分类: 系统运维
2012-02-05 00:33:54
我需要在Solaris 安装Windows Server上USB接口的HP LaserJet P2015打印机
linux 下有HPLIP,Solaris 下除了用Samba外还有没有其他方法?
因为公司有HP JetDirect打印服务器,所一尝试了下,但是好像行不通!
Solaris 10 本身已经支持许多型号的打印机,但是05/08版内尚未包含我要使用的这款打印机!
这里我下载:HP LaserJet P2015 printer 对应的文件:
//我下载的文件存放在/export/home/oracle 目录下
$ cd /export/home/oracle
$ ls
Desktop nocop.dmp oraInventory
# uncompress
# ls
Desktop Documents ncop.dmp oraInventory
# chmod 775
# ./
x - 2938.cfg [compressed]
x - installer [compressed]
x - net_lj2015 [compressed]
x - net_lj2015.1 [compressed]
These model script. files cannot be installed completely witho安装ut
the software package of HP JetDirect Printer Installer for UNIX
being installed first.
Please check our website
for more details on this software package.
安装程序提示必须首先安装HP JetDirect Printer Installer for UNIX
通过google 搜索找到!
HP JetDirect Printer Installer for UNIX version E.10.34.
Release Date: 2002-08-05 Version: E.10.34
Operating system(s): Solaris 2.6, Solaris 7, Solaris 8, Solaris 9
Download file size: 3.12M
# ls
Desktop SOLe134.PKG
Documents ncop.dmp oraInventory
# pkgadd -d SOLe134.PKG
The following packages are available:
1 HPNPL JetDirect Printer Installer for Unix
(sparc) E.10.34
Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: all
JetDirect Printer Installer for Unix(sparc) E.10.34
(c)Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1991, 1992, 1993. All Rights Reserved.
(c)Copyright 1983 Regents of the University of California
(c)Copyright 1988, 1989 by Carnegie Mellon University
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. ** is subject to
restrictions as set forth in sub-paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in
Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DFARS 252.227-7013.
Hewlett-Packard Company
3000 Hanover Street
Palo Alto, CA 94304 U.S.A.
Where should HPNPL be installed?
HPNPL will be installed in /opt/hpnpl.
Install BOOTP subsystem? (default=y) [y,n,?,q] y
Please configure the sub-packages you would like to install.
0. Done altering installation configuration
1. [ On ] HPNPF
2. [ Off ] CONVERT(from hpnp to hpnpl)
?. Help
Select a number to toggle an installation option.
When done select 0. Select ? for help information: 1
Please configure the sub-packages you would like to install.
0. Done altering installation configuration
1. [ Off ] HPNPF
2. [ Off ] CONVERT(from hpnp to hpnpl)
?. Help
Select a number to toggle an installation option.
When done select 0. Select ? for help information: ?
HPNPF ...... Enables network printing and administration from this host.
CONVERT .... Converts JetAdmin created queues to JPIU
(i.e from /opt/hpnp to /opt/hpnpl). You can also convert
JetAdmin created queues, after installing the JPIU software
by executing "transferqueue local". For more information
see man page of transferqueue.
Please configure the sub-packages you would like to install.
0. Done altering installation configuration
1. [ Off ] HPNPF
2. [ Off ] CONVERT(from hpnp to hpnpl)
?. Help
Select a number to toggle an installation option.
When done select 0. Select ? for help information: 1
Please configure the sub-packages you would like to install.
0. Done altering installation configuration
1. [ On ] HPNPF
2. [ Off ] CONVERT(from hpnp to hpnpl)
?. Help
Select a number to toggle an installation option.
When done select 0. Select ? for help information: 2
Please configure the sub-packages you would like to install.
0. Done altering installation configuration
1. [ On ] HPNPF
2. [ On ] CONVERT(from hpnp to hpnpl)
?. Help
Select a number to toggle an installation option.
When done select 0. Select ? for help information: 0
## 正在处理软件包信息.
## 正在处理系统信息.
## 检查磁盘空间需求
## 检查同已经安装的软件包之间的冲突.
/usr <只改动属性>
/usr/bin <只改动属性>
你是否要安装这些有冲突的文件 [y,n,?,q] y
## 检查setuid/setgid程序。
安装JetDirect Printer Installer for Unix成为
## 执行预安装正文
##正在安装1部分- 1.
[ 确认类别
[ 确认类别
[ 确认类别
## 执行预安装正文
Installing /etc/bootptab
Note : The file /etc/bootptab will not get deleted when Uninstalling
JPIU Software.
The bootps entry:
bootps dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/bootpd bootpd
has been added to /etc/inetd.conf.
Signalled inetd to re-read /etc/inetd.conf.
Updating Software Database.
NOTE: You may wish to add /opt/hpnpl/man to MANPATH in
/etc/profile, etc.
NOTE: You may wish to add /opt/hpnpl/bin to PATH in
/etc/profile, etc.
NOTE: You may wish to add /opt/hpnpl/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH in
/etc/profile, etc.
Converting model scripts in /etc/lp/interfaces from /opt/hpnp to
/opt/hpnpl. Old model scripts will be saved in /tmp.
# ls
Desktop SOLe134.PKG
Documents ncop.dmp oraInventory
# ./
x - 2938.cfg [compressed]
x - installer [compressed]
x - net_lj2015 [compressed]
x - net_lj2015.1 [compressed]
cp:不能创建 /etc/lp/model/hpnpl/net_lj2015: 无此文件或目录
chmod: 警告: 不能访问 /etc/lp/model/hpnpl/net_lj2015
chown: /etc/lp/model/hpnpl/net_lj2015: 无此文件或目录
# cd /etc/lp
# ls
alerts fd interfaces ppd pwheels
classes forms logs printers
的确没有目录 model/hpnpl
# mkdir model
# cd model
# mkdir hpnpl
# cd /export/home/oracle
# ls
Desktop SOLe134.PKG
Documents ncop.dmp oraInventory
# ./
x - 2938.cfg [compressed]
x - installer [compressed]
x - net_lj2015 [compressed]
x - net_lj2015.1 [compressed]
The installation is now complete!
[ 本帖最后由 云杉上的蝴蝶 于 2008-8-2 04:56 编辑 ]