//RFC3092, 竟然是RFC,比较权威,嗯
bar /bar/ n. [JARGON]
1. The second metasyntactic variable, after foo and before baz.
"Suppose we have two functions: FOO and BAR. FOO calls BAR...."
2. Often appended to foo to produce foobar.
foo /foo/
1. interj. Term of disgust.
2. Used very generally as a sample name for absolutely anything, esp.
programs and files (esp. scratch files).
3. First on the standard list of metasyntactic variables used in
syntax examples (bar, baz, qux, quux, corge, grault, garply,
waldo, fred, plugh, xyzzy, thud). [JARGON]
技术文档中经常出现foo bar命名的变量,一直想知道这两个词到底什么意思。今天看freebsd的文档,又看到这俩,忍不住好奇,搜索了一下。
According to the Warner Brothers Cartoon Companion Holman claimed to have found the word “foo” on the bottom of a Chinese figurine. This is plausible; Chinese statuettes often have apotropaic inscriptions, and this one was almost certainly the Mandarin Chinese word fu (sometimes transliterated foo), which can mean “happiness” or “prosperity” when spoken with the rising tone (the lion-dog guardians flanking the steps of many Chinese restaurants are properly called “fu dogs”). English speakers' reception of Holman's ‘foo’ nonsense word was undoubtedly influenced by Yiddish ‘feh’ and English ‘fooey’ and ‘fool’.
“英文单词foo,不同的字典对其解释相去甚远,一说来自中国“福”字的发音,又有解释为二战时期的一种武器。然而若把众多的解释放在编程领域,关于foobar的说法是我认为最为贴切的解释。foobar又为foo-bar,其中bar是beyond all recognition的缩写,通俗点就是无法识别,一塌糊涂的意思。而foo是fu的变体,fu是英语习语fuck-up的缩写,同样是一团糟的意思。于是,若你有些编程经验,我想你应该已经明白了为何如今许多编程实例所涉及的事物均被冠名为foo:)”
就是For Example的缩写,为什么不用For表示呢?因为For在很多语言中是关键字。为什么要用Foo呢?因为它和For谐音。
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