1 What is the purpose of the following?
2 What is the difference between SFLCLR and SFLINZ?
SFLCLR : 清除subfile 记录.
SFLINZ : 清除subfile 记录, 同时初始化记录零或空格.
3 键字 SFLRNA ?
4. What is the purpose of SFLNXTCHG keyword in a subfile?
subfile record format keyword. Whenever a record is changed on display file. An MDT is set ON If you perform readc on the subfile, the internal indicator MDT (modified data tag) is automatically set off by the system. If you again perform read on the same records, records won't be read. Because internal indicator MDT would be off. Hence you should be explicitly set on the MDT by SFLNXTCHG keyword.
5. What are necessary keywords to code message subfile?
6. What is the purpose of FRCDTA (Force Data) keyword?
Use this record-level keyword to immediately display a record format, without waiting for the next input or output/input operation.
7. What is the purpose of SFLFOLD and SFLDROP and how to know mode?
SFLFOLD: To fold the second line of multiple line subfile.
SFLDROP: To drop the second line of multiple line subfile.
SFLMOD: to know fold or drop mode
8. What is the function of DSPATR (display attributes) keyword?
Use this field level keyword in display file to specify one or more display attributes for the field
BL Blinking field
HI High Intensity
RI Reverse Image
CS Column separator
ND Non Display
PC Position cursor
UL Underline
For Input-Capable Fields Only
PR Protect contents of field from input keying
MDT Set modified data tag when displayed
OID Operator identification
SP Select by light pen
9. What is the purpose of PUTOVR (Put with explicit override) keyword?
Use this record-level keyword to permit the override of either display file attributes or data contents of specific fields within a record displayed on the work station device.
10. What is the purpose of OVRDTA (Override Data) keyword?
Use this field level keyword with PUTOVR keyword to override the existing the data contents of a field already on the display.or override the display attributes of fields
11. If DSPATR(PC) and CSRLOC were specified for a format, which keyword would have priority?
CSRLOC gains priority.
12. Can error messages as a result of a COMP, RANGE or VALUES keyword be overridden?
Yes, through CHKMSGID keyword.
13. How can a message from a message file appear as a constant on the screen?
By using MSGCON (message constant) keyword.
14. What is the purpose of the INDARA keyword?
This File-level keyword is used to remove option and response indicators from the buffer and places them in 99-byte separate indicator area.
15. Explain the purpose of KEEP and ASSUME keywords?
KEEP: Keep the display from being deleted when the display file is closed.
ASSUME: It is used to specify that the OS/400 program is to assume that this record is already shown on the display when this file is opened.
16. Explain the use of DFTWRT display keyword?
No records will be displayed until there is any I/O operation.
17. What keyword must be used with PROTECT keyword?
18. Can more than one subfile record be displayed on one line?
Yes, by using SFLLIN keyword.
19. How will you display a particular page in subfile?
Move a valid relative record number (RRN) in the field specified using SFLRCDNBR keyword in DDS.
20. What is the use of SFLEND keyword?
By specifying this keyword, the Bottom/More message could be displayed at end of screen.
21 Can a single screen format occupy a screen area above and below a subfile format ?
Not possible.
22 Difference between SFLRCDNBR and SFLNXTCHG
SFLRCDNBR will give the RRN of the First record displayed on the screen at a given time.
Whenever a record is changed on display file. An MDT is set ON. If an indicator is associated with SLFNXTCHG and it is SETON then READC will read only the changed record. And if the indicator is not associated and it is seton it READC reads all the records from sub-file
23 Can you display a empty subfile?
Yes by using the keyword SFLINZ and SFLRNA.
24 How you will find an error which is not in the first page of the subfile without using ROLLDOWN key?
By using keyword SFLRCDNBR.
25 What is SFLROLVAL?
By using this keyword you can tell system to roll on of records when the user presses ROLLDOWN key (For this you define a hidden of 4 byte).
26 Maximum number of Records in Display File? 1024
27 Maximum of subfiles that can Defined in a RPG program for one display file is 24
28 Maximum number of subfiles that can be active for a single file is? 12
29 SFL and SFLCTL ?
There are the two mandatory key words for subfile program /design. While SFL is used to define Subfile record format while SFLCTL is used to define Subfile Control Record format. And this two are the different parts of sub-file.
30 Required key words for subfile.
SFL, SFLCTL, SFLDSP, SFLSIZ, SFLPAG are the mandatory key words. SFLDSPCTL, SFLCLR, SFLINZ, SFLEND are the optional key words used in subfile.
31 What are the three types of sub file
Load All - In which all the records from the Physical file or at max. 9999 records are written to subfile. Here sub file size should 9999 or the number of records form PF which ever is less. In this case PAGEUP AND PAGEDOWN is taken care by system. SFLPAG should be less than SFLSIZ
Single Page/non-elastic – In this case sub file size (SFLSIZ) must be equal to sub file page (SFLPAG). For example, if SFLSIZ = 10 and SFLPAG = 10, then 10 records from file are written to subfile. In this case PAG
Expandable/elastic/growing – In this case SFLSIZ should be grater at least by 1 than SFLPAG.(this is applicable to Load all type also). For example, SFLSIZ = 10 and SFLPAG=9, then 10 records from written the sub file from physical file but only 9 are displayed on screen.
SFLCSRRRN will give the RRN of the record where the cursor is positioned.
SFLRCDNBR will give the RRN of the First record displayed on the screen at a given time.
33 In case of Load all sub-file, if we type options and then PGDN,PGUP , will options be there on the display / in subfile.
Yes. It will retain all the options entered in the previous page.
34 If we type some options on screen out of which some are invalid and pressed enter, what should happen?
It should process all the valid options before invalid options encounter. Once invalid options is encountered program should stop processing and display error message at the bottom of the scrreen.
35 How will you achieve POSITION TO in Load all subfile?
While loading subfile move RRN, KEYVALUE in to a two dimensional array. When a key value is entered into POSITION TO field, having a LOOKUP into a array we can get a corresponding RRN. Assigning RRN value to SFLRCDNBR and then displaying the sub-file.
36 How To get the cursor position?
With the help of RTNCSRLOC keyword, here we need to define a field to get row and column. Length of variable should be 5,0 fixed We can specify *FILED for filed *REC for Record on which a key is pressed.
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