Barry Kauler has announced the release of
Linux "Wary" edition, a distribution for older hardware. Despite the
name, this is NOT an Ubuntu-based distribution, but an independently
developed distro with support for installing packages from Ubuntu
repositories. From the
release announcement: "
Linux 'Wary' is a parallel development to our other flagship Puppy,
Luci Puppy, but with a different target market - older hardware. Puppies
built with recent Linux kernel and X.Org may not work properly on older
computers. In particular, some analog dial-up modem drivers cannot be
compiled with recent kernels. Another major area is old video hardware
not working with latest X.Org drivers. Wary is built with an old kernel
(currently and X.Org 7.3 so as to provide better drivers for
the older hardware. However, Wary is in all other respects at the
leading-edge like the other puppies, with recent applications, and
support for all modern peripherals." : (124MB, ).
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