2008-07-28 10:38:06
C/C++语言 | |
基础 | |
The Design and Evolution of C++ | reading |
The C++ Programming Language | to read |
C/C++ premier | to read |
Essential C++ | to read |
设计 | |
The Practice of Programming | to read |
Effective C++ | to read |
More Effective C++ | to read |
提高 | |
Exceptional C++ | to read |
More Exceptional C++ | to read |
STL源码剖析 | to read |
Thinking in C++ | to read |
Inside the C++ Object Model | to read |
Linux管理 | |
基础 | |
Linux系统管理技术大全 | to read |
Linux内核 | |
基础 | |
Linux设备驱动程序 | reading |
Linux源代码情景分析 | to read |
UNIX/Linux编程 | |
基础 | |
UNIX编程 | to read |
TCP/IP详解(1,2,3) | to read |
UNIX网络编程 | to read |
Windows系统/编程 | |
基础 | |
Win2k驱动程序编程 | to read |
Windows程序设计(上、下) | to read |
深入浅出MFC | done |
COM原理与应用 | done |
WINNT技术内幕 | done |
ATL | to read |