2006-04-29 14:36:51
This section describes the message processing performed by a tab control. Messages specific to tab controls are discussed in other sections of this documentation.
Message | Processing performed |
Does nothing if the tab control released the mouse capture itself. If another window captured the mouse and a button is held down, the command releases the button. | |
Allocates and initializes an internal data structure. The control creates a ToolTip control if the TCS_TOOLTIPS style is specified. | |
Frees resources allocated during WM_CREATE processing. | |
Returns a combination of the DLGC_WANTARROWS and DLGC_WANTCHARS values. | |
Returns the handle to the font used for labels. | |
Processes direction keys and changes the selection, if appropriate. | |
Invalidates the tab that has the focus so it will be repainted to reflect an unfocused state. | |
Forwards the message to the ToolTip control, if any, and changes the selection if the user is clicking a tab. If the user is clicking a button, the control redraws the button to give a sunken appearance and captures the mouse. If the user is clicking either a tab or button and the TCS_FOCUSONBUTTONDOWN style is specified, the control sets the focus to itself. | |
Releases the mouse if a button was pressed. If the cursor is over the button and is being held down, the control changes the selection accordingly and redraws the button. | |
Forwards the message to the ToolTip control, if any. If the TCS_BUTTONS style is specified and the mouse button is being held down after clicking, the control may also redraw the affected button to give it a raised or sunken appearance. | |
Forwards notification messages sent by the ToolTip control. | |
Draws a border around the display area (unless the TCS_BUTTONS style is specified) and paints any tabs that intersect the invalid rectangle. For each tab, it draws the body of the tab (or sends a WM_DRAWITEM message to the parent window) and then draws a border around the tab. If the wParam parameter is non-NULL, the control assumes that the value is an HDC and paints using that device context. | |
Sends an | |
Invalidates the tab that has the focus so that it will be repainted to reflect a focused state. | |
Sets the font used for labels. | |
Sets the state of an internal flag that determines whether the control is repainted when items are inserted and deleted, when the font is changed, and so on. | |
Recalculates the positions of tabs and may invalidate part of the tab control to force repainting of some or all tabs. |
CS_CLASSDC标志,所有属于该类的窗口实例共享相同的DC(称为类DC).类DC有一些私有DC的优点,而更加节约内存(因为不需要为每个窗口实例都分配800字节的DC空间了)。每个窗口实例都通过GetDC或BeginPaintde得到设备上下文(DC)句柄,如果没有别的窗口需要该DC,不需要调用ReleaseDC或EndPaint释放DC。在一个窗口实例上通过GetWindowDC,GetDC,GetDCEx,BeginPaint获得 DC,并对其中的一些参数进行更改的话,所进行的更改除了剪切区域和设备本身属性(Device origin)之外对所有其他窗口实例都是有效的。和CS_OWNDC相同的是,必须确保影射模式也是MM_TEXT,否则,被系统擦除的背景将不再可见。为
注:这一段是我根据原文再加上自己的理解,不一定完全正确:) CS_PARENTDC带来的好处就一个字:速度。Win9x系统为每个线程预留了5个DC缓冲区,如果一个窗口(比如一个对话框)有多于5个的字窗口(比如有6个或以上的编辑框),而每个子窗口都有自己的DC的话,DC缓冲区就失去了效力,系统得为每个子窗口根据剪切边界和设备属性重新初始化一个DC,这多于5个的DC在DC缓冲里不停交换,不能确保在缓冲里被访问。而如果每个子窗口都和父窗口共享一个DC,在频繁访问该DC时,该DC在于DC 缓冲里被找到的几率显然相当的高,从而可以被高速的访问,显著的提高了速度,所以一般来说标准窗口控件都和父窗口共享DC。WinNT可以拥有多于5个的DC缓冲,所以它可能可以提供足够的DC缓冲 -- 但是不保证时时如此。使用
CS_PARENTDC的另一个效果是,子窗口可以在父窗口的客户区随意做画,就象画在自己的客户区一样. 负责表现Edit控件和ListBox控件周围的3D效果的CTL3D库就是利用了这个特性。注意如果程序需要改变各子窗口的影射模式,那么最好不要用CS_PARENTDC标志,否则将很容易引起各子窗口影射模式的混乱,因为所有的子窗口都使用同一个DC。
win9x的兼容考虑,win32程序最好把 DC的使用限制在5个以下,并且尽可能快的释放DC.如果要忽略类创建时由标志位决定的窗口的默认