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分类: C/C++

2010-04-10 23:57:52






开发环境:Debian /Etch



1、  svn checkout svn:// ffmpeg(下载最新版本的ffmpeg

2、  cd ffmpeg

3、  ./configure --enable-gpl --enable-shared --prefix=/usr(编译为动态库,懒得改.bash_profileprefix路径选/usr,默认为/usr/local

4、  make(编译,如果要用到ffplay的话,先sudo apt-get install libsdl-dev,ffplay.c用到sdl的库

5、  sudo make install(安装libinclude file,注意include file分几个目录存放的,不像之前版本那样统一放到/usr/include/ffmpeg下)

注:在进行这些准备工作前,最好将之前安装的ffmpeglibinclude file全部清除干净。我一开始用的20071007的版本,再换成latest ffmpeg,编译的时候可以过去,但是运行时老出错。开始时我还以为新版本的ffmpeg的接口有非常非常大的改变,在我程序上找了很长时间无果。最后清除了20071007版的ffmpeg后,编译,顺利运行。



代码附录如后,现不对代码作详细说明,对于ffmpeg的架构及api使用,可参考《FFMpeg框架代码阅读》、《Using libavformat and libavcodec》。之后我应该会整理更详细一点的架构文档说明。这段代码我很大程度上参考了Using libavformat and libavcodec中的avcodec_sample.cpp,其实解码过程都是一样的,这点同样可以从ffmpeg里的例子如ffplay.cseek_test.c中找到。




1、  gcc railgun.c -lavutil -lavformat -lavcodec –lswscale

2、  ./a.out To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Railgun.mkv








1、img_convert_ctx = sws_getContext(dec->width, dec->height, dec->pix_fmt, dec->width, dec->height, PIX_FMT_RGB24, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL);语句中PIX_FMT_RGB24应该为PIX_FMT_BGR24。否则BMP色彩变样。原来由于图片是黑白的,所以没及时发现。后来取彩色图片时,发现青春靓丽的炮姐变整一个阿凡达了,失礼失礼。


2、总算实现了取某个时间段的frame。使用方法:./a.out air.mpg 000130 000132 (取air.mpg00:01:30--00:01:32的所有帧)


timestamp = nSec * AV_TIME_BASE;
timestamp = av_rescale_q(timestamp, AV_TIME_BASE_Q, ic->streams[videoStream]->time_base);
avformat_seek_file(ic, videoStream, INT64_MIN, timestamp, timestamp, 0);


另外用这种方法来seek frame,似乎时间定位不准,存在一定的偏差(也不打算继续改进了,以后的重点会转向编解码或图像处理)。

再有就是运行时会提示:[mpeg1video @ 0x804c300]warning: first frame is no keyframe,前面几帧图片失真。例如:






// railgun.c

// A small sample program that shows how to use libavformat and libavcodec to
// read video from a file and write frame to a bmp file.
// Use
// gcc railgun.c -lavutil -lavformat -lavcodec -lswscale
// to build (assuming libavformat and libavcodec are correctly installed on
// your system).
// Run using
// ./a.out air.mpg 000130 000132
// to write frames(00:01:30--00:01:32) from "air.mpg" to disk in BMP
// format.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <libavformat/avformat.h>
#include <libswscale/swscale.h>

#undef sprintf
#undef uint8_t
#undef uint16_t
#undef uint32_t
#define uint8_t unsigned char
#define uint16_t unsigned short
#define uint32_t unsigned long

#pragma pack(2)
typedef struct BMPHeader
    uint16_t identifier;
    uint32_t file_size;
    uint32_t reserved;
    uint32_t data_offset;
} BMPHeader;

typedef struct BMPMapInfo
    uint32_t header_size;
    uint32_t width;
    uint32_t height;
    uint16_t n_planes;
    uint16_t bits_per_pixel;
    uint32_t compression;
    uint32_t data_size;
    uint32_t hresolution;
    uint32_t vresolution;
    uint32_t n_colors_used;
    uint32_t n_important_colors;

int CreateBmpImg(AVFrame *pFrame, int width, int height, int iFrame)
    BMPHeader bmpheader;
    BMPMapInfo bmpinfo;
    FILE *fp;
    int y;
    char filename[32];
    // Open file
    memset(filename, 0x0, sizeof(filename));
    sprintf(filename, "%d.bmp", iFrame);
    fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
    if(!fp)return -1;

    bmpheader.identifier = ('M'<<8)|'B';
    bmpheader.reserved = 0;
    bmpheader.data_offset = sizeof(BMPHeader) + sizeof(BMPMapInfo);
    bmpheader.file_size = bmpheader.data_offset + width*height*24/8;

    bmpinfo.header_size = sizeof(BMPMapInfo);
    bmpinfo.width = width;
    bmpinfo.height = height;
    bmpinfo.n_planes = 1;
    bmpinfo.bits_per_pixel = 24;
    bmpinfo.compression = 0;
    bmpinfo.data_size = height*((width*3 + 3) & ~3);
    bmpinfo.hresolution = 0;
    bmpinfo.vresolution = 0;
    bmpinfo.n_colors_used = 0;
    bmpinfo.n_important_colors = 0;

    for(y=height-1; y>=0; y--)
        fwrite(pFrame->data[0]+y*pFrame->linesize[0], 1, width*3, fp);

    return 0;

//返回: 0--成功,非0--失败
int DecodeVideoFrame(AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx, AVCodecContext *pCodecCtx,
    int videoStream, int64_t endtime, AVFrame *pFrame)
    static AVPacket packet;
    static uint8_t *rawData;
    static int bytesRemaining = 0;
    int bytesDecoded;
    int frameFinished;
    static int firstTimeFlag = 1;

    if (firstTimeFlag)
        firstTimeFlag = 0; = NULL;//第一次解frame,初始化packet.data为null

    while (1)
            if ( == NULL) av_free_packet(&packet); //释放旧的packet
            if (av_read_frame(pFormatCtx, &packet) < 0)
                //从frame读取数据保存到packet上,<0表明到了stream end
                printf("-->av_read_frame end\n");
                goto exit_decode;
        } while (packet.stream_index != videoStream); //判断当前frame是否为指定的video stream

        if (packet.pts >= endtime) return -1;
        bytesRemaining = packet.size;
        rawData =;

        while (bytesRemaining > 0)
            bytesDecoded = avcodec_decode_video(pCodecCtx, pFrame, &frameFinished, rawData, bytesRemaining);
            if (bytesDecoded < 0) return -1;

            bytesRemaining -= bytesDecoded;
            rawData += bytesDecoded;

            if (frameFinished) return 0;

    bytesDecoded = avcodec_decode_video(pCodecCtx, pFrame, &frameFinished, rawData, bytesRemaining);
    if( != NULL) av_free_packet(&packet);
    if (frameFinished != 0) return 0;
    return -1;

void usage(const char *function)
    printf("Usage: %s [File Name] [Start Time] [End Time]\n", function);
    printf("Ex: ./railgun panda.mpg 003005 003010\n");
    printf("Time Format: HrsMinsSecs. Ex 003005 means 00 hours 30 minutes 05 senconds\n");

void ParseTime(char strStartTime[], int64_t *pStartSec,
    char strEndTime[], int64_t *pEndSec)
    int64_t starttime = 0, endtime = 0;
    if (strStartTime && pStartSec)
        starttime = atoi(strStartTime);
        *pStartSec = (3600*starttime/10000) + \
                (60*(starttime%10000)/100) + \

    if (strEndTime && pEndSec)
        endtime = atoi(strEndTime);
        *pEndSec = (3600*endtime/10000) + \
                (60*(endtime%10000)/100) + \

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    const char *filename;
    AVFormatContext *ic = NULL;
    AVCodecContext *dec = NULL;
    AVCodec *codec = NULL;
    AVFrame *frame = NULL;
    AVFrame *frameRGB = NULL;
    uint8_t *buffer = NULL;
    int numBytes;
    int i, videoStream;
    int64_t startTime = 0;
    int64_t endTime = 0;
    static struct SwsContext *img_convert_ctx = NULL;

    // Register all formats and codecs

    filename = argv[1];

    // parse begin time and end time
    if (argc == 3)
        ParseTime(argv[2], &startTime, NULL, NULL);
    else if (argc == 4)
        ParseTime(argv[2], &startTime, argv[3], &endTime);
        return -1;
    startTime *= AV_TIME_BASE;
    endTime *= AV_TIME_BASE;
    // Open video file
    if(av_open_input_file(&ic, filename, NULL, 0, NULL)!=0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannt open input file\n");
        goto exit_err;

    // Retrieve stream information
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannt find stream info\n");
        goto exit_err;

    // Dump information about file onto standard error
    dump_format(ic, 0, filename, 0);

    // Find the first video stream
    for(i=0; i<ic->nb_streams; i++)
        fprintf(stderr, "No video stream\n");
        goto exit_err;

    // Get a pointer to the codec context for the video stream
    // Find the decoder for the video stream
        fprintf(stderr, "Found no codec\n");
        goto exit_err;
    // Open codec
    if(avcodec_open(dec, codec)<0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannt open avcodec\n");
        goto exit_err;

    // Allocate video frame
    // Allocate an AVFrame structure
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannt alloc frame buffer for RGB\n");
        goto exit_err;
    // Determine required buffer size and allocate buffer
    numBytes=avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_RGB24, dec->width, dec->height);
    buffer=(uint8_t *)av_malloc(numBytes);
    if (!buffer)
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannt alloc picture buffer\n");
        goto exit_err;
    // Assign appropriate parts of buffer to image planes in pFrameRGB
    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)frameRGB, buffer, PIX_FMT_RGB24, dec->width, dec->height);

    img_convert_ctx = sws_getContext(dec->width, dec->height, dec->pix_fmt, dec->width, dec->height, PIX_FMT_BGR24, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (img_convert_ctx == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot initialize the conversion context\n");
        goto exit_err;

    // Seek frame
    startTime = av_rescale_q(startTime, AV_TIME_BASE_Q, ic->streams[videoStream]->time_base);
    endTime = av_rescale_q(endTime, AV_TIME_BASE_Q, ic->streams[videoStream]->time_base);
    avformat_seek_file(ic, videoStream, INT64_MIN, startTime, startTime, 0);
    // Read frames and save first five frames to dist
    while(!DecodeVideoFrame(ic, dec, videoStream, endTime, frame))
        // Save the frame to disk
        sws_scale(img_convert_ctx, (AVPicture*)frame->data, (AVPicture*)frame->linesize,
            0, dec->height, (AVPicture*)frameRGB->data, (AVPicture*)frameRGB->linesize);
        CreateBmpImg(frameRGB, dec->width, dec->height, i);
    // Free the RGB image
    if (buffer)
    if (frameRGB)
    // Free the YUV frame
    if (frame)
    // Close the codec
    if (dec)
    // Close the video file
    if (ic)
    if (img_convert_ctx)

    return 0;

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sep2011-03-29 12:43:20

远方的胡子: 你好,我照着你的程序,改写了个vc程序,实现的功能和你的一样,但是seek不到我想要的时间段,参数设置方法也是一样的,请问是怎么回事呢.....
这个我在文中也提及了:用这种方法来seek frame,似乎时间定位不准,存在一定的偏差。

远方的胡子2011-03-29 11:34:31
