apple 苹果 orange 柳橙 banana 香蕉 pear 梨子 starfruit 杨桃 bellfruit 莲雾 kiwi 奇异果 pineapple 菠萝 watermelon 西瓜
#!/bin/bash awk '{ English[++n]=$1 Chinese[n]=$2 } function question(){ ind=int(rand()*n)+1 system("clear") print " Press \"ctrl-c\" to exit" printf("\n%s ", Chinese[ind] " 的英文单词是: ") } END{ while (1){ srand() question() getline input < "-" if (input!=English[ind]){ print "Try again!Press Enter to Continue --- " getline < "-"} else {print "\nYou are right !! Press Enter to Continue --- " getline < "-"} } }' $1
执行:./mysh fruit.data
Press "ctrl-c" to exit
柳橙 的英文单词是:
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