一, 查看是否正在运行
select @Job_ID =Job_ID from msdb.dbo.sysjobs where name = 'James_Test'
Exec master..sp_MSget_jobstate @Job_ID
返回值为 1 - 正在运行
4 - 表示完成(成功或失败)
二, 检查执的结果状态
查看 SQL Server 作业(job) 运行成功与否、还是取消等状态信息,以及作业最后一次运行持续时间、出错信息提示等。DBA
可以周期性地调度该 SQL 脚本,在 SQL Server 作业失败时候得到及时提醒。此 SQL 脚本适用于 SQL Server 2000
& 2005。
-- author : p.c.w.l
-- source :
-- create : 2008-11-27
-- descr : a simple sql script to view sql server jobs run status
select category = jc.name,
category_id = jc.category_id,
job_name = j.name,
job_enabled = j.enabled,
last_run_time = cast(js.last_run_date as varchar(10)) + '-' + cast(js.last_run_time as varchar(10)),
last_run_duration = js.last_run_duration,
last_run_status = js.last_run_outcome,
last_run_msg = js.last_outcome_message + cast(nullif(js.last_run_outcome,1) as varchar(2)),
job_created = j.date_created,
job_modified = j.date_modified
from msdb.dbo.sysjobs j
inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobservers js
on j.job_id = js.job_id
inner join msdb.dbo.syscategories jc
on j.category_id = jc.category_id
where j.enabled = 1
and js.last_run_outcome in (0,1,3,5) -- 0:Fail 1:Succ 3:Cancel 5:First run
and jc.category_id not between 10 and 20 -- repl
category_id name
0 [Uncategorized (Local)]
1 Jobs from MSX
2 [Uncategorized (Multi-Server)]
3 Database Maintenance
4 Web Assistant
5 Full-Text
6 Log Shipping
7 Database Engine Tuning Advisor
10 REPL-Distribution
11 REPL-Distribution Cleanup
12 REPL-History Cleanup
13 REPL-LogReader
14 REPL-Merge
15 REPL-Snapshot
16 REPL-Checkup
17 REPL-Subscription Cleanup
18 REPL-Alert Response
19 REPL-QueueReader
20 Replication
98 [Uncategorized]
99 [Uncategorized]
三, 查看历史情况
select run_status,a.run_time, a.* from msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory a inner
join msdb.dbo.sysjobs b on a.job_id=b.job_id where
b.name='作业名'作业的执行状态run_status: 0 = 失败1 = 成功2 = 重试3 = 取消4 = 正在进行。
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