在外企做服务器开发, 目前是项目经理, 管理两个server开发的项目。不做嵌入式好久了。
2008-05-15 00:55:43
bob_zhang20042008-06-24 21:48:48
Generally speaking ,for a common program , when a program is executed ,the kernel will allocate a segment of virtual address. When kernel will access one virtual address , kernel will occur page fault to allocate page frame in SDRAM to map this virtual address. Through reading the AXFS source code , I found that for AXFS, when creating axfs root fs image ,if we set some pages(in fact ,they are blocks , 4096 byte size) to be XIP . when a program is executed, kernel will execute axfs_mma
bob_zhang20042008-06-17 23:48:10
Following is what I have known about AXFS implement .If I am not right, please Jared Hulbert cto correct what I have said. Honestly speaking , AXFS orgnization is pure complex , and no any valuable document to help to understand the source code . if you want to make clear what happned ,it is not easy . I have spent over 2 days to read the mkfs.axfs.c , this is what I have known . --- For axfs super block ,the best valuable infomation is some offset of regions , axfs image has many
bob_zhang20042008-06-17 23:47:36
Today I carefully read the mkfs.axfs.c , I finally make clear about the axfs is how to organize the structure ,including the spec of super ,and the content of region , and how to store the file content in different region are . Jared Hulber is a great programmer , this is a very complex thing . I am ready for writing a document about I have known for more newbies for axfs. ---- In fact , yesterday , I asked a stupid question to Jared Hulbert , the information from /proc/axfs/volume0
bob_zhang20042008-06-08 09:40:24
呵呵 ,经过了一个月, 目前 ,已经可以在2.4上运行起来了, 当然仅限于 comparessed的 , XIP还正在调试。 目前是可以把 axfs 文件系统作为根文件系统挂起来 , 可以进shell , 执行一些基本的命令。 目前整个文件系统只有一个程序 加了 -t 标志, 也就是xip , 目前运行还有点问题, 正在调试。