/* * 我也遵循GPL协议 * A simple single list implementation. * * Copyright (C) 2007 Bob Zhang * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /* =================================================================================== * 简单的实现一个单链表的功能 * * CopyRight reserved by BobZhang bob.zhang2004@gmail.com bobzhang@mxic.com.cn * * 功能: * 模拟struct list_head 的函数格式重新实现自己的单链表操作,全部重新实现 * 倒置list , 比如 header -> a -> b -> c 执行convert函数后 变成 header->c->b->a * * 注意: * 此库模仿struct list_head的实现(include/linux/list.h ), * 但仅仅是函数名称和一些宏, 名称相同,实现并不相同 * ==================================================================================*/
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h>
typedef struct node_t { void *data_p; //可以兼容所有的数据类型
struct node_t *next; }node_t;
typedef struct list_t { node_t *header; // int size; //元素个数
#define INIT_NODE(node,ptr) do { node->data_p = ptr; node->next = NULL; } while(0)
#define DECLARE_NODE(name,ptr) \ node_t *name = (node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));\ name->data_p = ptr; \ name->next = NULL; \
#define DECLARE_LIST(list_name) \ list_t *list_name = (list_t *)malloc(sizeof(list_t)); \ INIT_LIST_HEAD(list_name); \ int INIT_LIST_HEAD(list_t *p); int __list_add(node_t *new,node_t *prev,node_t *next); //中间插入一个新的节点
int list_add(node_t *new,node_t *head); //加在header的后面
int list_add_tail(node_t *new, node_t *head); //加在尾巴上
int __list_del(node_t *entry,node_t *prev,node_t *next);//删除单链表上的任意一个节点,当然要有这个节点指针
int list_del(node_t *entry,list_t *slist); //从单项链表中删除某个节点
int list_del_head(list_t *slist); //删除header后面的节点
int convert(list_t *list); //倒置list , 比如 header -> a -> b -> c 执行convert函数后 变成 header->c->b->a
int free_list(list_t *slist); //释放链表
int INIT_LIST_HEAD(list_t *p) { p->header = (node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t)); p->header->next = NULL; return 0; }
int __list_add(node_t *new,node_t *prev,node_t *next) //中间插入一个新的节点
{ new->next = next; prev->next = new; return 0; }
int list_add(node_t *new,node_t *head) { __list_add(new,head,head->next); return 0; }
int list_add_tail(node_t *new, node_t *head) { node_t *rear = NULL; node_t *tmp = NULL; //遍历到list的尾部
rear = head; tmp = head->next; while(tmp) { rear = tmp; tmp = tmp->next; } //到尾了rear 就是最后一个节点,rear->next=NULL
__list_add(new,rear,rear->next); return 0; }
int __list_del(node_t *entry,node_t *prev,node_t *next) { //三个参数的关系 prev->entry->next
prev->next = next; entry->next = NULL; entry->data_p = NULL; free(entry); return 0; }
//肯定要遍历查找这个节点的前驱节点, 只需更改前驱节点的next指针即可
int list_del(node_t *entry,list_t *slist) { //先遍历一次找到他的前驱,因为slist没有prev指针
node_t *header = slist->header; node_t * prev = NULL; node_t *this_entry = NULL; prev = header->next; if(prev) this_entry = prev->next; else { printf("list emtpry \n"); return -1; } while(this_entry) { if(this_entry == entry) //找到了,比较指针
break; prev = this_entry; this_entry = this_entry->next; } if(!this_entry) //最终没有找到
{ printf("no this node ,please check \n"); return -1; } __list_del(entry,prev,entry->next); //prev -> entry -> entry->next
return 0; }
int list_del_head(list_t *slist) { int ret = 0; ret = __list_del(slist->header->next,slist->header,slist->header->next->next); return ret; }
//倒置list , 比如 header -> a -> b -> c 执行convert函数后 变成 header->c->b->a
int convert(list_t *list) { node_t *tmp = NULL; node_t *new_header = NULL; new_header = (node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t)); tmp = list->header->next; if(!tmp) { printf("list empty \n"); return -1; } //遍历链表
while(tmp) { node_t *next_node = tmp->next; //因为tmp在下行操作后 tmp->next 就等于NULL了,所以这里要记住tmp->next
list_add(tmp,new_header); tmp = next_node; } free(list->header); //释放之前的header
list->header = new_header; //原来的链表的header更新一下,是现在新的头
return 0; }
int free_list(list_t *slist) { node_t *header = slist->header; while(header->next) { __list_del(header->next,header,header->next->next); } slist->header = NULL; return 0; }
int main(void) { node_t *p = NULL; DECLARE_LIST(list); DECLARE_NODE(p1,"zhanglinbao"); DECLARE_NODE(p2,"1234567890"); DECLARE_NODE(p3,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMN");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
//下面的这些代码都用上面的4个宏来实现了, 看起来简练一些
// list_t *list = (list_t *)malloc(sizeof(list_t));
// node_t *p1 = (node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));
// node_t *p2 = (node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));
// node_t *p3 = (node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));
// INIT_LIST_HEAD(list);
// INIT_NODE(p1,"zhanglinbao");
// INIT_NODE(p2,"1234567890");
list_add_tail(p1,list->header); list_add_tail(p2,list->header); list_add_tail(p3,list->header); p = list->header->next; while(p) { printf("%s\n",(char *)(p->data_p)); p=p->next; }
printf("\n\n"); printf("I want to delete the node whose name is %s\n",(char*)(p2->data_p)); list_del(p2,list); //删除一个节点
p = list->header->next; while(p) { printf("%s\n",(char *)(p->data_p)); p=p->next; }
convert(list); printf("\n\nI have converted ok \n"); p = list->header->next; while(p) { printf("%s\n",(char *)(p->data_p)); p=p->next; } free_list(list); return 0; }