2009-01-12 14:50:06
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chinaunix网友2010-11-19 10:36:48
今天终于搞定了,原来是tslib1.4文件的问题,不知是我的板子不支持还是楼主发的不对,用楼主给的下到板子上就是不对,最后按照http://www.eefocus.com/wenes1/blog/10-05/190293_09ed8.html这个帖子的方法,(1)下载最新版本的tslib,目前最新的是1.4版,下载方法是通过CVS下载: $ mkdir - m777 cvs $ cd cvs $ export CVSROOT = : pserver : anoncvs@cvs . handhelds . org : / cvs $ cvs login Logging in to : pserver : anoncvs@cvs . handhelds . org : 2401 / cvs CVS password : anoncvs cvs login : CVS password file / home / daiq / . cvspass does not exist - creating a new file $ cvs co apps / tslib 这样会在你
chinaunix网友2010-11-17 22:02:59
我在做devkit8000移植tslib1.4时出现了问题,请帮忙看看! 一: 软硬件 1. 主机: ubuntu 8.04 2. 平台: devkit8000(omap3530) 3. tslib-1.4 4. QT版本: qtopia-core-opensource-src-4.3.5(http://www.qtcn.org/bbs/read.php?tid=3144&page=1&fpage=1) 5. 交叉编译工具: arm-none-linux-gnueabi-2007q3 二: 移植tslib 1. tar xzvf tslib-1.4.tar.gz cd tslib/ export CC=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc export CXX=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++ 2. ./autogen.sh 3. echo "ac_cv_func_malloc_0_nonnull=yes" >arm-none-linux-gn
chinaunix网友2010-06-06 10:34:01
I have resolved above problem, just add yourself compiler at ./mkspecs/qws/linux-arm-g++/qmake.conf, the following is the modified qmake.conf # # qmake configuration for building for ARMv6 devices with arm-linux-g++ # include(../../common/g++.conf) include(../../common/linux.conf) include(../../common/qws.conf) QMAKE_INCDIR = /work/arm/gui/work/tslib-1.4/include QMAKE_LIBDIR = /work/arm/gui/work/tslib-1.4/lib # modifications to g++.conf QMAKE_CC =/usr/CodeSourcery/
chinaunix网友2009-06-15 14:11:06
小弟现在要移植qt-embedded-opensource-4.5.1到板子上,使用qt自带的触摸屏校准程序,记过很不让人满意,所以我现在打算用tslib-1.4给qt4.5.1打补丁 软件环境:centos5.2,gcc-4.1.1(crosstools) 硬件:ARM920T 系统:qt-embedded-opensource-4.5.1.tar.gz 解压到/home/Raymond/qt-embedded-arm-tslib下 tslib-1.4编译通过,安装到/usr/local/下,同时复制了一份到/nand1/tslib-1.4中 进入/home/Raymond/qt-embedded-arm-tslib中 执行:./configure -prefix /nand1/Trolltech/QtEmbeddedARMTSLib -release -shared -qvfb -make libs -nomake tools -make examples -make docs -make