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分类: Oracle

2009-05-20 16:01:17

--sql structured query language

--DML--Data Manipulation Language--数据操作语言

query information (SELECT),
add new rows (INSERT),
modify existing rows (UPDATE),
delete existing rows (DELETE),
perform a conditional update or insert operation (MERGE),
see an execution plan of SQL (EXPLAIN PLAN),
and lock a table to restrict access (LOCK TABLE).

--DDL--Data Definition Language--数据定义语言
create, modify,drop, or rename objects (CREATE,ALTER,DROP,RENAME),
remove all rows from a database object without dropping the structure (TRUNCATE),
manage access privileges (GRANT,REVOKE),
audit database use (AUDIT,NOAUDIT)
and add a description about an object to the dictionary (COMMENT).

--Transaction Control事务控制语句
save the changes(COMMIT)
or discard the changes (ROLLBACK) made by DML statements.
Also included in the transaction-control statements are statements to set a point or marker in the transaction for possible rollback (SAVEPOINT)
and to define the properties for the transaction (SET TRANSACTION).
Used to manage the properties of the database.
There isonly one statement in this category (ALTER SYSTEM).

--DCL--Data Control Language--与开发关系不是很密切,用于权限的分配与回收
grant,revoke,data control

--Session Control
control the session properties (ALTER SESSION)
and to enable/disable roles (SET ROLE).

--System Control


select * from emp
select deptno,ename,sal from emp;
select ename,sal*12 from emp;
select 2*3 from emp;
select 2*3 from dual;
select * from dual;
select sysdate from dual
select ename,sal*12  salperyear from emp;
select ename,sal*12  "sal per year" from emp;
select comm from emp;
select ename,sal*12+comm from emp;
select ename||'-sal-'||sal from emp;
--如果字符串中有单引号,需要用另外一个单引号转义,比如:这样一个字符串: he's friend
select ename||'''s sal is'||sal from emp;

--distinct 关键词的用法
select distinct deptno from emp
select distinct deptno,job from emp

select * from emp where deptno=20
select * from emp where ename = 'KING'
select * from emp where sal<2000;
select * from emp where ename>'CBA';
select * from emp where deptno <> 10;
select * from emp where sal >=800 and sal <=1500;
select * from emp where sal between 800 and 1500
-----------------------------select * from emp where 800<=sal<=1500的用法。比如:求薪水是800或者1500或正2000的员工信息
select * from emp where sal=800 or sal=1500 or sal=2000
select * from emp where sal in(1500,800,2000,1500,1500,1500,1500);
select * from emp where ename in ('KING','SMITH','AA')
select * from emp where hiredate < '23-5月 -87';

--and or not的用法
select * from emp where sal>1000 and deptno=20
select * from emp where sal not in (800,1500,3000)
select * from emp where sal <>800 and sal <> 1500 and sal<>3000

select * from emp where ename like '%E%';
select * from emp where ename like '_A%';
select * from emp where ename like '%\%%' escape '\'

select * from emp where comm is null
select * from emp where comm is not null

--order by的用法
select * from emp order by ename asc;
select * from emp order by ename desc;
select * from emp order by deptno asc,ename desc

select lower(ename) from emp;
select upper(ename) from emp;
select * from emp where lower(ename) like '%a%'
select substr('hello',2,2) from dual;
select substr(ename,2,2) from emp;

select chr(65) from dual
select ascii('中')from dual
select round(12.456,2) from dual
select round(12.456,-1) from dual


--将当前日期转换成1981-03-12 12:00:00这种形式的字符串
select to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from dual;

--将1981-03-12 12:00:00字符串转换成日期
select to_date('1981-03-12 12:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from dual;

select to_char(sal,'$999,999,999.99') from emp;
select to_number('$8,000.00','$999,999,999.99') from dual;

select ename,sal*12+comm from emp

--group function组函数
select sum(sal),avg(sal),max(sal) ,min(sal) from emp;
select count(*) from emp;
select count(comm) from emp;


select count(distinct deptno) from emp
select deptno,max(sal) from emp where deptno is not null group by deptno
select deptno,job,max(sal),count(*) from emp group by deptno,job

--重要:出现在select列表中的字段,如果没有在组函数中,那么必须出现在group by 子句中。
select ename,deptno,job,max(sal),count(*) from emp group by deptno,job

select * from emp where sal=(select max(sal) from emp);
delete from emp where ename='TEST2'
update emp set deptno=10 where deptno=99
select * from dept
insert into dept (deptno,dname,loc) values('10','ACCOUNTING','NEW YORK');
select deptno,avg(sal) as avg_sal from emp group by deptno
having avg(sal) >2000
group by
order by
-- 执行顺序very important!
-- 首先执行where语句将原有记录过滤;
-- 第二执行group by 进行分组;
-- 第三执行having过滤分组;
-- 然后将select 中的字段值选出来;
-- 最后执行order by 进行排序;

select max(sal),avg(sal) from emp
where sal>1200
group by deptno
having avg(sal) >1500
order by avg(sal) desc

求最高薪水, 部门号,
select max(sal) ,deptno from emp where ename not like '_A%'group by deptno
having avg(sal) >1500
order by deptno desc

/* very very important! */
select ename, deptno from emp;
select deptno, dname from dept;
select ename,emp.deptno,dname,dept.deptno from emp,dept
where emp.deptno = dept.deptno

select ename,e.deptno,dname,d.deptno from emp e,dept d
where e.deptno = d.deptno

select * from salgrade
select ename,sal,grade,losal,hisal from emp,salgrade
where sal >=losal and sal <=hisal
select ename,dname,grade from emp,dept,salgrade
where emp.deptno = dept.deptno
and sal >=losal and sal <=hisal
and job ='PRESIDENT'


select e1.ename,e2.ename from emp e1,emp e2
where e1.mgr = e2.empno



select * from emp cross join dept
select * from emp join dept using (deptno)
select ename, dname from emp join dept using(deptno);
select ename, dname from emp join dept on emp.deptno = dept.deptno

select * from emp join salgrade on (sal >=losal and sal<= hisal)


select * from emp join dept on emp.deptno = dept.deptno
join salgrade on (sal >=losal and sal<= hisal)
where job = 'PRESIDENT'


--其中outer也可以省略,简写为left join , right join , full join
--left inner join可以缩写成inner join 也可以缩写成join,意思是左内。
--update emp set deptno=20 where ename='SMITH';
select * from emp;
select * from dept;
delete from dept where deptno=99;
select ename,emp.deptno from emp  join dept on emp.deptno = dept.deptno;
select ename,emp.deptno from emp  inner join dept on emp.deptno = dept.deptno;
--没有这种语法:select ename,emp.deptno from emp  left inner join dept on emp.deptno = dept.deptno;
select ename,dept.deptno from emp left /*outer*/ join dept on emp.deptno = dept.deptno;

select ename,dept.deptno from emp right /*outer*/ join dept on emp.deptno = dept.deptno;
--没有右内连接:select ename,dept.deptno from emp right inner join dept on emp.deptno = dept.deptno;

select ename,dept.deptno from emp full /*outer*/ join dept on emp.deptno = dept.deptno;



select ename from emp where sal=(select max(sal) from emp)

select ename,sal from emp where sal >(select avg(sal) from emp)

select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null order by mgr

select ename
  from emp
where empno in (select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null )
--where in 中不让写orderby
select ename
  from emp
where empno in (select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null order by mgr)


select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno
select * from (select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno) t join salgrade
on avg_sal between losal and hisal;


select deptno,max(sal) from emp where deptno is not null group by deptno

select ename from emp e join
(select deptno,max(sal) max_sal from emp where deptno is not null group by deptno ) t
on sal = max_sal and e.deptno = t.deptno

select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno

select * from emp join (select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno)t
on (sal>avg_sal and emp.deptno=t.deptno)
--  deptno  avg_grade
--  10      3.67
--  20      2.8
--  30      2.5
select deptno,sal,grade from emp join salgrade on sal between losal and hisal
select deptno,avg(grade) from (select deptno,sal,grade from emp join salgrade on sal between losal and hisal)t group by deptno

select rownum,emp.* from emp;
--oracle下rownum只能使用 < <=, 不能使用 = > >= 等比较操作符,
select rownum,emp.* from emp where rownum<5;
--当rownum和order by 一起使用时,会首先选出符合rownum条件的记录,然后再排序
select * from emp where rownum<5 order by sal desc

select * from
(select * from emp order by sal desc) t
where rownum<=5

select * from
(select sal from emp order by sal desc) t
where rownum=1

--2,然后再not in
select e2.sal from emp e1,emp e2 where e1.sal>e2.sal
select sal from emp where sal not in(select e2.sal from emp e1,emp e2 where e1.sal>e2.sal)

select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno
select max(avg_sal) from (1111111111111111111111111)
--3,最后再求第一步结果中avg_sal = 最高薪水的记录.

select deptno from (111111111111) where avg_sal = (22222222)

select deptno
  from (select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno)
where avg_sal =
       (select max(avg_sal)
          from (select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno))

select deptno from
(select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno order by avg(sal) desc)
where rownum<=1

--不能写成select deptno,max(avg(sal)) from emp group by deptno
select max(avg(sal)) from emp group by deptno
select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno
--3,最后再求第二步结果中(即每个部门的平均薪水),avg_sal = (第一步结果)的记录.即avg_sal =最高薪水的记录.
select deptno from (select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno)
where avg_sal =(select max(avg(sal)) from emp group by deptno)

select avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno
select max(avg(sal)) from emp group by deptno
--3,再使用having语句, avg(sal) = 第二步的结果

select deptno from emp group by deptno
having avg(sal) = (select max(avg(sal)) from emp group by deptno)

--2,得到部门编号列表,注意用group by deptno
--3,再应用having子句, having avg(sal) = (第一步的结果)

select dname from dept where deptno in

select deptno
  from (select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno)
where avg_sal =
       (select max(avg_sal)
          from (select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno))



select * from
(select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno) t
join salgrade on avg_sal between losal and hisal


select min(grade) from (1111111111111111111111111)

select deptno from (111111111111) where grade = (22222222222222)
select dname from dept where deptno in(33333333333)

select dname
  from dept
where deptno in
        select deptno
          from (select *
                   from (select deptno, avg(sal) avg_sal
                           from emp
                          group by deptno) t
                   join salgrade on avg_sal between losal and hisal)
         where grade =
               (select min(grade)
                  from (select *
                          from (select deptno, avg(sal) avg_sal
                                  from emp
                                 group by deptno) t
                          join salgrade on avg_sal between losal and hisal)))

--conn sys/bjsxt as sysdba
--grant create table, create view, create sequence to scott

create or replace view v1 as
select deptno, avg_sal, grade from
(select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno) t
join salgrade on avg_sal between losal and hisal

select * from v1


select dname from dept where deptno in
(select deptno from (v1) where grade = (select min(grade) from v1))

--为什么in的后面不能order by ?

--求部门经理人中平均薪水最低的部门名称 (思考题)
select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null
select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp where empno in (select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null)group by deptno
select min(avg(sal)) from emp where empno in (select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null)group by deptno
select deptno from (2222222222222) where avg_sal =(333333333333333333333333)

select dname from dept where deptno in (select deptno from (select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp where empno in (select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null)group by deptno) where avg_sal =(select min(avg(sal)) from emp where empno in (select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null)group by deptno))
create or replace view v1 as
select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null
select * from v1
select max(sal) from emp where empno not in (select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null)

select ename from emp where empno in (select * from v1)
and sal > (select max(sal) from emp where empno not in (select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null))


select ename from emp where empno in (select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null)
and sal > (select max(sal) from emp where empno not in (select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null))



select ename,sal  from emp where rownum<=5 order by sal desc
--4,先order by,再rownum
select * from
(select ename,sal  from emp  order by sal desc ) t
where rownum<=5

--这种没法实现,oracle下rownum只能使用 < <=, 不能使用 = > >= 等比较操作符

select * from
(select ename,sal  from emp  order by sal desc ) t
where rownum>=5
and rownum<=10

select * from
(select t.*,rownum r from
(select ename,sal  from emp  order by sal desc ) t
where r>=5
and r<=10

select * from
(select * from emp  order by sal desc)where rownum<=10
select * from
(select * from emp  order by sal desc)where rownum<=5
--练习: 求最后入职的5名员工



select ename,deptno,sal from emp order by deptno,sal desc
select ename,deptno,sal,rownum r from
(select ename,deptno,sal from emp order by deptno,sal desc) t
create or replace view v1
select ename,deptno,sal,rownum r from
(select ename,deptno,sal from emp order by deptno,sal desc) t
select * from v1

create or replace view v2 as
select deptno,min(r) min_r from v1 group by deptno

select ename from v1 join v2
on ( v1.deptno = v2.deptno and v1.r >=v2.min_r and v1.r<=v2.min_r+1)

--面试题: 比较效率
  select * from emp where deptno = 10 and ename like '%A%';
  select * from emp where ename like '%A%' and deptno = 10;

select * from emp where deptno=10
select * from emp where deptno=20;

select * from emp where deptno=10 or deptno=20

select * from emp where deptno in (10,20)
select * from emp where sal < 1500;
select * from emp where deptno in(10,20) and sal>=1500


scale      total
<800    0
801-1000 2
1001-2000 3
2001-5000 6
>5000    8

select '<800' as scale ,count(*) as total from emp where sal<800
select '<801-1000' as scale ,count(*) as total from emp where sal<=1000 and sal>=801

--注意:使用between .. and .. 的时候,包含了最大和最小值。
800-1000 1001-2000 2001-5000
2       3       6
select * from
(select count(*) as "800-1000" from emp where sal >=800 and sal <= 1000),
(select count(*) as "1001-2000" from emp where sal >=1001 and sal <= 2000),
(select count(*) as "2001-5000" from emp where sal >=2001 and sal <= 5000)

DEPTNO   800-2000  2001-5000
------ ---------- ----------
    30          5          1
    20          2          3
    10          1          2
select t.deptno,"800-2000","2001-5000" from
(select deptno,count(*) as "800-2000" from emp where sal between 800 and 2000 group by deptno) t
(select deptno,count(*) as "2001-5000" from emp where sal between 2001 and 5000 group by deptno) t1
on t.deptno = t1.deptno

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