source.
3.1 Selecting the core components
the beginning of the product development, we analyzed different
technologies and architectural solutions. When selecting open source
components we took technical, community, roadmap, and legal and IPR
(intellectual property rights) aspects into account.
analyzed the technical suitability of various components and
subsystems. A selected component needed to fulfill our functional
requirements and be suitable for our hardware specifications. The
component also needed to be of good quality and mature enough for a
consumer product.
We then analyzed the communities developing
the components or subsystems. We wanted to integrate ourselves with
vibrant communities to ensure that the selected subsystem would develop
further over time. The more active the community, the better.
analyzed the roadmaps and future plans for the selected technologies.
We wanted to ensure that the goals of the development communities would
meet those of ours. This all happened through face-to-face discussions
in open source conferences, over direct email discussions with key
developers, and with participation of discussion in community mailing
lists and other such forums.
Finally, we analyzed the legal
and IPR aspects of the components under consideration. It was important
for us that the open source components used have been licensed under
proper licenses and have clear copyright and licensing information
attached to them. We also wanted to select components that do not lock
us into one vendor, for example through a mandatory copyright donation
or a dual licensing model.
It is important that certain
components are licensed under an open source license, such as LGPL,
that allows us to integrate also proprietary components on our
platform. We need to offer the best possible user experience to our
customers. In some cases, such as with audio and video, that requires
commercial closed components.
For the major components and
subsystems we did not have too many options to choose from. For
example, the only true graphical environment alternatives were Qt and
Gtk+ [Trolltech 2006, GTK 2006].
We selected Gtk+ for it is
developed by a vibrant multi-polar community with no single company
dominance. It is therefore easy to contribute our changes to Gtk+ on
the basis of general usefulness and technical merit only. Also, Gtk+ is
licensed under LGPL and that allows us to mix proprietary UI elements
without a dual commercial license.
3.2 Creating software as a part of communities
integrated tens of unmodified open source components on our platform.
We also sponsored the enhancements of many existing open source
components to. Finally, we developed new components from scratch and
open sourced them.
We used existing open sourced components
such as the gnuchess chess game engine, bzip2 data compressor, id3lib
for manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags in digital audio files, and many
more as such, whenever that was possible. The bigger the component or
subsystem was, the better. When possible, we reused an entire subsystem
and subsystem architectures, such as GNOME [GNOME 2006] and Debian
[Debian 2006]. Instead of separate components we reused architectural
blocks that already integrate several independent components.
several cases we sponsored the development of existing components, such
as the Linux kernel, DBUS, GNOME-VFS, GTK+, GStreamer, and OBEX to make
them better meet our requirements. The additional work was needed
especially in the areas of UI and usability, power management,
performance, and memory management. Our engineers worked directly with
communities' participating development projects. We also hired and
asked developers within the communities to enhance components based on
our needs.
As an example, we sponsored the development of the
D-BUS [D-BUS 2006] message bus system. We selected D-BUS because it
addressed our technical requirements well at the outset. In addition,
there was an active community around D-BUS, and we and the community
had very similar goals. We believed that we can become a part of the
community and there is no need to branch the development for our needs.
We believed we can get our requirements and contributions accepted to
the project.
We hired key developers from the D-BUS community
to work for us. We contributed code and participated in the development
of D-BUS through these developers. In addition, we performed a lot of
testing that helped in reaching the needed product quality. Finally, we
promoted the use of D-BUS in various conferences and articles. The more
developers come and use D-BUS the better for us and everybody else.
Having a good interprocess communication mechanism available benefits
everybody! We open sourced also new components and subsystems that we
had developed.
A good example of such component is the Hildon
application framework. We soon realized that after open sourcing our
own code, we need to ensure that our developers continue to work with
the open sourced components. We must be able to continue to support the
code in open source so that the code will meet our future needs, too.
Just releasing code with no plans to develop it further won't benefit
As a recent development, we have opened the development of
our application framework and selected other middleware components at
the maemo Sardine [Sardine 2006]. Open middleware development enables
application developers to follow the latest changes in our code so they
can test their applications against the latest changes, update them as
a result of any API changes, and pilot the latest additions to our
software. This open development also allows anybody to participate in
the development of the middleware code and see where it's heading to.
This all is available before a stable release of the software for the
A lot of the code for our yet-to-be released future
products is now available and developed jointly with open source
developers. We believe this approach is unique and provides an access
for developers to participate in the creation of the future Nokia
3.3 The developer platform -- maemo
utilize the open model in the creation of our products. In addition, we
want others to execute their software development projects on our
software and devices.

Figure 3: The maemo developer platform
(Click to enlarge)
For that reason we manage the
web site, illustrated in Figure 3. Maemo is an open source development
environment for Nokia 770 Internet Tablet, targeted to open source
developers and innovation houses. It provides tools to develop and
share your own applications for the Nokia 770. We opened the maemo site
months before the devices were commercially available to provide early
access to developers.
The key features of the maemo site
include a test and debug environment on x86, flashing tools, a
developer root file system, the Hildon Application Framework and UI,
the Scratchbox cross-compilation toolkit, developer documentation,
sample applications, mailing lists, wiki and planet for discussion,
announcements and support, and bug reporting system. In addition, the
site provides a forum to share applications and code for the Nokia 770
internet tablets.
can conclude that it is very beneficial to use open source in consumer
product creation. Our experiences are limited, though. We developed
only one single software platform and product category within one
company. On the other hand, our experiences include all the phases
starting from initial screening to selling the devices, participating
with many other companies and open source projects, and offering
upgrade software for end users.
4.1 Cost savings
biggest cost savings came from the utilization of already available
components. We utilized several free components and subsystems as such,
with no modifications.
We also improved several components to
better meet our requirements. Such improvement is cheaper than creating
the needed functionality from scratch.
Some two-thirds of the
code of the Nokia 770 is licensed under an open source license. These
components made it possible for us to build the software cheaper than
we could have done using closed and proprietary technologies.
4.2 Quality and flexibility
Our code comes from different sources. The majority of the code originates from open source projects.
code, such as the application user interfaces, is developed by us. Some
code, such as the browser engine, is provided as binaries to us. So we
have no access to the code.
If we compare the code from open
source to the code developed by us, our conclusion is that open source
is of better quality. We have more bugs and problems in the Nokia
developed code. This is only natural because the majority of the Nokia
code is build from scratch and is thus very young. Open source code, on
the other hand, has mostly been used by others already. They have fixed
the most severe errors already before we started to use the code.
we compare open source code to commercial components used on our
platform, the quality difference is not that obvious. The commercial
components have typically been used by others, too. That has improved
their quality.
Open source is flexible when we needed to fix a
problem or change functionality. We often requested bug fixes or
modifications to the commercial closed components on our platform. If
the vendors didn't have the capacity or will to fix the problem on
time, we had few options. We could not fix problems ourselves because
the companies using closed source didn't want us to access their source
code. With open source components, though, we fixed bugs ourself, hired
somebody else to fix them, or worked with the communities for the
modifications. We thus had many options available, and in most cases we
managed to fix the problems at hand. The free access to the code and to
the developers improved the quality of open source originated
components within the final product.
4.3 Speed and time
is clear that using available subsystems such as the Linux kernel or
the GTK+ toolkit saves time and resources. Actually, developing an
operating system and middleware was never even an option for us.
reality, we had two different options for the Nokia 770 internet
tablets: either use an existing commercial and closed operating system
and middleware, or then use an existing open source operating system
and middleware. We used the open approach because we believed it saves
time and money, and enables us to freely mold and shape our products
according to the market needs.
We use widely known components and architectures. Such familiarity speeds up our development.
even newcomers, know the technologies in use. Packaging technologies,
such as the Debian packages, or interprocess communication
technologies, such a D-BUS, provides the backbone for our integration.
Such software architecture is understood by all developers.
believe that we saved time in integrating open source components to our
architecture compared to using closed ones. Familiar subsystems,
architectures, and free access to the source code made integration
4.4 Software licensing
Software licensing
is often a complicated and time consuming process. It requires a lot of
negotiations between the licenser and the licensee. Based on our
experience, an average in-licensing process for a software component
takes 6 to 12 months. It is only then when you know if you can really
use the component in your project or whether you need to find other
Licensing is simpler with open source. The licensor
has already done most of the due diligence work in advance. In most
cases, the licensor keeps the copyright, doesn't give any exclusivity,
and gives the licenser full right to use the component any way needed.
At the financial side, licenser has decided that the code is free, but
the licenser may offer support or engineering services for money.
Nothing prevents the licensor to go elsewhere for help, if so needed.
the source code is available for the licensor to study and evaluate.
The licensor can assess the community, companies, and available hackers
supporting the technology in question. Also, the licensor can talk to
others without worrying about trade secrets.
Open source simplifies and accelerates software licensing, and reduces technology and quality risks.
Instead of negotiation for months, the technical work can start immediately.
4.5 Available developers
often analyzed the code of a developer or a subcontractor before
hiring. If a developer or a subcontractor has submitted code to an open
source project, its quality is easy to verify. Also, it is important to
study the level of involvement the candidates -- both individuals and
companies -- have on the communities and components in question.
and open source have created a common vocabulary, architectural
reference, and common tools for software development. Almost all
developers graduating from universities are familiar with Linux and
open source, and many know GNOME, Debian and other such technologies.
This all simplifies the recruiting process as well as newcomer
introduction. There is no need to arrange long training sessions for
new developers on proprietary tools and architectures.
4.6 Road mapping and future
roadmap of an open sourced component or subsystem is typically
discussed openly, and is open for contributions. Some may claim that
utilizing open source would leave a company with no control over the
used technology. This is not true. We influence the development of
relevant technologies through the community work. Actually, things are
better with open source than with closed components.
With open source, decisions are done openly. We join technical discussions and roadmapping processes.
contribute our ideas, submit our code, and discuss requirements to
influence the direction of a component or technology. We are not only a
licensor but also a licensee at the same time! The choices are more
limited with closed source commercial components. Companies developing
closed source components typically decide themselves about the future
of their technology. They may choose to reveal parts of they plans.
They may choose to take external input into account. But, unlike in the
open source, you cannot participate yourself and contribute in an open
4.7 Open source and confidentiality
We worked intensively with communities already before we announced the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet.
source approach requires openness and information sharing during
development. A high publicity launch, on the other hand, is the way to
introduce consumer products to the public and you do not want to reveal
the products before the launch date. There is thus a potential conflict
between the open source openness and product launch secrecy.
credentials, work, and history of open source hackers are open for
everybody to see. The hackers typically want to work with interesting
things also in the future. Therefore, they don't want to become famous
for jeopardizing somebody else's project and misusing their trust.
Thus, openness and open source can actually be a much stronger bond
than any NDA (non-disclosure agreement) or monetary sanction one can
put on an individual or a company.
Based on our experiences,
we can combine open communication and product confidentiality. We had
no information leakage prior to the commercial product announcements,
although we had had tens of developers working on the software with us.
For some of the developers, we had told very detailed information about
the forthcoming product. Developing products in open source and yet
maintaining the confidentiality of the product plans and roadmaps was
possible for us.
The benefits
of using open source are clear. However, we also experienced some
challenges when utilizing open source in product development.
5.1 From hacking to stabilizing
the early stages of the development, we worked closely with
communities, individual hackers, and hacker companies. We made core
technical decisions and outlined the software architecture. A lot of
ideas were discussed, a lot of trials were made, and a lot of hacking
was taking place.
Soon, we froze our requirements to get
things focused. The requirements were allocated to individual
engineering teams. The teams continued the work in a close
collaboration with external parties to add features, and enhance
components to meet our needs. We had an internal milestone when we
expect all software functionality to be implemented.
predict when the software is ready for shipping to synchronize
marketing activities, and reserve a factory production line. At this
milestone the system testing can run all test cases. All features are
implemented, but the system is still unstable and buggy. From that
point on, all effort is put into bug fixing and stabilization of the
At this milestone, the whole organization moves from
hacking and development to integration and stabilizing. While hacking
and development happens around independent components within teams, the
integration and stabilizing happens around the entire software stack
and between teams. We shift from a component view to a system view of
software development.
Based on our experience this step is more radical with open source than with closed proprietary code.
open source culture is very much for trials, hacking, innovation and
other creative aspects of software development. Meeting deadlines,
dropping your latest crazy idea, and making compromises to gain
stability are not what many open source communities or developers
naturally do. In addition to us, the Linux project, Debian, and others
seem to have difficulties making a final good quality release on time
[Glance, 2004], [Brockmeier 2005]. In that sense our distro is no
different that others'.
In the current projects we try to
tackle this challenge by making the move from the hacking to
stabilizing more apparent and strict. It seems we must make the change
very explicit in our process, and enforce it even more than in some
conventional product development projects.
5.2 Architecture management
source requires that you manage your architecture not only from the
conventional 4+1 point of view [Kruchten, 1995] but also from the legal
and IPR point of view. As some components are available only as closed
source components, we need to mix open source and proprietary code.
This mixing calls for proper architecture management to manage
different licensing rules within the product code.
We manage
the legal and IPR status of each software component. It is not enough
to manage the architecture in terms of the development time API
compatibility or run time performance, but we also need to manage the
mix of various open source and closed source licensing rules. This is a
complex task because not all licensing terms are compatible or clear.
This is an additional job that we need to do when developing products
based on open source.
5.3 Additional investments
open source code effectively requires community participation. It is
sometimes possible to use a component as such. Such participation is
almost free of charge. In many cases, though, we work with communities
to enhance components and develop them further. Such participation
requires extra resources.
We have open sourced individual
components and participated some development with no clear benefit for
us. We have either been left alone to develop the component, or our
needs have not been taken into account when developing a component
further. In these cases the joint open source development didn't happen
or it didn't benefit us. We therefore now observe individual projects
and try to identify when the open source investment pays off and when
it doesn't.
We have created a
consumer device, the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet, utilizing open source
software. Our experiences demonstrate that open source technologies and
development model suit very well such devices. We created the product
in shorter time and with fewer resources, compared to other products
utilizing proprietary software. In essence, open source offers time and
cost savings in a form of readily available components and subsystems,
available developers, and effective development model.
source doesn't solve all the problems, though. As a device
manufacturer, we alone are responsible for the quality of the end
product. We must therefore utilize all quality and software engineering
mechanisms to achieve the needed quality. One cannot skip
specification, integration, testing, and documentation, for example. In
addition, open source introduces certain new requirements, such as
community interaction and legal and IPR management.
source doesn't make software development free or easy. It provides
effective tools for product creation. Combining these new tools, such
as community involvement, and utilization of open components, with more
traditional software and product engineering practices is a good mix.
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