The following items are available in network listener configuration file (listener.ora). * Listener Address Section * SID_LIST_listener_name Static Service Section * Control Parameters
The listener.ora file is located in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin on UNIX and ORACLE_HOME\network\admin on Windows NT, or in the directory specified by the TNS_ADMIN environment variable or registry value.
1. Listener Address Section
The listener address section of the listener.ora file defines the protocol address(es) of the listener.
Purpose: Defines listener protocol address(es) Example: listener_name= (description= (address=(protocol=ipc)(key=extproc0)) (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=sales-pc)(port=1521)))
Purpose: Defines a listener protocol address. This parameter can be embedded under a ADDRESS_LIST or DESCRIPTION. Example: listener_name= (description= (address=(protocol=ipc)(key=extproc0)) (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=sales-pc)(port=1521)))
Purpose: Defines lists of listener protocol addresses. If there is only one list of addresses, it is not necessary to use this parameter. This parameter can be embedded under a DESCRIPTION. Example: listener_name= (description= (address_list= (address=(protocol=ipc)(key=extproc0)) (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=sales-pc)(port=1521))))
2. SID_LIST_listener_name Static Service Section
You can use the SID_LIST section of the listener.ora to statically configure service information with the listener. The SID_LIST is required for backward compatibility with Oracle8 or Oracle7 databases, as well as external procedures and heterogeneous services, and some management tools, including Oracle Enterprise Manager. Oracle8i database information is dynamically registered with the listener during instance startup. Therefore, this information is not required, unless Oracle Enterprise Manager is used to monitor an Oracle8i database.
sid_list_listener_name= (sid_list= (sid_desc= (global_dbname=global_database_name) (sid_name=sid) (oracle_home=oracle_home) (prespawn_max=99) (prespawn_list= (prespawn_desc= (protocol=tcp) (pool_size=10) (timeout=2)) (prespawn_desc=...))) (sid_desc=...))
SID_LIST contains the following parameters:
Purpose: Identifies the global database name of the database, a name comprised of the database name and database domain. You can obtain the GLOBAL_DBNAME value from the SERVICE_NAMES parameter in the initialization parameter file. This parameter must be embedded under SID_DESC and should match the value of the SERVICE_NAMES parameter. Example: sid_list_listener_name= (sid_list= (sid_desc= ( (sid_name=orcl) (oracle_home=/usr/oracle)))
Purpose: Identifies the Oracle home location of the service. This parameter must be embedded under SID_DESC. Example: sid_list_listener_name= (sid_list= (sid_desc= (sid_name=extproc) (oracle_home=/usr/oracle) (program=extproc)))
Purpose: Identifies the service's executable program name Example: sid_list_listener_name= (sid_list= (sid_desc= (sid_name=extproc) (oracle_home=oracle) (program=extproc)))
Purpose: Identifies the Oracle System Identifier (SID) of the instance. You can obtain the SID value from the INSTANCE_NAME parameter in the initialization parameter file. This parameter must be embedded under SID_DESC. Example: sid_list_listener_name= (sid_list= (sid_desc= ( (sid_name=orcl) (oracle_home=/usr/oracle)))
Purpose: Identifies a list of SID descriptions Example: sid_list_listener_name= (sid_list= (sid_desc=...) (sid_desc=...))
Purpose: Provides service information for a specific database instance. This parameter can be embedded under SID_LIST. Example: sid_list_listener_name= (sid_list= (sid_desc=...) (sid_desc=...))
Purpose: Specifies the maximum number of prespawned dedicated server processes the listener creates. This number must be at least as many as the sum of the pool size for each protocol. Set this value to a large number so that prespawned dedicated server processes are always available for new connections. This parameter must be embedded under SID_LIST. Note: Prespawned dedicated servers cannot be configured on Windows NT. Example: sid_list_listener_name= (sid_list= (sid_desc= ( (sid_name=sid) (oracle_home=/usr/oracle) (prespawn_max=99)))
Purpose: Specifies a list of prespawnd dedicated server process protocol descriptions. This parameter must be embedded under SID_DESC. Example: sid_list_listener_name= (sid_list= (sid_desc= ( (sid_name=sid) (oracle_home=/usr/oracle) (prespawn_max=99) (prespawn_list= (prespawn_desc= (protocol=tcp) (pool_size=10) (timeout=2)) (prespawn_desc=...)))
Purpose: Defines the protocol on which the listener creates prespawned dedicated server processes, as well as characteristics of the prespawned dedicated server. Each protocol must have its own PRESPAWN_DESC description. This parameter must be embedded under PRESPAWN_LIST. Example: sid_list_listener_name= (sid_list= (sid_desc= ( (sid_name=sid) (oracle_home=/usr/oracle) (prespawn_max=99) (prespawn_list= (prespawn_desc= (protocol=tcp) (pool_size=10) (timeout=2)) (prespawn_desc=...))))
3. Control Parameters
Purpose: Determines the amount of time in seconds the listener waits for a valid connection request after a connection has been started Default: 10 seconds Example: connect_timeout_listener=12
Purpose: Specifies the destination directory for the listener log file Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log on UNIX and ORACLE_HOME/network/log on Windows NT Example: log_directory_listener=/oracle/network/admin/log
Purpose: Specifies the name of the log file for the listener Default: listener.log Example: log_file_listener=list.log
Purpose: Turns logging on or off Default: ON Values: ON | OFF Example: logging_listener=on
Purpose: Specifies the location of wallets. Wallets are certificates, keys and trustpoints processed by SSL that allow for secure connections. Default: None Example: oss.source.my_wallet= (source= (method=file) (method_data= (directory=/home/smalladi/oss)))
Purpose: Sets an unencrypted password for a listener, so that certain privileges operations, such as SAVE_CONFIG and STOP, used from the LSNRCTL utility are secure. Allows one or more passwords. An encrypted password can set with the LSNRCTL utility's CHANGE_PASSWORD command. Default: oracle Example: passwords_listener=(oracle8)
Purpose: If set to TRUE, any parameters which were modified through the LSNCRCTL SET command replace prior listener.ora file settings Default: FALSE Example: save_config_on_stop_listener=true
Purpose: Specifies whether or not a client is authenticated using SSL Default: TRUE Values: TRUE | FALSE Usage Notes: The database authenticates the client. Therefore, this value should be set to FALSE. If this parameter is set to TRUE, the listener attempts to authenticate the client, which can result in a failure. Example: ssl_cipher_suite=(ssl_dh_dss_with_des_cdc_sha)
Purpose: Sets the number of seconds that the network listener sleeps before responding to the first LSNRCTL STATUS command Default: 0 seconds Example: startup_wait_time_listener=5
Purpose: Specifies the destination directory for the listener trace files Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace on UNIX and ORACLE_HOME/network/trace on Windows NT Example: trace_directory_listener=/oracle/network/admin/trace
Purpose: Specifies the name of the trace file for the listener Default: listener.trc Example: trace_file_listener=list.trc
Purpose: Specifies the size of the listener trace files in kilobytes (KB). When the size is met, the trace information is written to the next file. The number of files is specified with the TRACE_FILENO_listener_name parameter. Default: Unlimited Example: trace_filelen_listener=100
Purpose: Specifies the number of trace files for listener tracing. When this parameter is set along with the TRACE_FILEN_listener_name parameter, trace files are used in a cyclical fashion. The first file is filled first, then the second file, and so on. When the last file has been filled, the first file is re-used, and so on. The trace file names are distinguished from one another by their sequence number. For example, if the default trace file of listener.trc is used, and this parameter is set to 3, the trace files would be named listener1.trc, listener2.trc and listener3.trc. In addition, trace events in the trace files are preceded by the sequence number of the file. Default: 1 Example: trace_fileno_listener=3
Purpose: Turns tracing on/off to a certain specified level Default: OFF Values: * OFF - No trace output * USER - User trace information * ADMIN - Administration trace information * SUPPORT - WorldWide Customer Support trace information Example: trace_level_listener=admin
Purpose: Adds a timestamp in form of dd-month-yyyy hh:mm:ss to a trace event in the listener trace file Default: OFF Values: ON or TRUE | OFF or FALSE Example: trace_timestamp_listener=true
Purpose: Instructs the listener to register database information with an Oracle Names server Default: OFF Values: ON | OFF Example: use_plug_and_play=on
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